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  1. For such simple errors you can always check with ChatGPT: As @yaniv14 said, his fix will most probably fix your error. In future please give the complete code that Collect PHP Logs gives. This helps greatly for developers that know what to look for to assist you. 😉 (of course obfuscate any sensitive info as your true local address, admin folder, etc.) Sample how the code works when you simply copy and paste it here: Exception Message: ThirtyBeesException: Property Product->price is empty Location: classes/ObjectModel.php line 1054 Stacktrace #0 classes/ObjectModel.php(1054) #1 classes/ObjectModel.php(333): ObjectModelCore->validateFields() #2 classes/ObjectModel.php(361): ObjectModelCore->getFields() #3 classes/ObjectModel.php(610): ObjectModelCore->getFieldsPrimary() #4 classes/Product.php(7816): ObjectModelCore->add() #5 controllers/admin/AdminProductsController.php(822): ProductCore->add() #6 classes/controller/AdminController.php(597): AdminProductsControllerCore->processDuplicate() #7 controllers/admin/AdminProductsController.php(1341): AdminControllerCore->postProcess() #8 classes/controller/Controller.php(202): AdminProductsControllerCore->postProcess() #9 classes/Dispatcher.php(865): ControllerCore->run() #10 adminXXX/index.php(58): DispatcherCore->dispatch()
  2. You have a PM.😸
  3. Yes, this is a must functionality for a serious shop but I'm afraid would be quite a big endeavor. Does your module allow to use 2 different couriers per order or it only passes one number to thirty bees and handles the rest outside the system?
  4. In this version of the code - every change to the tracking numbers send out new email with the values you save, so your case would be OK - just add comma and the new number. Based on the poll there is no demand for this, possibly in future.
  5. Nope, they should be filling gradually.
  6. I would like to ask the community - do you (personally) need multiple tracking numbers per order? This does not solve the issue where you might have to use 2 different couriers (let's say you ship from 2 warehouses) but offers a solution with minimal impact - theme file should be changed, but example code will be given. Also tracked here: https://github.com/thirtybees/thirtybees/issues/1975 If somebody has a shipping module or CRM module that sets tracking numbers it would be nice to test this if it's backwards compatible fix as I don't have anything working with the webservice and there are couple of functions to fix in that aspect.
  7. Making a new post as the screenshots are very annoying (or my way of doing them, idk...). Also should we create issues in github or report here if we find more stuff until this is in develpoment? 4. Packs don't subtract pack products when they are set up to. In this configuration: Purchasing a pack should subtract the pack's quantity per combination and each product's quantity in the appropriate combination. It does only subtract the pack's quantity and not the products'. The same is applicable for Decrement products in pack only. - if the pack is set at it - the quantities are not subtracted in each pack product.
  8. Quick few things from me and I'm continuing testing this great addition: 1. Can we push "virtual attribute" option to the top as I think this will be the most used option from this list (I doubt packs with attributes will be made for just one combination of a product). We can rename this to 'all combinations', as it will be more descriptive: 2. Packs with products does not follow "Calculate pack quantities automatically based on available quantities of items in pack": 3. Related to 1. - I see that the 'Product variant' in combinations generator is per pack (not showing Product variants for other packs. But can we bump it to the top of the list? And even better can we automatically generate those combinations when pack is saved? In general this will save 3-4 clicks. I'm failing to think of a situation that the merchant will use packs with attributes and will not like toe assign all combinations?! I don't see any conflicts with themes or emails so far.
  9. @daresh, your module is a must. So many options to configure the GPSR compliancy and it is supporting thirty bees natively.
  10. As far as I know - nothing is done in that regard. So if it worked on 1.0.8 you are a lucky person and it should work for you in 1.6 too. But I've never used it and can't advise on how to configure it. I'm using all the rest together with litespeed cache and this is plenty for my sites.
  11. You should not use full page cache exactly as it is not production ready. Turn on every other option on the Performance page and it should suffice even for very busy shops.
  12. I can prep a list with screenshots when we're ready to update the page.
  13. In your product page or in module/theme? If later -you have to modify the module/theme to look for new image format.
  14. If it's hooked only to those 3 hooks @wakabayashi mentioned the module does not minify the html. If I modify the module and hook it to header it minifies the html also. In Minify itself there are options to cache the minified files in APCu or OpCode (and others) but I'm unable to understand how to get this to work with negative knowledge. https://github.com/mrclay/minify/tree/master/lib/Minify/Cache and /** * To use APC/Memcache/ZendPlatform for cache storage, require the class and * set $min_cachePath to an instance. Example below: */ //$min_cachePath = new Minify_Cache_APC();
  15. Is it worth it to minify html in 2025 at all? I can not test how long does it take for my server to generate me the minified html but here is some breakdown with one 'large' live site and one test install. Live site lacks test with html minification. 0x - large live site 1x - test site with module as is 2x - test site with module modification to 'somewhat' minify html. The result is not very good the minified output can be further processed by online tools. Should we even care for those <20% savings between raw zstd and mini zstd?
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