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Everything posted by led24ee

  1. I have made my own translation file. If something is need to change then I edit this file and then upload this file. In this case all modifications are in one place and when you need to start another shop then you already have all. This file contains everything what can be translate; pdf, language, email, modules, etc
  2. According to many, all kind of pop-up things are quite high in the ranking of meaningless inventions of mankind. But it depends what kind of customer you need.
  3. Something like this is already built in. But this is bound to products. Catalog>Products> Quantities>Availability date. I'm not sure this is what You looking.
  4. "They" are my clients. And I'm not developer but some little changes must be done. And YES, This solution is working. Thank You
  5. This put only days on invoice, but they need date. Not 10 days but, due date 25-08-2020.
  6. No. You can set this different for every customer.
  7. Hi I'm from Estonia and here I need Due Date on invoice. Sometimes customer need Invoice before payment and in this case I need to put this Due Date on invoice About max_payment_days. This max_payment_days is in SQL table (customer) and is marked as INT. It is for every customer. Now i try to modify file invoice.summary-tab.tpl (root/pdf) but I don't know how to tell TB that there is need to add INT to DATETIME and then show this as date. I add if condition, that this DUE date is visible only when max_payment_days value is not 0. And this is working. But I don't know how to add this to invoice date. So far I got only errors or unwanted result. File is added. All this is from TB1.1.x At the moment Due Date result is "0" which is definitely not what I need. If i replace both values with numbers, then everything is working. So this summation is working. I'm not sure but i think that because one is DATETIME and another is INT then result is something what TB can't understand. invoice.summary-tab.tpl
  8. Hi. I need modify invoice template (actually this file is invoice.summary-tab.tpl). I need to add one extra field. This is easy. But this field must contain date which is calculated from to variables. One is invoice generated date and this is already existing value. The other on must be invoice date + max_payment_days from table "customer". Can somebody tell me how to construct this ? Thank You
  9. There was similar case. I was able to increase inodes (thanks to my host, this was real quick), webpage "born again" and after this I deleted manually via FTP cache files. This "wasn't" very long process, something 12+ hours. I have no idea how many hundred thousand files there was. But this was just one case. Do not try this urgently repeat. There can be many reason for error500 and this was just one.
  10. Some times error500 is also when there's not enough inodes. This is basically when You have too many files. Look at Your cache folder.
  11. Thanks for no help. After 4 days I found out that there was wrong Schema of URLs. Preferences -> SEO&URL's -> Route to CMS page (and "Route to CMS category"). There was also tag {id}. When this tag is removed everything works.
  12. I got a similar problem. When I create CMS category and put this in HOME category (Home is root category and created category is subcategory) then in BO everything looks good. Now I create some CMS pages and then I put these in earlier created category. Still all is good in BO. Now, when I add these to FO (Block Top Menu) then there is this created category, but when I click on this category then I see pages in HOME category instead of created category. I spend many hours to find out what is wrong, but so far no results. I use t TB1.1.0- Bleeding edge, with all updates. I also have testsite where I'm unable to reproduce this problem. I also compared both sites SQL tables and there are no differences. Any suggestions what can be cause of this ?
  13. led24ee


    I use € at the moment
  14. led24ee


    Looks like it is changed. I just checked and now it removes decimals. There is also possibility to make changes for every currency. Try this too. Maybe this will help.
  15. led24ee


    What version of TB is in use ? In my shop this works exactly what You expect.
  16. You can simply choose are these prices with taxes already or without taxes. In second option this shop will add whatever you choose the tax is and this depends many other things. But this column is the only where you can choose. All others (55 or something) can contain only values that are definitive. Point is that if you put in this CSV prices with VAT but in some reason you choose importing process prices without VAT (or vice versa) then finally you have wrong prices and then you need to wonder what the hell happens.
  17. Well there are some more thing. For example price. You can choose price with VAT and without VAT. It's column 5 if I remember correctly. So be careful before hit that GO button.
  18. Probably missing the whole address (https//www.....). There must be whole address in CSV. If you have testsite then you can test with only one row to understand how this CSV works.
  19. I stuck with the same error. Solution was delete via ftp folder cache/smarty/cache . Maybe someone can explain how this cache works, so I can make changes that are necessary to avoid this kind of problems.
  20. Looks like nobody cares. Partial fix (if this can be called fix) is to always put these filters in order before saving. When You open set of filters next time then this order is "not remembered" and after adding or deleting something you need to make this order again. Really annoying.
  21. Is there any idea how to fix the Block Layered Navigation order for filters ? When I create filter, I can put all available filters in order what I need, but this will not work. The same issue is from PS1.6, but after searching I couldn't get solution. Problem is that all filters are numbered (1, 2, 3 etc) and when You create this order then the result is something like this (21, 18, 8, 52 etc) This order is also presented in SQL database (_layered_filter, column name is "filters") but the result is anyway ordered bu numbers.
  22. You can prevent this kind situation by creating unique URL. Preferences -> SEO &URL's -> Schema of URLs. If You have large amount of products then you can put product ID in URL (Route to products) and then You have unique URL. Be careful when You plan to change this. Search engines will show old URL and this end up with 404.
  23. led24ee


    0% = Really ?
  24. led24ee


    Basically it is a big picture with many elements which are from different categories or products. You can bind these elements on picture to actual products. So if you click on one corner on this picture you can go directly to one product. Then other corner is for another product. And in the middle there is more products, etc. In setup phase You can give exact measures for every section on this picture. So if You are selling complete product and also have elements from this product then You can make an image where are all elements and client can choose whatever element is interesting. I haven't tested it yet. I just found solution why these uploaded pictures in setup was never visible. (Wrong picture type on images section). But looks like nobody has interest for this feature.
  25. led24ee


    I got it work on my test site. Just need to create right image type on Pictures section where all other types are described.
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