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Everything posted by Factor

  1. Sure no worries. You might want rebuild the htaccess file as well.
  2. Do you have autossl turned on in cpanel? Your domain has to have a ssl cert attached to the domain in cPanel as well.
  3. Factor

    Add Custom Pages

    All: I looked around and can't find anything. I want to add pages to the site. I found the cms part. I can create a page there. How can I transplant modules on to this new page. Do I need to put it on SEO and urls as well? Example I want to duplicate the Manufacturers page and only show some items they sell. How best to do this?
  4. true so true..
  5. this is what i was look at to.. opensrs is still cheaper. but fastmail is competitive once you get that high. They have push https://fastmail.blog/2015/07/17/push-email-now-available-in-ios-mail/ I am sure you asked opensrs if they have push? maybe its just not advertised.
  6. Factor


    There is also FraudRecord. https://www.fraudrecord.com/ They are totally free no cost. They started out helping the Hosting industry. It has application in E Commerce as well. Their API is here https://www.fraudrecord.com/developers/ Again I am willing to help. Anything to stop fraud and spammers...
  7. All: Wasn't sure where to put this. Not sure why this is not a module or just not built in the system. I couldn't even find it in PS or the the PS market. Maxmind has a great fraud prevention service. https://www.maxmind.com/en/solutions/minfraud-services With a full API https://dev.maxmind.com/minfraud/ I have it on my other platform. It's totally required (in today's age) and the module is free there. I wish I was a coder or I would help write it. If you want help with the workflow of how it should go I can for sure help with Workflow.
  8. MaxMind minFraud is great and cheap. I still find it interesting no one has created a module for this I will find the api and post it all. I saw fraudlabs pro which is good but very expensive. There is also fraud record as well which is free.
  9. Donate here: https://www.patreon.com/thirtybees
  10. Well Tucows (opensrs) has been around forever. I couldn't find and bad reviews except one from 2012. The don't really cover their prices to well. Looks like that is reseller pricing. https://help.opensrs.com/hc/en-us/articles/203244273-How-is-OpenSRS-Email-Service-Billed- storage https://help.opensrs.com/hc/en-us/articles/203244293-How-much-storage-is-included-with-OpenSRS-Email- Maybe just open and account and test them out. Since its so cheap. I use Fastmail or my personal mail. They are really great. The have business side as well https://www.fastmail.com/forbusiness/ You might look at Rackspace to https://www.rackspace.com/email-hosting/webmail
  11. All: I wanted to put this here for others. It's a good general guide to email and blocklists. If you are using saas, cloud, or managed hosting you shouldn't need this guide. If you have your own server unmanaged using cpanel, plesk or others you might find it useful. As always it's a living document. Feel free to correct or add to it. Hope it helps. Blacklist Email Guide.docx
      • 1
      • Thanks
  12. For cPanel users. Urgent CVE fix update today. https://news.cpanel.com/urgent-updates-for-70-76-and-78-and-exim-cve-2019-10149/?utm_source=emma&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=exim-cve-2019-10149
  13. Have you check to see if you are on a Blacklist? Are you hosted or self managed? "Connection refused" or "Connection timed out" These are firewall issues. Most likely, your webhost is blocking access to the MailChimp API servers. To fix it, you should ask your webhost for the following URL to be whitelisted: https://*.api.mailchimp.com 403 "Forbidden" or 503 "Service Unavailable" This means that the IP address that your hosting provider uses for outbound cURL connections made by PHP is blacklisted by the Akamai firewall (because of poor reputation). Akamai is the firewall MailChimp and many other major websites use to protect their servers, which is why this is somewhat harder to fix. Note that many hosting providers use shared IP addresses, meaning that your website IP is shared with a number of their users. It's possible that another client of your hosting provider did something to get the IP blacklisted, completely out of your control. When this happens, we recommend you to change your hosting IP address because having a bad reputation at Akamai does not just affect the MailChimp API.
  14. https://twitter.com/MailChimpStatus Looks like they have been having issues. Maybe TBs trying to connect and or send to MC created issues. Seems like other would report issues though. Looks like its all up now. try it and see what happens..
  15. Try with 1 at the not 2
  16. Do you need to send these files in every single email you ever send. I you need to send the at least once to every customer? then is every customer who gets and invoice?
  17. Honestly maybe you should see if @lesley or @Traumflug has any pointers. And what versions are best and all.
  18. on the cpanel server can we check this... might be worth a shot. In WHM, search for "cPanel Web Services Configuration" located under "Service Configuration". Mine is SSLv23:!SSLv2:!SSLv3:!TLSv1:!TLSv1_1 default is SSLv23:!SSLv2:!SSLv3 You'll want to add :!TLSv1_1 at the end of the protocol string. This forces it to use newer version. Ideally you'll want to test this on a development server 1st, as it may break your SSL/payment processing if the server is not up to date and cannot use the newer version. There is fallbacks, but it's always best to test 1st! While you are here as well, you can harden your ciphers. Great tutorial on this can be found here:https://hynek.me/articles/hardening-your-web-servers-ssl-ciphers/ cPanel Official Documentation:https://documentation.cpanel.net/display/CKB/How+to+Adjust+Cipher+Protocols
  19. Yeah I just have my email setup on my Hosted VPS. I use Mailscanner for filtering. I use Cpanel so the Way to the web service is great. https://www.configserver.com/cp/msfe.html
  20. ok in the backend below the settings section. TEST YOUR EMAIL CONFIGURATION put in some email that is yours. like a personal one test it. what happens?
  21. You want me to register on you site and see if I get an email..
  22. Blacklist seem to be gone now... OK Sender Score Reputation Network Try it..
  23. awesome Duplicate MX A records OK. I have not found duplicate IP(s) for your MX records. This is a good thing. Reverse MX A records (PTR) Your reverse (PTR) record:.in-addr.arpa -> mail-db5eur010036.inbound.protection.outlook.com.in-addr.arpa -> mail-ve1eur010036.inbound.protection.outlook.com You have reverse (PTR) records for all your IPs, that is a good thing. WWW WWW A Record
  24. HAHA that is my domain... Dacus is the last name. its an example. You can move to Tennessee anytime Mate.. Currently not raining here...
  25. Still blacklisted did you go here and do this one to? https://www.senderscore.org/rtbl/
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