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Everything posted by rubben1985

  1. sorry for late reply. we are having quite busy time here. Now it subscribes only 26 hehe I will give you access to my store but today we have a very important day (maybe we will be on national television) and I do not want to risk to create problems on the web. After big traffic opportunity is finish, I will give you access :)
  2. Tried. Again only 43 subscribers :S
  3. Can i Do something more to help you make it work?
  4. I do not know a lot of msql but I saw the table you say (newsletter) and the active column says 1 for at least 700 users. When you say: module trays to combine customers with active newsletter users.... why is that? Newsletter users are not always customers anyway...
  5. I am using panda theme. It uses its own module (i think it is as minimum, based in the original one and it always worked with other modules)
  6. no sorry, I am just an standard user :S
  7. If you want access to the store, just tell me
  8. Ok. anyway, 47 or 42 is too less hehe Should be more then 600, but maybe that can be a "key"
  9. yes
  10. A courious thing I realised: When I tried to sync the list, number of contacts are different depending if I have selected "all stores" or only 1 of them. With all stores is 47. with the specific store that I am trying to sync, number is only 42
  11. suscribers
  12. When I tried to select: do not sync, it doesn't work, it just appears selected the previous list. See the video in the next link. https://www.screencast.com/t/LFzQK0xaU I have also tried to create a new list (you can see in the previous video. It s called Lesielle España 2) in my mailchimp account, but it syncs the same (only 47 of more than 600).
  13. Hi @mdekker save button doesn't produce the error, but it doesn't sync correctly. I have like 600 in one of the shops, but is says: syncing 47. And It doesn't sync all of them either. I even add a new test subscriber, click in sync, but not it was not added to MailChimp.
  14. Thanks. I tried the new version and it synced a few more, but there are still a lot missing :S It says syncing 42 (the total are like 550 but this is maybe because it only sync the new ones?) and it added like 5 instead of 42. In addition when I click on SAVE it creates an error (but doing click in sync button doesn't)
  15. thanks @mdekker Let me know when a new version is available so I can try it and let you know if bugs are fixed. When do you think this fix will be released?
  16. Hi @lesley It seems, something do not work. It doesn not sync all contacts, only some. I click in sync and last few days contacts are not updated I see 3 strange things in my MailChimp list: 1-There are only 2 the 4th April 2- Last subscriber was the 7th. 3- almost all of my last subscribers were unsubscribed after being added However, as you can see, I had more than 2 suscribers on 4th and there are also subscribers the 8th, 9th and 10th april that do not appear in mailchimp. Here my newsletter list in prestashop: I already clic in sync manually. I have multistore and I think it is well set up.
  17. Voted. If communications works better, TB is definetly a very good alternative. The best if you want simply to substitute PS If you want something different, there are also mor platforms, but TB is the easiest from those comming from PS
  18. @zimmer-media last posts do not reflect the image I had of you. I know you are frustrated but, that kind of post is not constructive. TB has great future.
  19. @musicmaster said in I will say goodbye: Opensource software is not just take it or leave it. Even if he doesn't pay for the software the user invests often a lot of time (and often money) in learning and customizing the software. That puts him in a position where on the one hand he will often be prepared to pay for additional services but where on the other hand he expects some reliability from the author. He should feel responsible that the functionality that he promises actually works. You are right that these are not legal obligations. See it as a kind of moral obligation: unsupported opensource software seldom lasts long. My impression is that Zimmer-media is disappointed at that point. I don't know the technical details so I don't know whether he is right - a lot of problems are caused by third party modules and themes and custom modifications. But given his position in the community we should take his complaints seriously. 100% agree. Open source is not like a charity project. @Traumflug, you should realize that TB is an entrepreneurial project (EXACTLY as PS), an open source project but a business at the end, do not forget that. Founders are not here just to help people like maybe you are, but to earn money someday (I really hope they will do because they starting something great). When they created TB they made an "implicit" deal: they would make things different from prestashop and they request from people to join the project. "yes, but it is free..." well PS is also free and here every one complaint too, isn't it? I see some people here (most people that are volunteer programmers) is that they take the complaints against TB managers, personally. You are 100% volunteers and complaining are not against you!! you make an amazing job 100% for free. People complain about a serious lack of communication of TB creators because that breaks the implicit "deal" and promises. Lesley and mdekker are the fathers