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The Pellet Guy

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The Pellet Guy last won the day on September 28 2024

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About The Pellet Guy

  • Birthday 03/06/1965


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  1. The problem I have is i'm not overly skilled with shopping carts and worry about messing it up and then being offline, its worked fine for 3 yrs and I guess im a little comfortable with it. what version would you recommend and I will at least have a look
  2. Is it possible to edit the specific prices from the database instead of deleting and re doing each one individually from the back office, what seems a simple job face value deleting and re doing is going to be a painful task as i have maybe 60 products similar, My Industry has many variants of the same product, it would be ever so handy to be able to just click the amount and edit live. If its possible can someone point me in the right direction please. Kind Regards Paul
  3. OK this Caveman has been told and i have updated my PHP its now on 7.4.33 for this sub domain, there are a couple of minor issues one in the screen shot I seem to have lost the use of my slider and thats throwing up an error Im all for updating but with limited knowledge its all very scary , I will take it slowly and get this up to speed over the course of the day, I have turned the slider off for the time being until i can resolve this problem My stats now read as follows there are a couple of config errors at the bottom and im not sure the max execution time and memory limit are correct Paul
  4. Site is back up there seems to be a few visual issues I need to fix but will get the host to implement a php upgrade I have other sites running on the server hopefully they will all be ok after upgrade
  5. Im a retailer and Music maker, PHP scares me to death the irony here is im scared to upgrade in case it crashed anything but you guys are the gods of Thirty Bees im on it Thanks
  6. Fully understand the difference now now I get this error
  7. Everything has been going so well been really happy for the last couple of years Then I go into Modules and see lots need updating im going through them 1 at a time all was good, I had about 6 left to do and clicked update all, that was a big mistake now im faced with 500 server error cannot access the modules page and have no idea what i need to do to fix it all the controls that go anywhere inportant return 500 server error. im currently on thirty bees version 1.1.0-1.1.x Shop URL http://www.thepelletguys.com/ Current theme in use community-theme-default Can anyone throw me a life line I can access the back office but have limited access I can see orders for example but have no access to things like Performance I keepdaily backups and can reinstate yesterdays was hoping there maybe a workaround I can try before I do this otherwise I lose yesterdays orders I also downloaded the encryped data file and have attached exception_20232149334.txt
  8. I know a few of you have sites with hundreds of products, Im curious as to how you check and maintain that stock what is the standard proceedure? Im currently looking at the warehouse shelves to see whats low on a Monday, I then order in stock and individually add the stock as it arrives, it works but its very time consuming, now that my site is starting to get busy im looking for good stock maintaining solutions or ideas. So how do you all do it?
  9. I have a little request which maybe of interest to a few that use specific prices for multiple combinations and groups My example I currently have the groups Retail end user (rrp) no specific price required Wholesale (resellers) specific price required Product testers specific prices required Sponsored Anglers specific prices required Combinations I might have a liquid product for example that has 4 flavours in 2 different sized bottles and the price is different for each user group and each bottle size, 4 x 4 x 2 thats without multi store So you can see I have many possible combinations setting them all up isnt a massive issue just a little time consuming and part of the product building / developement however editing them for price changes is a massive task or genrally fixing a mistake as each has to be deleted and redone, some kind of live edit, example the value box, is it possible make it clickable and editable?, this would be a huge deal breaker and save hours and hours of time for those that use many combinations and groups. the current function allows you to pick, group, shop, currency etc, then either all combos or an individual combination, to be able to select multyple options from this area of the cart would be massive to date I have not seen a module other than the likes of store commander that would actually allow this and im not sure store commander would work with Bees If the part highlighted below would allow a click and edit that would be awesome From the screen shot below if the ability to select multyple combinations was allowed, it would save time and there would be a lot less specific prices, you currently have to do each seperate unless you make a product for each combination. im not sure if that would save on DBase usage and load but would imaging it would I hope that all makes sense just a little idea injection
  10. I have to go through this process quite often i found a 2nd or third attemp and the price change works not idea but it does work
  11. the module I use is Change the default combination when it goes to zero v1.0.3 - by SFWEB there is a short you tube videoon how it works its flawless on I think it needs some tweaking for Bees
  12. This is an annoyance for me too I fixed this on my Presta site with a module but couldnt get it to work on Bees it sets the default to the product with thehighest stock level when the product sells out, it was a mammoth task every monday changing the defaults as products sold out over the weekend. I have two other annoyances that I would love to see a solution for Merge two customers: would be a huge benefit the amount of customers that sign up with 2nd and 3rd accounts drives me mad its time consuming Specific prices edit function: I have quite a few groups, resellers, teams, general public, etc and all have different rates, if it was possible to be able to edit the specific prices rather than delete and redo it would save huge amounts of time for larger collections of products it can be literally done on the fly, sure we can use a catagory discount per group but thats far too general especially when the title is specific and the discount structure is not always a fixed percentage across a catagory
  13. Thanks Haylau I just got out of a chat with Astra security who run the security mod on my sites and they had blocked me, it had to be something simple as its been working a treat
  14. My site has been running well no isues to report im on it daily for hours at a time, I got home tonight logged in was working as normal had a break and whilst away i had been logged out I tried logging back in and was greated with the screen shot below, i tried to log in again thinking maybe I miss typed and same result. I then tried the password reset and was faced with the same issue, this is all a bit strange as I have been running flawlessly for weeks, I seem to recall this on here before but cannot track the thread down I have done all the normal cleared cache cookies rebooted to no avail. Iam a bit stuck now anyone have any ideas
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