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Everything posted by led24ee

  1. This prestoolmodule is only for user/pass setup ? Also I have little problem. Product combination Edit can't show pictures. When I move cursor to place where picture should be(there is broken picture icon), then I can see the address where this picture is. If I do rightclick and choose "Open Link in New Tab" then this picture comes on display. Is there any "cure" for this ?
  2. Is anybody interested of solution when there are also small pictures with results of upper search bar ? I don't know how to make public the solution. I got this working on my site.
  3. This github "patch" for radio-button is working. At least for my install (TB1.1.0 as it is on download page). I don't have latest version of Niara and netamismb reported problem about missing picture with "New product" module is present for me too.
  4. If You try to use combinations fro products You can do it with CSV (this is long story) or You can do it manually. Go to Products, choose which one You need and press Edit. Then choose Combinations from left side. Now You supposed to be on site "Add or modify combinations for this product." Now You can try automatic generator for combinations and if You press this possibility then You are redirected to backoffice page Dashboard with no changes in product combinations. Can someone confirm this ?
  5. Ok. This radio-button issue is gone now.
  6. Look's like this is not working with combinations (TB1.1.0). If You change radio-button to drop-down or color, then it is working. Second, If you try to use "Product combinations generator" then in my case You end in BO page "Dashboard". Can someone confirm ?
  7. You need to find another solution because this modification breaks Advanced Parameters -> Email section radiobutton names to letters.
  8. I deleted this Niara folder, I switch off all cache, I deleted/emptied all cache. Nothing helps. Looks like I need new host for my domain. Honestly, I'm really tired of this. This is many weeks, before I ask here. Thanks for help.
  9. There's still something wrong. Even fresh install shows in translation section (Localization - Translations) that this phrase is translated, but actually TB uses/shows in english. Talking about for example Back Office translations.
  10. Ok. These module translations inside this gzip are in many places. One of them is also in root/themes and in this case there is prestashop instead of theme name. I try with different theme names.
  11. Yes. I'm trying to translate, but there are many items, what stays still in english. I try to explain. If You export language pack you got file named (languange code).gzip And for me it is really easy to modify items in this file (with 7-zip) and then pack all items again in this file and then import this file.Now there are many sections in this file. translations for emails, for pdf, etc, shortly all, even tabs. And this is fro PS time. Now there are themes catalog in this gzip file. All these translated items begin with the same code. For example module blocksocial is following $_MODULE['<{blocksocial}prestashop>blocksocial_f5d5fbc8332317546cbeb037592e2902'] = 'test'; and this word test is what you see. But. This row contains also theme name. And now I found out that in my case even if the file is in gzip under section themes/niara/modules/blocksocial/translations it still has prestashop instead of niara. Actual row is from fresh install. Is this some kind of error or have I made something wrong ?
  12. Ok. This is complicated. I have no idea yet how this come. But Niara catalog has only 3 folder, while niara has all. Niara has folders : lang, modules,pdf.
  13. Is there any good reason why there is two catalogue in root/themes catalog ? One is niara and then it is also Niara. Can this cause any problems with theme ? edit: as this had nothing to do with the other topic, I moved it here.
  14. Hi. I got the same problem, ERROR 500. I copied some sql tables(including client ones) to new installation. And I run again to this siret and ape problem. I use siret as company registration number, but there is hard coded siret and ape validation in classes/validate.php So this ape and siret validation must be comment out, because this registration number is in different length. After this everything works again.
  15. There is group Visitor and slider (YES/NO) near Cron tasks manager. So visitors are authorized to cron tasks ? What's the point of this ? I have no idea so far.
  16. Hi. Can somebody tell about this ? I'm interested too.
  17. Ok. Let's try. I try to cancel Patreon.
  18. Not supporters ... Let me think .... For example You can put all patreons in supporters file.
  19. led24ee

    Price tax exc

    I'm not sure I understand Your problem. You need price with tax or price without tax ? There are Menu -> Customer -> Groups where You can choose how each group can see prices.
  20. Holy moses, it is working now. I upgraded it long time ago (week or smtg) but I didn't do the reset. Now after reset this token looks much better. Thank You.
  21. If I run this in browser (copy and paste) then everything works. Actual jobs will be done and also cronjobs module shows when was the last time of run and shortly everything looks like one big happy family. Now I have in this same server with this same cPanel one PS 1.6.11.x If I try this cPanel cron with this PS (PS gives another token) then it also works. But in this PS token, there aren't symbols like dot or slash or $. And this is the reason why I believe that cPanel cron is very "selectiv" about this token symbols.
  22. Now I have tried cron with cPanel 80.0.23 but there is always only one result: Invalid token. I have found zero info how to deal with this error. And this is with cPanel only. So this token must contain some symbols not allowed for cPanel. How can I change this token ? Or is there any other solution ? (Plan B for me : change your hosting company)
  23. I don't have this version anymore. But if I remember correctly then my host did also something, this was with PS and TB 1.0. And I tried to ban some IP's with htaccess.
  24. It still is very slow. I experienced something similar when server was misconfigured with .htacces file.
  25. I have only execution time. Actually it's exactly the same time that is in TB cron task section below. This is actual copy " Cron is up and running, last executed few seconds ago (2019-07-27 23:30:09) "
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