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Everything posted by netamismb

  1. I have installed TB PayPal module v 5.4.3 and setup, but is not showing in the frontend. I get the message There is no payment method. Ar the TLS V1.2 SUPPORT section I get "TLS v1.2 is not supported. Please upgrade your server." but checked with https://www.ssllabs.com/ssltest/analyze.html?d=www.rock4u.eu and I get Protocols TLS 1.3 No TLS 1.2 Yes TLS 1.1 No TLS 1.0 No SSL 3 No SSL 2 No
  2. have tried debug and get the 404 from server, is in the image attached That was when I have installed PS Paypal.
  3. Manage to get rid of error 500 and installed TB Paypal, but on frontend site is not showing, i get no payment method available.
  4. Trying to install TB PayPal module, but I get error 500 on the backend side.
  5. Yes, i have installed 3.10.2 which was working just fine until 2 days ago, when started to throw the error message. And now I have updated and installed 3.14.2 but is getting the same error.
  6. I need help with PS Paypal module , suddenly I get the message "things don't appear to be working at the moment". I have reached the PS developers and received a new version - which for me is still not working (but solve the issue for others), and I don't know if is because is installed on TB or is module issue? Any other alternative module that can be used instead? Is TB Paypal module working fine? When I have tested the customer have to fill again all the data, which is not very user friendly . Is the only payment module i have installed, so i am now in the situation that nobody can buy from the shop 😞
  7. I am the only with PayPal stopped working? I am still struggling to found out what is happen, but had no clue where to start.... Any help is much appreciate.
  8. I am usin Prestashop Paypal module and was working fine until today, when I get the message "things don't appear to be working at the moment". Is anybody else experience this ? Any clue where to start?
  9. I can see your website, just the image are not showing. You might need to regenerate the images.
  10. Thank you @Traumflug for hints, really helpful. I think you're right and was an issue with Friendly URL , cause I manage to fix the issue by disabled and enabled that category.
  11. I am using TB 1.1.0 with Niara theme. I have a strange bug on one category, when going to the next page i get "There is no product available" despite having 146 products to show. Here is the link to the category with the issue: https://www.rock4u.eu/camisetas-rock The issue is not happening in any other category. Could be because of the number of products in this category? Any idea how this can be fixed?
  12. I have an issue on Niara theme - doesn't show new products on home page. The blocked is hooked on the homepage and correct configured, thus is not showing. Any ideas what can be wrong?
  13. netamismb

    Welcome Email

    Which social module are you using? I am looking for one, as well.
  14. netamismb

    Server Move

    do they have English customer support? Which is your website?
  15. netamismb


    would be possible to add me to the thread?
  16. I get the following errors in Google search console: Either 'offers', 'review' or 'aggregateRating' should be specified Either 'ratingCount' or 'reviewCount' should be specified Missing field 'ratingValue' I am using modules Customer loyalty and rewards v3.0.2 and Google JSON+LD v1.0.4 and Niara theme. How i can add those values, even there is no reviews for products. As far as I am aware, Google just want to see there is possibility to add the review, and not really care if there are reviews or not.
  17. If just want to show it, just add the image with the back of the shirt.
  18. I am not sure I following. You should have 2 attribute per product: color and size. In BO, Product Combination you can add new combinations ; one with size - small color red, one with size medium color white and one with size large blue, and add the stock.
  19. Those are supported by default on products. Set product attribute size as small, medium, large and color as red, white, blue. Add the combination and set the stock only for the one available.
  20. For now I've solved the problem revert back beesblog module to version 1.1.1 and reseting the module.
  21. Table collation for _bees_blog_category_lang is utf8mb4_general_ci. I have both English ans Spanish installed. I have update manually the table _bees_blog_category_lang and can see the categories in category page, but when switch to post page cannot add a post as i get the message No categories found. Please add a category before making a new post.
  22. Hi guys,have an issue with Thirtybees blog, the category title is not saved. I am running Thirtybees v1.1.0, lang es, Bees blog category 1.0.2 PHP v7.2. Checking in database I found the data in _bees_blog_category and _bees_blog_category_shop tables, but nothing in the _bees_blog_category_lang. Trying to update I get the message Unable to update category
  23. I am using niara theme and have translated all without issue. Thus, didn't use the backoffice, just add the missing translation directly in the files.
  24. netamismb


    Never heard of it before. Looking https://presmobic.com/ seems more to be a theme for tablets/mobile so you lose the identity of your website.
  25. Apologize for late reply, didn't get the notification. Right, for the wish list module I was looking for. Thank you.
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