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Everything posted by rubben1985

  1. wowowwwww thanks!!!!! You can not imagine how good this is for me!! I was going to start translating next week!
  2. Hi guys, Thanks for answers. @Traumflug I am not developer so I do not really know how to do it. @roband7 I will try to learn what you propose in first link. About those addons, they are not thought to redirect to the correct country store but to" redirect to the correct language version of one each one of "each store" @mdekker This are just a few ones who ask for this (some are not solved and some finally look in other direction because of the recommendations). https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/231672-how-to-redirect-multishop-on-the-basis-of-countrys-ip/ https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/197190-multistore-language-and-geo-ip/ https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/262723-geolocation-multi-shop-redirect/ https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/526561-multi-language-multi-country-same-domain/ https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/264367-how-to-redirect-to-geolocation-multishop/ https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/507900-multistore-automatic-store-selection-based-on-browser-country-or-ip/
  3. Hi everyone, I am seriously thinking in migrating to TB my new project. I am still in PS basically because of insecurity in changing to a new platform (in spain we says: it is better something bad that you already knows that something good that you still do not know). This new project is almost done but I activated the multistore 2 days ago and now I am facing a problem I never thought about. Prestashop force to have a main shop. I have a domain: Lesielle.com and I want to create multistores for each country I will serve. I have created different stores in it, separated in subdirectories: /es/ for Spain /ch/ for Switzerland… They are not just languages, they are different stores. My surprise is: How can I redirect my customers to their country version? I even bought a module that can redirect customers based in IP ONCE THEY ARE IN ANY SHOP but not before so firstly have to go to my main store and later ( /es/ ) and later module redirects the customer….nor very fancy, and poor user experience. In addition this module face a usability problem so it has additional inconveniences. Do you plan to solve this multistore issue? I mean: a function that allow multistore to redirect as most of international brands do. The user type .com domain and they are send to their country web version (like Zalando.com, they usually use ip location) This problem is not only with subdirectories but also with ccTLD (redirecting from .com to .es .fr .ch …) There are at least 10 topics asking for this in Prestashop without a solution. Just the same user answering to everyone to forget this approach because organic search is not affected (organic search maybe no, but user experience is horrible if they have to manually change the country). I think this approach is the most user friendly (It can be confirmed looking to almost every international brand: zalando, nespresso…) Did you already implement a solution to redirect multistores in TB? If not, do you plan to do it? If you already solved this I would really be closed to migrate to TB (I will also create 1 topic with some general doubts) Regards to everyone and thanks for creating this exciting project.
  4. Another Panda user here!
  5. Very interested in ASM too as I´m being frustrated with this in prestashop since 2 years.... Is ASM improvement in the ToDo list of thirty bees?
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