of TB, so they have a responsibility of telling people how the project is going on and repair all that is TB code. And that should not be paid as you propose. Customization or new features, sure, but TB code is their responsibility as well any future income will be for them. I still remember at the beginning of the project how one of the most frequents complaints against PS was that the official PS staff were almost not present in the forums. Well, that was what happened here. Mdekker did not appear for 1 month. That is quite much (being soft) in a so young project. I also would like to say something, not to create a discussion but to make some persons here to reconsider their thoughts. It feels to me that some programmers are acting like that their help is "superior" to the help of normal users. A user like @zimmer-media that reports bugs and try to help the community is so valuable (no less) as the one from a programmer, it is just a different kind of help. Not because he doesn't know how to code so well as some of you, means that his time is less valuable. He has been really criticized just for telling his opinion. He has been treated unfairly even if he has been very polite and he is one of the most actives users!!! People that join the platform also spend time and money, do not forget that. They are also putting their business in TB hands. Debugging would be also expensive if you should pay it, but he does it for free. I did not like neither, one of comment about the "size" or income of TB users. Sorry, but it is not only unpolite but disrespectful and totally out of place. If you want an "important" e-commerce, create one yourself... Thanks a lot, @lesley for your last comments and your future blog post. It was really necessary. Please, make this post the first of a new communication policy. I do not have almost time (I work almost 7 days per week 12 h per day) but If I can help a littleit bit with Spanish translation, I would like to contribute.
  20. @drmasterchief said in I will say goodbye: ...and maybe zimmer-media - can you tell us to which solution you will change? If PS, hopefully you know about the new business model which will be introduced in the next time.... just curious. something new in addition to removing the basic features and make them non-free?
  21. @nickon said in I will say goodbye: @rubben1985 That may cause confusion. eg. if we have both 1.0.3 and you have the one with the fixed bug and I find the bug how would anyone know that it is fixed. The solution is simple IMO. If the bug is in the module release an updated version of the module if the bug is in the core then release a -1 release eg 1.0.3-1. This is common in most open source project and with regular relaases would increase trust That is true. Agree with what you are saying. Thanks
  22. @nickon said in I will say goodbye: @MockoB Totally agree. I don't use PayPal in any of my (PS) shops but even in PS PayPal seems to be problematic. I suggest @zimmer-media to buy a module instead of setting the whole shop again. As for the rest we have talked about it on other topics. Funny thing is I did some research online yesterday to get to know PS 1.7 and see if it really is that bad. I did not find a single good review in the 2 hours I spend. TB has a future but the team has to change things around NOW Hi @nickon Are PS marketplace Paypal modules compatible with TB? I just migrated to TB after 9 months (lack of time) to see PayPal present problems. I know most of modules are compatible but seeing that TB developed his own instead of using the official one for PS, makes me wonder if there is some kind of incompatibility. IF they are compatible, they are not expensive. Another question is that only 1 short comment from only 1 of TB creators is not normal for this type of """crisis""".
  23. @lesley I never understood neither why to wait for big updates when bugs are already fixed. Do you correct a bug? Include it in the current version Do you want to include new functions or correct bug that may affect general stability so they have to be deeply tested: ok, include those in the next version, but minor bugs or bugs that will certainly not create new problems... I can not conceive 1 single reason to not include it in the current version.
  24. Another idea, A good one: Free marketplace for all developers (like sunnytoo and his TB panda them). How much money are you doing now anyway? Create a big marketplace. I suppose most of developpers would accept to have a free place to sell. This big marketplace+big community (with all the advices given in the different topic) will make grow the project. Monetize marketplace later. Services can provide money until then if you need some income.
  25. Points 2 and 3 of @datakick are gold from a marketing point of view. That is how most of the people actually meet TB. Make them love the community. Show them how if they have any doubt they will find a solution here, even for PS. Forget about telling them there will be a future NON compatible version. IF later the transition is good, they will see as normal. Attract them, and show them why they are better here. I also told before about looking for an investor. Another option is giving a piece of the project to a marketing expert. He/she will not give you money, but it will give you marketing workforce for free (better having less of a big project than all from a small one)
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