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Everything posted by led24ee

  1. Everything is OK with this cron.
  2. Not local, I have host. But there is possibility ti set up cron task, limit is 5. I tried with these too, but result was not working condition.
  3. None of them.
  4. None of them.
  5. Can somebody tell me HOW to set this cron to work. So far it does nothing.
  6. About modules: tawk.to (V1.1.0), RSS feed (v2.1.0), imageMagick (v1.3.0) are not compatible and can't be installed on TB1.1, but they are by default in module list.
  7. Is this supporters file also updated ?
  8. I remember this. For me solution was module : Contact form anti-spam: reCAPTCHA and blacklist v1.1.4 Also I use this this one too : Blackhole for Bad Bots v1.0.2
  9. The stock quantity didn't remain the same. it doubled, tripled or in some cases even more. Depends on existing quantity.
  10. Well, there is problem, at least 1.0.4. If you try to import something to change something (price, picture, parameters, etc) and this one already has stock quantity then final quantity will be disaster. I haven't tried this with 1.1 but so far this CSV import works only when you import first time. If You need to modify any existing product which stock quantity then the result is a big mess.
  11. Modules and themes catalog is empty. How can I add translation ? I have translataion for community-default. How can I add community-default theme. It's present when i look via FTP, but how to "activate" this ? EDIT: Got it.
  12. So this patreon site is still in use. And thanks. I'm already a member.
  13. Ok, I see now. But this is called design.
  14. I don't get it. There is this possibility already in TB. Product customization. File fields.
  15. Hi. This one (https://addons.prestashop.com/en/sizes-units/24128-product-combination-attribute-dimensions.html) seems to be exactly what I need. Does anyone have experience with this module ?
  16. Only 1000 ? As far as I know the reason why big numbers were discovered was, that there wasn't possibility to count such warnings ... Sorry for OT.
  17. I have never got error like this. And that's the reason why I don't believe it's TB caused error. What Your browser says ? Usually try to access to your server via FTP. I f this works, then You can find out what's wrong with server.
  18. TB1.0.4 is SUBMIT visible, also CAPTCHA. So no need for CAPTCHA. That's the reason why I also get spam. How can this be fixed ? Or is this already fixed in newer version ? I use warehouse possibility also.
  19. How to add SELLER to invoice template with translation. Find file : invoice.addresses-tab.tpl (root/pdf/) make changes on first row and add "Seller" with possibility to translate it. This header is part in many template. {if isset($order_invoice)}{l s='Seller' pdf='true'}{/if} How to add SENDER to delivery slip Find file : delivery-slip.addresses-tab.tpl (root/pdf/) make changes on first row and add "Sender" with possibility to translate it. Now You need to make translation in PDF section. Same way You can make modifications to (root/classes/pdf) INVOICE HTMLTemplateInvoice.php DELIVERY SLIP HTMLTemplateDeliverySlip.php CREDIT SLIP HTMLTemplateOrderSlip.php ORDER RETURN HTMLTemplateOrderReturn.php To translate these find in files function: public function getheader() and add translation possibilty the result can be like this : public function getHeader() { $this->assignCommonHeaderData(); $this->smarty->assign(['header' => ($this->l('Invoice'))]);
  20. I can try also.
  21. Did You find solution ?
  22. Ok. First it seems that there is misconfiguration. There are fields and multiple values. They need different type of separator, but looks like there's only comma in ths csv. So the program don't understand that this field contains many values. You need to separate these values with something else that comma. This can be very tricky to generate csv with proper separator.
  23. Try this. Go to back office, select Customers, then roll down and find Set required field for this section and uncheck.
  24. That's wonderful. I have long time waiting for this. It was really PITA to deal with VAT customers. There is also problem with VAT checking. For solution I need to disable both APE and SIRET check in classes/validate.php plus I need to make changes in _customer table too.
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