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  1. @theMerchantDev I did set up the shop from scratch, meaning I made the design and all new, and imported the things I needed from the old shop with prestashop storemanger https://www.prestashopmanager.com/free-download/ As far as I can remember it was almost everything related to products, customers and orders except the passwords. @wakabayashi It would take too long to explain in detail, and also would drift the thread too much into off topic, but to rap it up, I did not like the direction in which TB has moved (in terms of code and philosophy) and have also some more, for me, useful functions in Phenix such as tariff codes and BBD for products, customizable BO page (e.g. order page), etc. But please note, that are my reasons and does not mean Phenix is better than TB or vice versa. It is just for me the better package. For others it might be different and that's the reason why I always recommend to checkout both, as in my opinion, both shops have their pros and cons and no shop system available is a 100% worry free and fits to 100% solution unless you code the whole shop for your own.
  2. @theMerchantDev I would suggest to setup both shops (TB and Phenix) and check which is better for your needs. For one it's TB, for another one its Phenix and for someone else it might be Shopify or whatever. Long time ago, I was on the move from PS 1.6 to either PS 8 or TB and did choose TB, as it suited my needs best. Later, it was somewhen last year, I changed to Phenix as it works better for me for various reasons. So, besides the fact that such a question, placed in a specific forum (in this case TB forum), will always result in more positive for that solution (in this case, pro TB shop), the only one who can answer it is you. Set up 2 copies of you current shop and update one to TB and one to Phenix. Then you will see which is best for you.
  3. Are you sure? As far as I know, most themes come with custom modules and I doubt that all of them work with php8 flawlessly.
  4. In the long run, PS8 modules will not be usable with TB due to different frameworks. So if you need the PS8 modules you will have to go with PS8 or hire someone who can adapt it or write it from scratch. Sure, this will cost some money, but PS8 will drift more and more into SaaS which means that it will cost you money anyway. The most cost efficient way is to use the system you prefer (for what reason ever) and carefully think about the need and use of modules.
  5. Just a quick idea how to achieve. Add all your products in addition to the original category also to category "home". Then you can use the module homefeatured to display the items on the home page. Take care about the loading size of the main page afterwards. Be sure that it not gets to big. In general, before making that step, I would consider following things: How many of your customers enter the shop on the main page? Mostly customers enter the shop via google or other links direct at a product page Are your customers desktop users or mobile users. Adding lots of items on the main page might make a good overview on desktop, but could be horrible to use on mobile (get an endless scroll list of products and never reach the footer where important information could be found)
  6. Not a direct answer to your problem, but why not simply disable guest orders? Back in time when I allowed guest orders I did not only get frustrated by the "new customer" or not issue, but more over about the problem that customers ordered as guest and later created an account to check their order status which then was not possible anymore as the customer account did not show the order (it was a "guest" who orderd and not the customer) and the guest tracking link did not work as there was "a customer with this mail already exist" (followed by: please sign in to your account...)
  7. Is there a paid version too? Have not found it yet. As I mentioned before I really love the idea and style of this theme, but the current version has some issues and does lack same basic modules too. One issue is that reduced prices are not displayed properly, or lets say they can confuse customers more than help selling. This is from the home page. The red is the old price and the green the reduced price, but the old price is neither crossed nor otherwise different from the reduced price. This is the article page. Again, the red circled old price is not crossed nor anything else different besides a smaller font. The orange circled -amount does not make it really easier to understand.
  8. Thanks for coming back to me. For 1, it is not a problem for using the shop at all, it's only a convenience problem as the admin user with a language not active in store front can't check how the seo -> friendly URL looks like. I have attached two pictures to show what I mean. The current test environment is as follows. Languages installed: English, Japanese, German Languages active in store front: English, Japanese This picture shows how seo -> friendly URL looks like when the admin user uses English (or Japanese) This picture shows how seo -> friendly URL looks like when the admin user uses Geman (not active in store front) For 2, good point. Never saw it that way. Always good to exchange ideas and opinions with others.
  9. Thanks for reply. Just checked your answers. 1) works, but has flaws. If the admin user uses a language not active in store front, the seo -> friendly URL does not work properly. 2) would be great if the standard input (or standard language) would be displayed for all fields if there is no specific language entry. 3) depends on viewing point. I have many articles which are only on sale (from the manufacturer) for a certain time and as I do not stock all items I sometimes face the problem that I forget to take items offline when they are not available anymore. (sounds maybe weird, but when having about 1000 items online which have limited shelf lives too, you wont stock them all) 4) could not find the option.only found "available quantities for sale" which belongs on whole stock and "Minimum quantity" which is the opposite of what I want.
  10. As I'm evaluating several shop systems to "update" my main shop by 2024 I took a look at nopCommerce which has some nice features although the whole system seems not to be very convenient to use. The features I found very useful and wonder if they could be realized in further TB versions are: General setting 1) Languages can be installed and selected if they are available in front or not. (useful when having employees with other languages than customers) 2) When multiple languages are installed there is no need to enter information (e.g. product) for all languages. There is a standard input and then the other languages. The standard field has to be filled in, but the other languages not. If there is an entry it will be used and if not it will be displayed standard. Products 3) Product available to buy end time (very helpful when having products which are only available for a certain time and then automatically get offline) 4) max. quantity than can be put into cart (helpful when having limited quantity and want to prevent one customer to buy all)
  11. I'm not sure, but I'm afraid that the guy is not in service anymore. I'm using a different module from him which is doing it's job as it should do, but can remember that I could not get in touch with him when I had some questions a year ago or so.
  12. I'm neither Datakick nor Smile, but I think it would be a great idea. I'm using the mentioned theme for my shop and would love it it became the standard as I really like the basic idea of the theme (simple and clean) as well as the new Bootstrap 5 features.
  13. Thanks to @datakick and @the.rampage.rado I also found the issue in the htaccess file. There was a part in the htaccess file related to the watermark module which caused not only troubles with the images, but also other 403 issues (I even was not able to make change in the friendly URL as it always said 403 when trying to hit the save button). Deleting that part allowed me to generate a new htaccess file. After making a new htaccess file all works fine. The images are shown in the back office as it should be and the other 403 issues when trying to save changes in the backoffice are also solved.
  14. Short update. I could not locate the problem yet, but I found out that on a shop copy I have made for testing, the problem does not exist. The shop copy is on the same server but different domain. Will investigate further and share results when found.
  15. Just took a look into. It says [HTTP/3 403 Forbidden 266ms] The shop is not in the root directory but in a subfolder www.MyDomain.com/shop/ might this be a reason because I faced several other (minor) issues with 403 when clicking on some buttons in the shop.
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