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Everything posted by rubben1985

  1. this is what I see in the api calls But even if the mouse change to a hand, I cannot do click to show more info (i tried in chrome, firefox and internet explorer)
  2. TB 1.03 Paypal 5.3.2. I have updated to 1.6 beta 4 but I do not have news from the client so I am not sure if this update fixes the problem :S
  3. @wakabayashi said in create new tb release eg ?: I am really surprised this things come up again. In the last weeks @mdekker invested a lot of time, to improve native modules. @Traumflug joined the team and is working on the updater. That was actually great news and shows that this project is active. I still wonder, what is so bad about 1.0.3, that people need 1.0.4 so much. If you feel more comfortable with PS 1.6, thats ok. It's your decision. My opinion: @mdekker is much present now, I can assure that. This has been the reason to become a patreon (even if my contribution is still small) because I see a little bit of light. @wakabayashi the reason people want 1.0.4 is because it feels like things are going on, and the software is alive and growing. A merchant has to feel that updates are coming and his shop is better each month. If they do not feel this, they will nor trust you. It is like it is. If early adopters (that normally are the most optimistic and enthusiastic) are feeling this way, it is better not to ask normal users... But as I said before, things are changing and I see things improving! :)
  4. Hi, some clients already have done their payments using paypal, but yesterday a client sent me this error when trying to pay: I told him to try in other device. He tells me that it is the same in 3 other devices but I tried myself and no problem. Any idea how to solve it?
  5. great!
  6. Would smartdatasoft accept to give you a licence to use their code by an amount of money? Then, you just have to correct the bugs (a lot of work but less than creating from scratch) Or maybe it is just so full of bugs that would be better to create from zero? If they accept a reasonable amount to just allow you to use the code as a starting point, you could propose the community to pay the amount. I would collaborate if you are behind that. Just an idea
  7. I rode again your message. a CMS is not always just to legal or boring information. It can be used to show attractive information when your page is not only a 100% pure ecommerce. For example my web: https://www.lesielle.com/us/info/concentrated-custom-skin-care-actives I used a CMS to explain what are "actives" a part of my skin care concept.
  8. @traumflug To be honest I did not try TB CMS because I migrated from PS but it is really different? What is the difference between PS CMS and a module like visual composer? With VC you can create in minutes (maybe hours to do it really well) very beautiful pages, responsive and visual without any html knowledge and drag and drop. Landing page it is indeed a CMS but with an specific need (I call myself CMS to information pages and Landing to a page that I create with a purpose like destination page of an adword ad for example)
  9. @datakick Yes, a pity that nobody suggests it (strange i didn't :S) but you know what people vote it is not always what they want or they are not well represented by the persons more motivated to vote. What it was the most voted featured. Elastic search. Do you think most of the people REALLY need it for a common store?
  10. @baarssen said in Landing pages: he visual composer mo hahahha same for me. Everyone is the only one of their 1000s customers. If you see a review saying exactly this in code canyon, that is my review. There is also a topic in this forum talking about visual composer because indeed they have an account here. Smardatasoft is a Shi*y company, the worst in PS environment without any doubt. I use the module because I am use to do workarounds to jump over the bugs but It is horrible if you do not know them. Even if it is a nightmare module is the only thing it is usable for non-developers. If there were another module, I would pay for it without even thinking it: happy to pay 300$ if it is bugs free. I already said once that CMS and landing pages is the biggest hole (not taking in account bugs) in PS. If TB would have this feature you could say to PS users: ey! here a better PS where you can create beautiful pages as easy as in WordPress. Killer-feature
  11. Could be this a solution? https://addons.prestashop.com/es/ventas-cruzadas-packs-productos/1015-advanced-pack-5.html
  12. We would, for example heheh
  13. thanks @SnowyCat
  14. Hi, i do not find boring or useless. You announced the module, I found it interesting so I test it in the frontoffice demo (nor purchased) I just told you my feedback because I was not sure if the module worked in the way it was doing it. In my opinion, the module does not work in a very useful way. I will try to explain why so you can correct it if you consider it (I am indeed trying to help you)Before that, You told about QR isn't it? i think that it is to use it via desktop but all my test were with a mobile phone, the most interesting and native device to use Whatsapp. Imagine a new client in my online shop: Client: oh great I can ask them directly by Whatsapp (with all the advantages in comparison to a normal chat) The client does click, Whatsapp is opened and he gets a pop up Whatsapp message saying: sorry you do not have the number XXXXXXXX so you can not chat. No options but clicking on OK to exit. Did that help the client? I do not think so. That is the point I am trying to transmit you. The optimal would be: BEST (But I suppose that is whatsapp policy): I can chat without adding the number NOT SO GOOD BUT STILL GOOD: As the client does not have the number it proposes to add the number the contact to the agenda and start the chat. (neither sure if you can do this) Regards
  15. if the module is supposed to integrate WhatsApp in the e-commerce to make easier the communication web but users with Whatsapp can not chat because they still not have the shop number... why is necessary the module?
  16. I did not have to put my name, I just open the chat on my mobile phone (that has WhatsApp already installed and I used daily)
  17. I have whatsapp that is my point. The chat open the app, byt can join the chat because it tells me that I do not have the number of the whatsapp shop in my agenda
  18. I tried with my phone and i tells me: number it doesnt exist (when whatsapp is open). So it is only valid if I already have the number.
  19. Ok. Consider to include when TB will be a public success ;) the feature: related articles
  20. Hi, I am using the professional blog module from PrestaShop official marketplace, and I want to change it to TB official module in order to make all work under TB environment :) But I realize I can not personalize Title, meta description.... I made a post test and as the title it selects my company name, nothing about the post. Is not really possible to set a title and other SEO fields? I think this is quite important in SEO optimization but having you knowledge in SEO, there is maybe an explanation :) As a suggestion, we are all of us, ecommerces, so being able to add related products would be also quite important in my opinion. Are this 2 features planned for medium term? Thanks
  21. at least you found other bugs during the confusion hehehe. Great work
  22. It works like a charm. Sorry for the misunderstanding, normally panda newsletter module sync well with all other modules
  23. no no, that Spanish store has like 600 subscribers, the rest of shops only have a few (from 4 to 50 each) but that one hashundreds. If you are not going to do any change, only look at the logs, tell me what do you need: Prestashop backoffice access?
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