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Everything posted by dosbiner

  1. Just delete the new one, and then rename community-theme-default-custom to community-theme-default
  2. the easy way is before upgrade just rename your theme folder to community-theme-default-custom and then do the upgrade. after finish upgrade, rename community-theme-default-custom to replace community-theme-default (the new one from upgrading proccess)
  3. @testtb4store yes, it will replace your old theme to new one. I use mild software to compares and merge my custom theme with new theme. maybe there is another method please share
  4. @datakick wow great design, clean and simple as always. the reverse flow that's interesting, I like this approach. Customer can get quick summary plus shipping price before they input full personal details. same as nickon I'm looking for OPC module, I need solid, fast, and simple OPC. will buy this module if works great. one question, is this module use default method to display shippings and payments? I'm having problem with other OPC module because they overrides default method. (I hope you understand what I mean) === edit === I think would be good to open new thread for this module :slightlysmilingface:
  5. Stats module and google analytics have different purpose. I think stats module doesn't take effect on front end performance (IMO)
  6. Looks normal here, I've tried mobile and desktop. To make sure try browsing from incognito mode. Edited: yes, after refresh the page I see 500 server error. Can you enable debug mode
  7. @the-rampage-rado I'm using full page cache and works fine with warehouse theme, this is my settings on performance page. Template compilation: Never recompile template files Cache: Yes Cahing type: File System Clear cache: Clear cache everytime something has been modified CCC: Enable All Server Side Caching: Enable Caching system: Redis Full Page Cache: Enable Controllers: bestsales, category, cms, contact, discount, index, manufacturer, newproducts, pagenotfound, pricesdrop, product, search, sitemap, supplier Set hook to Green: Block Cart: displayTop Block User Info: displayTop
  8. I think your debug mode still on, set it off, and try your store working properly or not
  9. @wyzrahman this mean UX and UI are important right?
  10. try manual delete graphvisifire module
  11. @the-rampage-rado oh I see, didn't know that. Will try it, thanks ?
  12. @the-rampage-rado what is benefit of using imagemagick?
  13. @the-rampage-rado agree, PHP 7.2 works great with TB, its blazzing fast
  14. you can change to each shop you've created, so each shop has it own settings. On back office > beside the thirtybees header logo there is text All Shops with dropdown icon, click it to change to different shop
  15. Great, happy selling ? *just in case price format doesn't show correctly. I just turn off auto format in my currency settings
  16. Exactly the tb multistore do like you said. Each shop can have different settings for theme, logo, modules, etc. Just try it, you will love this tb multistore ?
  17. There are complete documentation about this https://docs.thirtybees.com/installation Server Requirements AMP (Apache, Mysql, PHP) Requirements Apache Web Server 2.2x+ or nginx 1.8.0+ (IIS is not supported) Apache module settings: modrewrite enabled, modsecurity disabled, modauthbasic disabled. MySQL 5.5.3+ (excluding 8.x) or MariaDB 5.5+ Full UTF-8 support, so the utf8mb4 character set and utf8mb4unicodeci collation should be available Linux, Windows (discouraged) or OS X (discouraged) PHP Requirements PHP 5.5 ~ PHP 7.1 At least 128MB of RAM dedicated to PHP is advised. Certain features and functionality will require more ram to be allocated to the application. Consult your developer or hosting service for advice. Required Extensions These extensions for PHP are REQUIRED mysql (PDO only) xml (SimpleXML and DOMDocument) gd json bcmath zip (ZipArchive Recommended Extensions imap curl mbstring opcache soap apcu, redis or memcache(d) Recommended thirty bees php.ini settings The below settings in your php.ini file are strongly recommended: allowurlfopen = 1 allowurlinclude = 0 postmaxsize = 32M maxinputvars = 10000 uploadmaxfilesize = 16M expose_php = Off
  18. Wow nice, will upgrade as soon as posible. thank you tb team ?
  19. I think you need this module https://addons.prestashop.com/en/cross-selling-product-bundles/1015-advanced-pack-5-create-bundles-of-products.html Or just search in this category: https://addons.prestashop.com/en/505-cross-selling-product-bundles
  20. dosbiner


    Hi, to make sure check imap extension create file phpinfo.php put this script and access the file.
  21. @led24ee make sense, thanks ☺ I've this problem too, I will check my site tomorrow.
  22. I've tried a2 turbo last year, for shared hosting they are good. But for the best performance I prefer cloud hosting above shared hosting. Now I'm using digitalocean + runcloud (cloud server management).
  23. @traumflug great, I can confirm the updater works now ???
  24. Full backup store 1 Restore to new hosting for store 2 (edit settings.inc.php to change access information to the database) Disable multistore for store 1 Change default store 2 to store 2 (multistore configuration page) Disable multistore for store 2 *never tried this, I think its work, let me know if there any problem
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