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  1. Hi Led, I am using Revws module and rich snippets setting is on. So not sure what to do.,
  2. Hi Everyone, How to fix this error: " Either "offers", "review", or "aggregateRating" should be specified". I am using TB 1.1.0 and to be honest, I don't have an idea how to fix this issue. Please advise. Your input is much appreciated!
  3. Hello, Can you add a feature or module that will show a up pop-up notification of the last order or a page with list of recent orders. I think that would be helpful to attract orders from new customers. Also, a feature that will allow us to upload product pictures by entering image url like on eBay - This will aid listers to upload products more faster. Please pardon my English. Thanks a lot!
  4. KolS


    It seem the Website Payments Plus causing the error message to appear. When I disabled it the forbidden error at the bottom is gone.
  5. KolS


  6. Wanted to add notification bar in mobile when product is added in the cart but I don't know where to start. Any advise please. https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/308038-free-tutorial-product-added-to-cart-notification-bar/
  7. Datakick, thank you so much! It works!
  8. Hi Guys, I wanted to know how I can display a module like wishlist and price alert below the product title? It was easy to place revws rating module under the product title, what I did I just put this line : {hook h='displayRevwsAverageRating' mod='revws'} in the product.tpl file then, it works like magic. I don't know the exact shortcode for wishlist and price alerts but when I tried to use its html code both module didn't work properly. I wanted to know how I can create a hook placement below the title if possible. Any advice?
  9. I fixed mine by replacing all commas with semicolon in the Tags and Meta Keywords columns. It can be done quickly when you're using Ablebits Excel extension. Then, I made sure those empty columns to set as "Ignore this column" in the matching process. Also avoid trailing or extra semicolons in the cell. Example tags: heart health;immune support;vitamins; -- this is wrong heart health;immune support;vitamins --- correct
  10. Like sort by total number of sales or sort by review ratings. Can't be done?
  11. Hey guys, how we can add sort by "popularity"?
  12. Sorry for my bad English. Yes, I want to try Prestools. Do you have a guide on how to make it work with TB?
  13. @musicmaster Sorry, I didn't know that..I am a newbie. Appreciate your response. Can you share how to make the script work?
  14. Any updated version compatible for TB 1.1.0? I tried to upload this module but it encountered an error" File too large (limit of 2097152 bytes)."
  15. Guys, how we can restore this accordion tab? I really wanted to implement this one on my client's site.
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