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Everything posted by led24ee

  1. Also when You use on product importing option -Delete all products- then product tags (these what you can use in shop) table goes wrong. Result is empty tag boxes in shop.
  2. So there is place for tag, but there isn't value for this. Simply. For solution remove the place or put the value. If You can put here some example of this file it's easier to help.
  3. It's just mail example. You can put instead of this whatever You want.
  4. I have multiple suppliers for one product. I also use advanced stock. I also use CSV import. Because if You have 300 product and each of them can have 3 to 12 combination then it's impossible to put all this in database without automation. Now I discover that if all is OK and You need to change something in products then it's very easy to make an CSV file and import it. Unfortunately this will mess up with stock quantity. For example if You have 5 different supplier then importing an CSV where all five are present, TB also generates stock movement. If there are already 10 item, then with first supplier there is movement to add 10. Next product with the same ID and product code will make stock movement to add summary of all existing items, in actual case it adds 20. With fifth supplier you have 320 item on your stock. Is this a bug or I'm making something wrong ? Because if this isn't bug then this CSV isn't useful. There are extra stock movements in SQL table stock_mvt. If i delete these, is this solution ? Or if I delete something from SQL table it makes something worse ? Thank You
  5. Now there's also clear (at least for me) why there was error for sending plain text emails. Keywords are UTF-8 an Line Endings. Hope this will help somebody.
  6. Holy f.... I found what's wrong. There was encoding problem. File lang.php was in ANSI, must be UTF-8. And I spent *"@&/** time for this.
  7. I know where templates are for system mails and for module mails. Actually there is two place for them. One for default theme and one for Your currently used theme. I know also where are translated email headers (this file is lang.php). But when there's translation process then TB can't use headers even if they are in lang.php file. So some emails have header and some don't. I can put manually something in header and this will work. I'm trying to find where this result is stored. So far I couldn't find it. Problem is that when there's no header then TB can't use this email and You get error. This is really annoying because one of this email is for password recovery.
  8. I couldn't find button like this. (TB1.0.4)
  9. Can somebody tell where TB keeps email templates. Problem is that when I use EMPTY CACHE then some email subjects are lost. They're in lang.php file (mails/language) and (themes/themename/mails/language) but TB can't use them. That's also the reason why some emails headers got lost. And when they're lost then You get an error when trying to sent email.
  10. Now I discover that when I try to send email as plain text then only shop logo is in email and nothing else. In HTML everything looks fine. Also there is module "Send to a Friend" and there is no CAPTCHA check neither for visitors or clients.
  11. Hi. I spent about 10 hours and 2 keyboard with same error. Finally, after 2 beers, pack of cigarettes and many hundred ugly words I found out that this error is caused due to empty mail template. Basically is needed only email subject. If this is empty then there's always error and I can't find any log for this. I just start playing with different things until i found this email template. Of course I can't be sure that this is reason for every situation. My problem was with password recovery and empty header was for password_query template.
  12. I found temporary solution. But there was also my VERY BIG mistake. I have many webservers and unfortunately I made changes in wrong server. Anyway if I change in file themes > > product.tpl line 266 (TB 1.0.4) to this {if $product->id_manufacturer < 0} then everything is good.
  13. I tried this also many times. All combination. No changes. I even tried to change php version in webserver from 5.5. to 5.6 to 7.0 to 7.1 etc. Still no luck.
  14. I can't find solution how to disablae manufacturers on FO. I tried remove manufacturers module, I tried to disable Preferences > Display Suppliers and Manufacturers. I'm cleaning cache etc, etc. Nothing changes. If I disable manufacturer on Catalog > Manufacturers List then the word Manufacturer is still visible but value is blank. I can also change code in files (so far no luck with themes > > product.tpl) but I suspect that there's something else wrong. Looks like cleaning cache don't work. Any help with this is welcome. Thanks
  15. I just found out that in TB1.0.3 this field option is avaliable in Client Addresses section. But these settings are in use when You create warehouse. For example if you mark all fields necessary You can't register a warehouse, because there will be errotmessage that there are missing these fields what is marked in "Client Addresses-> Set required fiels for this section." And it doesn't matter that there aren't fields for this info in warehouse registration form. So if there's need for warehouse registration be sure You uncheck "Set required fields for this section" in Client Addresses section.
  16. Because my php skills are limited then it takes "only" one day to find out why there is problem with translation in TB1.0.3 in BackOffice section. AdminCustomCodeController.php contains angle bracket line 73. They are replaced in 1.0.4RC1 Pretty frustrating way to spend time.
  17. It's not working in TB 1.0.4 RC1. Whole page that appears contains code beginning with this : SmartyInternalSmartyTemplateCompiler Object If I save this page, it's 101MB and it contains more than 1 million line of code. That's the reason I can't put it here. Looks like some kind of loop. Fresh install, with TB modules. Nothing touced in code.
  18. That's great.
  19. Itried but i give up. There's not possibility to set this up normal. Best so far for what I found is manually remove SIRET and APE validation and then rename these whatever you want. It's not easy because there is also need to change some settings in database too. Or You can simply comment out these from registration template.
  20. What's the point of this module? There are different types of vat (SIRET, APE, DNI, maybe more) but they are all different. For example in Estonia there are two letters and nine numbers. Company register number is eight number. When I enable the B2B mode then only the opportunity to use these numbers is when I change in file ... classes / validate.php APE and SIRET check. More precisely I should comment on this part where the actual check is made, so the function return exactly the same that was input. Is there any other method also ? Maybe I'm doing something wrong ?
  21. Now I look and this error is even in PS 1.6.1.x. So this is long time and no one cares. But in other side seems that this module isn't very popular. About more error, yes there are some othe modules also which "to not obey" to translation, but there's only some sentences. I hope now is this problem gone. Thank You.
  22. Hi That wasn't much of modification. I simply deleted empty spaces between coding. Was like this : 'label' => $this->l('Enabled', 'advancedeucompliance') ), become this: 'label' => $this->l('Enabled', 'advancedeucompliance') And that's all.
  23. Seems that there is no interest for this problem. However I think that I found solution. I modified this file: advancedeucompliance.php and now many field appear in translation section. 42 for thid module. Because my php skills are limited then I'm not sure what is the real cause.
  24. I prefer translate stright php file, it's many time faster. But I can't see result in module description. Also if You opes this module for settings then everything in section Tags is always in english. There's no change if I choose default theme or commynity theme. I have translation done in both. I'm not sure, but I think that problem is in file advancedeucompliance.php and this file is oi directory .../modules/advancedeucompliance If I have more time then I can put my version of translation in crowdin also.
  25. Hi Problem is that some sentences wouldn't translate. If I go thru FTP connection then I can download translated file and if I open these (yes, there are two places for translatsion, one in main directory/modules/advanced... and one in the main directory/themes/theme_name/advanced...) then I see translated file. But this module can't use this translation or maybe here is another translation file in third place. So if anyone has similar experience, please can You tell solution. Thanks.
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