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Everything posted by led24ee

  1. Ok. Will try it. tk is not language, it is another unit what is needed to translate. In english it is piece. Anyway thank You very much for Your time.
  2. So the original is in my language and replacement will happen when language is set to en-us ? And if there is need for another replacement (tk -> pc for example) then I need to add only last row which begin with document.querySelector...
  3. led24.ee
  4. That's why I suggest this (or some other solution) to be in next release. With javascript I have 0 experience. So I think I will do this to my shop and try to remember do it again after update.
  5. Is there a quick way to add translation to this > product > tab : prices > Unit price (tax excl.) ? Found this : http://nemops.com/prestashop-thirtybees-multi-language-product-fields/ It is from year 2017. Maybe this can be in next version ?
  6. I still don't understand what is the point of this. Is it really so hard to make combination where you can specify all things ? For combinations there is missing possibility to change package dimensions. So far there are only impact for prices and for weight, but not for dimension.
  7. Just create custom carrier and on "delay" put whatever text You need like "Transport time and price will be specified later" or something similar. Then You need to mark this in some other places too, for example "Terms and conditions for use" to avoid conflicts.
  8. Same thing is in Your shop too. When You set up "View us in FB" but this isn't working then look AdBlocking things. And if this doesn't help then ask for help.
  9. I finally got what I need. Thanks for all.
  10. Well for this kind of delivery there is estimated cost. If product cost is about 2000 then there isn't really point is this delivery 110 or 140. At the moment I found that this is also not important so I can live without this. But I need to modify another module. I'm trying this almost 2 days, but still stuck. If anyone can help then I can give more details.
  11. Basically yes. This may sound stupid, but real problem is that I can't calculate transport price. Some items are too big for regular carrier. So if client order some items and I need to make them then I know only price for product. Transport price can calculate later and this can be done when actual delivery is in progress. Delay between product order and transport can be something like month.
  12. Now I have another problem. I need to add possibility that payment for transport can be done when products are delivered. Products will be sent when payment for products are done. Is there any suggestion how to add this option ? Or I need to search and install (or maybe modify something) some modules ?
  13. Ok. I use another one. Thank You.
  14. So the original problem is still not solved ? I mean this translation question. And this solution was to use another module ? Because I have the same problem. And payment name is module name. (This is on BO and on invoice too.) When You change module name in translations then this is also what You see on every place. I don't think it's good solution. So there is mistake and in some place the ID of translation what You need to use is wrong. Unfortunately I have no idea in which file this error is.
  15. I have played with this long time. Best solution so far is separate module Order IP Address Verification. It creates extra table and there is stored IP and cart number. Of course this isn't good solution when You're not familiar with SQL or there isn't access to database.
  16. Yes. It's in Europe (Estonia). When You look a new host then also look how they handling spam and phishing email. For example some month ago there was something wrong with Amazon web hosting. Spammers was able to use this to send log-in attempts. Also there was a lot less spam after this https://www.techradar.com/news/europes-large-web-hosting-provider-knocked-offline-following-fire
  17. I use this. https://www.zone.ee/en/web-hosting/prices/ Zero problem so far with PS and TB. I'm tired of "Unlimited" and "Free" offers.
  18. I found this for whole country (I think this language will not problem) https://prog.olsztyn.pl/iptools/
  19. It's working. Thanks.
  20. Hi, About this slider option. This slider is available only built-in possibilities like price or weight. But this i really annoying that You can't use this with other possibilities. So if you offer some items by length, then it is really good to use slider. At the moment you can use "click" type solution, but this is also annoying because filter runs automatically after every click and if there is many items then it is better to leave then scroll every time back and find another option. So is there option to put button "Run" or "Do" or something similar, then You can click on all possibilities and when you are done THEN filter is running ?
  21. led24ee

    logged out

    Try to delete all cookies.
  22. That's the best answer for many question so far.
  23. Thanks. Now You can also see why there isn't much users.
  24. You don't really understand ? There is one question and it's about future. More than year. And there is ZERO useful answer to this short question. Because "wait and You will see" is not really an answer.
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