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Ivory member
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Everything posted by netamismb

  1. I am on my hosting memory_limit = 512M, and server API LiteSpeed V8.0.1 Cloudlinux 1.3 modules enabled: Artichow, Banner block, Cargus - by Complete Web, Cart block , Cash on delivery (COD) , Categories block , CMS block , Cron tasks manager , Cross-selling , Currency block , Custom CMS information block , Customer data privacy block, Customer follow-up , Customer loyalty and rewards , Dashboard Activity , Dashboard Goals , Dashboard Products , Dashboard Trends , Data mining for statistics , Ei Captcha - by hhennes, Facebook Share Button , Favorite Products , Featured products on the homepage Google Analytics , Google Analytics API , Google sitemap , Image slider for your homepage , Language block , Layered navigation block , LiteSpeed Cache Plugin Mail alerts , My Account block , My account block for your website's footer , New products block, Newsletter, Product Comments , Product payment logos block , Products category , Quick search block , RSS products feed , Site Verification - by Mediacom87, Social sharing , Suppliers block , Theme configurator , Top-sellers block , Top horizontal menu , User info block , Viewed products block , Watermark , Wishlist block
  2. I am trying to migrate from Prestashop to Thirty bees using module psonesixmigrator-v2.1.1 but I get out of memory after a few minutes. I am using PHP 7.0 Can I get some help with this issue?
  3. Ok, I manage to figure out. I created a new status and add test (temporary). After that I go in Custom Payment Methods and modify the Order state to use the new status.
  4. I created a custom payment method and I would like to change the status order. The issue is I don't see any custom payment: Or is it other way to change the status?
  5. Stripe TB module version 1.8.0 is still compatible with 2020 API version?
  6. Thank you all
  7. Can anybody advise how to migrate a Prestashop 1.6 site to thirtybees?
  8. In Google Search Console I get errors in all the products page: Invalid floating point number in property 'price' (in 'offers') and Missing field 'priceCurrency' (in 'offers'). I am using the Niara theme. In the page source I get: itemtype="https://schema.org/Offer"><link itemprop="availability"><meta itemprop="price" content="15.999999"><span id="our_price_display" class="price" itemprop="price">16,00 €</span> impuestos inc.<meta itemprop="priceCurrency" content="EUR"></p> I am not sure why this is happening. Does anyone manage to have those errors solved?
  9. On the blog and blog category, there is no canonical for the pagination. How can I add those?
  10. There is a post https://www.mediacom87.fr/vulnerabilite-majeure-de-securite-sur-les-sites-prestashop/ created by @Mediacom87 is this vulnerability present in thirtybees as well?
  11. I am running a production site with Thirtybees v1.3 on PHP8.0. I haven't encountered any issues.
  12. PHP8 is already supported, as far as I can tell. I run version 1.2 in production using 8.0. I just upgraded last week to version 1.3.
  13. How can I add the fiscal identification number, both of the customer and of the shop? I have in invoice.addresses-tab.tpl and i will need before the shop address to add the NIE of the shop and before the delivery address the NIE of the customer <table id="addresses-tab" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td width="33%"><span class="bold"> </span><br/><br/> {if isset($order_invoice)}{$order_invoice->shop_address}{/if} </td> <td width="33%">{if $delivery_address}<span class="bold">{l s='Delivery Address' pdf='true'}</span><br/><br/> {$delivery_address} {/if} </td> <td width="33%"><span class="bold">{l s='Billing Address' pdf='true'}</span><br/><br/> {$invoice_address} </td> </tr> </table>
  14. netamismb


    May I ask which are the pages excluded from caching? I have added only the quick order, not sure if this is enough.
  15. netamismb


    I am using LiteSpeed and for some user I get the 500 error message. It's strange that this is not happen for all, I notice that is mostly happen on mobile. is someone experience the same behavior? I am Using Prestashop LiteSpeed module.
  16. Have a shared version, I am using Thirtybees 1.2 with Niara theme. When debug is mode is enabled it doesn't show any error, when save https://www.rock4u.eu/oficina4u/index.php?controller=AdminModules&configure=eucookieconsent&tab_module=front_office_features&module_name=eucookieconsent&token=fa4e03b7b504778645f8fcb814b679a7 is just saying This page is unavailable. And is not happen for all the modeles, for example Top Menu is working fine.
  17. He hecho esta pregunta en el foro en inglés. Instalé el módulo de pago Paycomet, porque lo recomienda mi banco. He utilizado el módulo prestashop1.6, pero el método de pago no se muestra en la página de pago.https://github.com/PAYCOMET/prestashop/releases ¿Alguien está usando la integración de Paycomet con Thirtybees?
  18. For several module: Block CMS Info, EU Cookie Consent I cannot save the configuration, I get a 404 page not found when saving. Any idea why this happen? is there any access missing? I believe this happen after I changed the hosting.
  19. Thank you, will try to uninstall the advanced EU OPC and see if is working. I am using EU Cookie Consent v1.0.2 - by thirty bees.
  20. Please, can somebody advise what is needed to have the payment method shown on the checkout page.
  21. I am trying to install the Paycomet payment module - because is recommended by my bank. Have used the prestashop1.6 module, but the payment method is not displayed in the checkout page. https://github.com/PAYCOMET/prestashop/releases I believe is because the method 'hookDisplayPaymentEU' is missing. Is it a simple way to patch the module to make it work on thirstybees?
  22. Looking to add Stripe as a payment method as well. When using it, the customer have to create an account to use Stripe? And how is the overall experience with it?
  23. Looking to add Stripe as a payment method as well. When using it, the customer have to create an account to use Stripe? And how is the overall experience with it?
  24. Maybe you provide a test user?
  25. Resolved, I delete the cache folder and after that translation were in place. Strange thing, as I updates many modules and only this module had the cache issue.
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