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Everything posted by Factor

  1. What is your sender score now? is it better?
  2. I think you don't need the domain registrars MX records in the mix. I removed the various IPs. I would get rid of the 123 ones. So its not confused. They are ranked but by Priority. https://intodns.com/ shows them there. Duplicate MX A records OK. You have some duplicate MX records (MX records with the same IPs). This is not that good but if you know what you are doing than it's ok. MX Records Your MX records that were reported by your nameservers are:20 mx1.123-reg.co.uk 1 chippysworkshop-co-uk.mail.protection.outlook.com 10 mx0.123-reg.co.uk [These are all the MX records that I found. If there are some non common MX records at your nameservers you should see them below. ] Your reverse (PTR) record:..in-addr.arpa -> mx1.123-reg.co.uk..in-addr.arpa -> mail-db5eur010036.inbound.protection.outlook.com..in-addr.arpa -> mailex.mailcore.me..in-addr.arpa -> mx1.123-reg.co.uk.in-addr.arpa -> mx1.123-reg.co.uk.in-addr.arpa -> mx1.123-reg.co.uk.in-addr.arpa -> mail-he1eur010036.inbound.protection.outlook.com.in-addr.arpa -> mx1.123-reg.co.uk My vendor has a template for Office 365 looks like this. Make sure you add these and not delete the WWW ones
  3. So they unblocked you? Already did the server guy fix the reverse mail and the dmarc as well
  4. Hahahahaha I love this. Thanks again Markus you all are great.
  5. Yep. I some how felt it would come to this. In this day and age php mail really shouldn’t be an option. MS will hopefully delist your IP within 48 hrs. @dynambee the Japan/Tennessee connection tag team is real... great work all around. Its great to think a guy in Tennessee, a guy in Japan can help a guy in England (assumed).
  6. yeah looks like it https://github.com/thirtybees/elasticsearch/issues/60 maybe take out some searchable items like above. this to? https://github.com/thirtybees/elasticsearch/issues/62#issuecomment-467309492
  7. this? https://github.com/thirtybees/elasticsearch/issues/56#issuecomment-424992260
  8. Sounds like you did it correctly. Not sure I don't have a test box to play on currently.
  9. look what I found https://docs.thirtybees.com/native-modules/elastic-search/
  10. In ssh term with this you get? curl -X GET "localhost:9200/" journalctl -u elasticsearch anything cool
  11. The doc I read side it could take up to 5 to 10 seconds for it to Start up fully.
  12. All: I wanted to put this here for those they might be a bit more "Visual" like me. I am not affiliated with, own or maintain Prestools. That is @musicmaster I have spoken to him and he has allowed me to post the guide. I hope you all find it useful. If you find error or issue please feel free to correct or update the document. It is only how to Install not use the software. Prestools install guide.docx
      • 2
      • Thanks
  13. Now we are geeking out good.. While you are checking the stuff music man suggested You might glean info here https://www.server-world.info/en/note?os=CentOS_7&p=elasticstack&f=1 Also did you tune MariaDB config? Like with Mysqltuner? If you have MariaDB tuned you site can really fly. Since you have tons of memory. Is your server managed or unmanaged. In cPanel are you using the default EA Prefork setup? Or did you convert it to MPM event?
  14. All: First let me say thanks and give you kudos for all the hard work. Sometimes it might be hard as a user to be patient. Its sometime hard to realize this is a Volunteer project. I for one am thankful you all care about the software and the users. Keep up the good work and if I can help you I will be glad too. Now to my very vague and unassuming question/s. When I read Markus' post I picked up on something that leads me to the question. I might be reading between the lines to much so that is a caveat. I know that eventually the 2 projects will diverge and Thirty Bees will be it "own thing" and the other guys will be its own thing. I assume that is the goal to be a better and different piece of software. So where on that road does that put us related to compatibility. In simple terms when I upgrade to TB version X in the future will that compatability be gone? Now I know you might not know this now. I ask because mostly I dont see alot of work in the area of Modules or Themes outside older PS ones and 3rd parties (not complaining just stating what I see). I assume it's because it more important to build a better core which I totally agree. Let me do simple again. Is the hope for other 3rd parties to just adopt TB as another Platform to Dev on? I think maybe I am just interested in the overall general direction and roadmap. Maybe that is out there somewhere and I missed it. Again since emotion is hard to convey in a post. I say this all happy and with a smile on my face. True interest in my heart. Thanks...
  15. General recommendation. I might be helpful if we knew more about your setup. OS Ram Cpu Cpanel, Plesk, no panel etc PHP version stuff like that. then we can look for more exact info of recommendations. I haven't installed ES myself but willing to help look for info that might then be a guide for all.
  16. You could take a table back up and try a rebuild. https://www.templatemonster.com/help/prestashop-1-6-x-how-to-rebuild-search-index.html
  17. https://docs.thirtybees.com/native-modules/elastic-search/ maybe be you need ES.
  18. Looks like there are issues and fixes. Might look through this post https://github.com/PrestaShop/PrestaShop/issues/10530 https://github.com/PrestaShop/PrestaShop/issues/10884 just quick google finds folks with a tenth of your size with issues.
  19. Factor

    Vertical Menu

    Stop that. Questions are good... other than reading it’s how we learn. IMHO keep it coming..
  20. Glad I could help.
  21. If I set my out of range behavior to Disable carrier it doesn't show. Free Shipping When you get to the cart it just shows. for guest or visitors it just shows nothing
  22. Oh wow. I can confirm this on my install as well. It appears to be related to Out of range Behavior. Set to Apply cost of Highest defined range Free shipping Set to disable carrier Seems to work for me. What is your Out of range behavior set to?
  23. Factor

    Order Status

    glad it helped..
  24. Factor

    Order Status

    Yeah well good on the order... Yeah unless they have a checkbox at the beginning on the Order Status page you can't delete them. You could hide them and make sure the send email is unchecked.
  25. All: Sorry for digging up old bones... First I totally agree the entire order should be updateable from the backend. I should be able to change the entire thing if needed. Is this getting added to Core? The module @Baarssen linked to I think is now https://globosoftware.net/product/prestashop-order-management-module-edit-order/ Do we know if it still works? @Occam I don't quite follow your tutorial here. I have prestools installed and the prestool module. I don't have this full path /themes/default/template/controllers/orders/helpers/view/view.tpl is this really /shop folder/admin/themes/default/template/controllers/orders/helpers/view/view.tpl ? Also is /override/controllers/admin/templates/ (I had to create) orders/helpers/view/ folders. Correct? So then I copy view.tpl into /override/controllers/admin/templates/orders/helpers/view/ Correct? The I open the file view.tpl and do control F (find) for the text string "Add here after" Which is not in the file. So I am lost. I think something is missing from the Post. Thanks Again
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