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Everything posted by dosbiner

  1. thank you, this module works as @wakabayashi said :)
  2. @rubben1985 said in Question about Advanced Stock Management System: Something I always missed in ASM was to be able to see in what orders a product has been sold. You can see movements but no order is identified. Another thing is to reset the quantities of specific products. Sometimes ASM makes some mistakes and the different available quantities ("available", "real"...) are not correct. Being able to put to zero and add the actual stock, could be very helpful. I second that, really need this features. Another one is this bug https://github.com/thirtybees/thirtybees/issues/504
  3. nice, can I get one, I'm thirtybees patron :)
  4. @datakick thanks for the clarification :)
  5. Hi, I've upgraded to 1.0.7, and try to play around with cache. when enable Full Page Cache I get this error on category page, newproducts, bestseller, etc. ``` Warning: math: parameter nbItemsPerLine: is not numeric in /vendor/smarty/smarty/libs/plugins/function.math.php on line 68 Notice: Undefined index: totModulo in /cache/smarty/compile/2a/85/52/2a85522b01515162fcaa9a0c531e18c099c2fe50.file.product-list.tpl.php on line 147 Notice: Trying to get property 'value' of non-object in /cache/smarty/compile/2a/85/52/2a85522b01515162fcaa9a0c531e18c099c2fe50.file.product-list.tpl.php on line 147 ``` homepage and product page work fine. 1.0.6 no error when enable Full Page Cache. any clue what this errors means? I'm using warehouse theme
  6. dosbiner

    Hide phpinfo

    Refering to this https://pixert.com/blog/how-to-disable-phpinfo/ You can edit php.ini or .htaccess But I never tried it
  7. I'm sure its theme problem. The support answer was epic, blame native module which is works fine and suggest buying module that cost $230. The developer must find solution with their themes cc: @Jonny
  8. I use tidy module + cron to auto delete this zero carts (abandoned cart) from @Daresh https://codecanyon.net/item/prestashop-tidy/18965736
  9. You can enable this manualy, BO > administration > menu > add new menu Name: name it yourself Class: AdminDuplicateUrls
  10. @arek_karnia glad to hear that. Happy selling ?
  11. Nice... Good news? I will consider to buy transformer or/and panda theme for my second store ?
  12. Its has been fixed here https://github.com/thirtybees/thirtybees/commit/9e8cccbb33feb1c4d367e9d9fb89fb5057d2518a
  13. tcpdf library still on thirtybees, but I can see some changes here https://github.com/thirtybees/thirtybees/commits/1.0.x/tools/tcpdf is this changes make not compatible with this module? cc @Traumflug @datakick
  14. I think its very little saving. I have 16K++ records and it just have 5.6Mb in tbcart and 2.5Mb in tbcart_product. so I think it will be fine if we don't delete useless cart :)
  15. Use debug profiling when you edit/save old products, there must be show the problem
  16. dosbiner

    Shop Logo URL

    Try to enable multistore again, and make sure you choose all shop (see on the top there are new drop down menu). Go to catalogs > categories > you can see your sub categories, edit and checklist to all shops. Now its safe to disable multistore again
  17. Enable debug profiling, and then try again. Now you can check what makes it slow in the bottom page.
  18. Try this https://forum.thirtybees.com/post/14835
  19. Oh my, you right. Thank you for the tips, will update my nginx configuration ?
  20. Hmm I think no need to display ssl banner as modern browser now display green secure on address bar by default. If not use SSL its turn as not secure. CMIIW
  21. @j-kaspar this issue has been fixed in new version, make sure use 1.0.2 version, see here: https://github.com/thirtybees/psonesixmigrator/releases Kudos to @Traumflug ? I see a lot of new member has been migrate from ps 1.6 to thirtybees, is there some statistics how much download, or websites that use thirty bees right now? cc @lesley
  22. You can set visibility to none, so the products will not show on categories or search. But you can access it using direct url or from search engine
  23. Make sure you have regenerate sitemap. Btw I can't access your url
  24. There is module something like this, but need some modification https://codecanyon.net/item/prestashop-custom-product-designer/19202018
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