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Everything posted by Mediacom87

  1. And now also available on the marketplace of thirty bees: https://store.thirtybees.com/shop-modules/simple-declaration-of-your-quarterly-intra-community-vat
  2. Mediacom87


    I am sorry, I am unable to answer this question
  3. Mediacom87


    That's fine if everything is going well for you, but you confirm that the corrections I refer to in my article are well taken into account in the 1.4 version of thirty bees, which is not yet an officially stable version.
  4. Mediacom87


    Probably you are using an old version of thirty bees and you have not made the necessary corrections to not take into account the robots in the statistics as I talk about it in this old article: https://www.mediacom87.fr/en/how-to-correct-prestashop-statistics/ And if your database fills up too quickly with perishable data, you can always delete them automatically as this module proposes: https://store.thirtybees.com/shop-modules/administration/automate-the-cleaning-of-your-prestashop-store
  5. Mediacom87


    Hi, Which statistics seem completely crazy to you?
  6. I was just responding to your initial request, which was how to set up the VAT system by country. I apologize if you only focused on the history of the VAT export module which was not the initial subject of my intervention. But it is true that all the explanation of the implementation had been done in 2015 on this article, maybe I should have shared this one. Otherwise my module is normally finished, I have to finalize the tests on the different versions to validate the functioning and I will of course propose it as I did for my Brexit management module. Normally, I should do this in the next week if I find the time to make all the demos, all the presentation texts, all the screenshots, because it takes as much time as developing the module.
  7. The module I am talking about has nothing to do with the management of taxes to be implemented, just a module to export the amounts of VAT to be declared every quarter. This module, I just finished it, I integrated it to a module of management of the Taxes with the intra-community VAT numbers, but I did not put it on sale yet.
  8. Hi, I didn't translate this article, but you should be able to do it. I explain my technique, which is to apply from the first Euro the taxes of the destination countries, as I have implemented for my dematerialized products several years ago. This technique avoids the headache of tracking values and the risk of forgetting. https://www.mediacom87.fr/en/july-1st-2021-how-to-manage-the-vat-threshold-of-10-000eu-on-prestashop-or-thirty-bees/
  9. Version 2.6.20 (07/15/2022) Improved minimum quantity information with the addition of the [unit_pricing_base_measure] tag Limitation of this information display for products with a minimum quantity of more than one unit Version 2.6.21 (07/26/2022) Added an option to customize the price of exported products if there is a minimum purchase quantity Version 2.6.22 (08/01/2022) Force the currency in the url if it is different from the default currency of the store Version 2.6.23 (08/02/2022) Removal of obsolete code Use of id_reference instead of id_carrier to avoid losing the carrier configuration when it is modified Added an option per country to force the use of taxes or not Added an option to export, or not, the default product category [product_type]. Adding new countries
  10. Version 2.6.20 (15/07/2022) Amélioration de l'information de quantité minimale avec l'ajout de la balise [unit_pricing_base_measure] Limitation de cet affichage d'information pour les produits ayant une quantité minimale supérieur à une unité Version 2.6.21 (26/07/2022) Ajout d'une option pour personnaliser le prix des produits exportés si celui-ci est concerné par une quantité minimale d'achat Version 2.6.22 (01/08/2022) Forcer la devise dans l'url si elle est différente de la devise par défaut de la boutique Version 2.6.23 (02/08/2022) Retrait de code obsolète Utilisation de id_reference plutôt que l'id_carrier pour éviter de perdre la configuration du transporteur lorsqu'il est modifié Ajout d'une option par pays pour forcer l'usage des taxes ou non Ajout d'une option pour exporter, ou non, la catégorie par défaut du produit [product_type] Ajout de nouveaux pays
  11. 3.3.0 - 08/02/2022 Redesign of the backoffice Fixed a loading bug on some versions of PrestaShop 1.7 Adding new translations Withdrawal of the support of the Prestashop 1.5 version Clearing the cache of some known external modules when changing the configuration
  12. This data, as previously explained, is generated with each new visit to your site by an Internet user, so it is that you have more visits on a store compared to the other store.
