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Everything posted by dosbiner

  1. There is no limitation for carrier options, make sure you have enable/active the fourth carrier in Back Office > carrier Check the products, maybe you have manually select some carriers. If no carriers selected, by default all carriers available to the products.
  2. @doclucas thank you for fixing the issue ?
  3. I think you mean on checkout page? I've 15 shipping option and work fine. Do you use default theme?
  4. @hfxracing I've same problem with nginx, and then found solution from @mdekker post about insert some nginx configuration. I think its related to htaccess, can you post your htaccess here?
  5. @30knees I can confirm @wakabayashi post does the trick, thank you
  6. nope, just from cron task manager module
  7. for example I've tidy module https://codecanyon.net/item/prestashop-tidy/18965736 to delete old abandoned carts using cron daily. I can see the result my old abandoned carts deleted by cron
  8. I can see the output after my script execute by cron , so its working
  9. yes, my smtp service back to normal and now using mailgun. I've found pepipost.com the alternative for transactional email service besides mailgun. wow they have 30K free tier per month :smilingfacewithopenmouth:
  10. @doclucas its working, but time execution never updated so we not sure if crons working or not. New user will confuse about it as I can confirm this problem still exist.
  11. @lesley yes I already have a mailgun account and setting everything, but still wait DO to unblock smtp service
  12. I just share my experience with digital ocean. I recently move my server from aws amazon to digital ocean. all good except my smtp service stop working (I use zoho mail). I thought the problem is thirty bees because at the same time I upgrade to tb 1.0.6. but when I test using php mail service the email still not working. Just curious I try with prestashop but same result still not working. So I open support ticket to digital ocean and they reply: This explain why my email service stop working. I'm still waiting they unblock smtp service on my DO account.
  13. @pauld nice, will try it ?
  14. @doclucas thank you for fixing issue ? maybe you can directly make pull request here https://github.com/thirtybees/elasticsearch For cron, maybe would be perfect if auto index when new product added
  15. @30knees said in Order status: No email to customer, but email still being sent: Thanks, but unfortunately I wasn't able to figure it out. I'll post this as a job. hi, did you solve this? --- edited --- I just find this topic, will try this tips https://forum.thirtybees.com/topic/1382/disable-in_transit-email
  16. @doclucas that would be good information. I'm not familiar with git, but I think we can add here https://github.com/thirtybees/elasticsearch
  17. I've tried elastic search 6 and never work on my server, so I tried elastic search 5 and working good. I use php 7.2.8
  18. Yes this is a bug. You can update to 1.0.6 or fix yourself with this changes https://github.com/thirtybees/thirtybees/issues/550
  19. @foolab I'm sorry I mean uninstall unused modules will improve performance. delete unused modules just my habits to make modules page clean and clear ?
  20. @lutek said in Is thirty bees dead?: @doclucas said in Is thirty bees dead?: full page caching a great module for one server. https://codecanyon.net/item/express-cache-speed-up-your-prestshop, but now i need cache in redis (for better load balancer handle) after site updates. Do you know how to verify redis is running well on our site? I've redis cache on my server and have enable on performance setting, but never sure what is the difference before and after
  21. @lesley said in Can we use the PS way of profiling and error reporting with TB?: Of course you can. It looks like that came from one of my old tutorials. https://dh42.com/blog/discrete-prestashop-debugging/ Thank you, I really need this trick. so helpfull for debugging live site
  22. @wakabayashi use this: Do you benefit from thirty bees? [Please help support the project with a few dollars per month.](https://www.patreon.com/thirtybees) Only 24 supporters right now, I believe our community can do better! *edited
  23. @wakabayashi you forgot to insert url link in your signature ?
  24. @dynambee I'm copying from you ? small act to support thirtybees ?
  25. Interesting suggestion, never thought about that before. Thank you again, will do using module
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