  13. Hi, This table is part of the tables that can quickly slow down a ThirtyBees store, that's why I developed a module to clean this kind of table and even automatically regularly.
  14. Hi, Are you 100% sure about the configuration? Have you checked this with a phpinfo file at your store's installation location?
  15. Not at all, I'm talking about starting from the basic theme of the solution which already integrates the good usage codes of the techniques proposed by the platform. No interest to start from scratch in my opinion. I was joining you on your previous intervention to support this one.
  16. However, that's the real question about this template which only exists because it allows you to waste your time learning how to use modules to hope to get a result with average performance instead of spending almost less time learning css and smarty to get exactly what you want while developing a useful skill for the future. I understand that this theme can be interesting since everyone thinks that a killer design is the only way their store will make money, when that is a big mistake. Above all, it's a simple, understandable and powerful site that does the job and surprisingly, the flashy design goes far enough, especially when this kind of theme allows you to add WordPress-like animations on the divs totally counter productive in ecommerce. The version for 1.6 is long abandoned and so, I don't think the creator of this one will bring a real added value to correct the PHP8 compatibility, especially since it only concerns the modules and so, the theme won't benefit from any performance improvement or evolutions that the version for 1.7 has. It seems more reasonable to me to redo your theme properly, on a clean basis, than to invest on this one. This is a forum, which includes sharing opinions and experiences, not just closed discussions. ------------ Pourtant, c'est la vraie question concernant ce template qui n'existe que parce qu'il permet de perdre son temps à apprendre à utiliser des modules pour espérer obtenir un résultat aux performances moyennes au lieu de passer presque moins de temps à se former au css et smarty pour obtenir exactement ce que l'on veut tout en développant une compétence utile à l'avenir. Je comprends que ce thème peut être intéressant puisque tout le monde pense qu'un design qui déchire est le seul moyen que sa boutique rapporte de l'argent, alors que cela est une grossière erreur. Avant tout, c'est un site, simple, compréhensible et performant qui fait le job et étonnamment, le design clinquant arrive assez loin, surtout lorsque ce genre de thème permet de rajouter des animations à la WordPress sur les div totalement contre productive en ecommerce. La version pour 1.6 est abandonnée depuis longtemps et donc, je ne crois pas que le créateur de celui-ci apportera une réelle plus-value à corriger la compatibilité PHP8, surtout que cela ne concerne que les modules et donc, le thème ne profitera d'aucune amélioration de performance ou des évolutions dont dispose la version pour 1.7. Il me semble plus raisonnable de refaire votre thème proprement, sur une base seine, que d'investir sur celui-ci. Voilà, c'est un forum, ce qui inclut le partage d'opinion et d'expérience et pas seulement des discutions fermé.
  17. I made an update on this article about some other information on multi possible hack. https://www.mediacom87.fr/vulnerabilite-majeure-de-securite-sur-les-sites-prestashop/#update-20220725 Eolia Script can be used on TB too.
  18. Hi, Personally, I recommend only one module: https://link.prestatoolbox.fr/en-all-in-one-rewards
  19. 2.0.2 - 07/13/2022 Fix a bug on PrestaShop versions 1.5 and 1.6
  20. Version 2.6.19 (07/13/2022) I just submitted the new version of the module to the Addons validation service, so now we have to wait for a while.
  21. Version 2.6.19 (13/07/2022) Ajout de l'information du nombre de quantité minimale si cette option est défini sur la fiche produit ou ses déclinaisons
  22. Version 2.6.18 (07/06/2022) Added an option to not use the cover image to avoid product rejection if you add prohibited information Increase to 20 the number of product images to export
  23. Version 2.6.18 (06/07/2022) Ajout d'une option permettant de ne pas utiliser l'image de couverture pour éviter le rejet des produits si vous y ajoutez des informations interdites Augmentation à 20 du nombre d'images produit à exporter
  24. 1.1.0 - 07/04/2022 Fixed a defect in loading the module configuration on some versions of PrestaShop 1.7 Improvements to the FAQ
  25. Version 2.6.17 (07/01/2022) Modification of tax treatment according to the choice made on the price display for the visitor group
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