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Everything posted by yaniv14

  1. check if you have any database upgrades you need to apply. also try to do hard refresh (ctrl+f5), maybe some javascript file has been updated.
  2. maybe you need to run some database fixes/upgrades from the core updater module?
  3. can you paste the content of that file
  4. Bootstrap 4/5 use flexbox compare to Bootstrap 3. Bootstrap 5 use pure javascript instead of jquery, have RTL support by using start/end instead of right/left... and also more scss utilities. in general Bootstrap 3 is too old for today web standards.
  5. If using apache web server try disabling mod_security
  6. https://github.com/thirtybees/thirtybees#requirements
  7. installing the module is not enough, you will need to install and run elastic search on your server. I dont have any experience with elastic search module, but if I remember correctly this module was never really fully production ready.
  8. try to disable elastic search module
  9. Check that you have proper write permission for folders
  10. There is no override to a theme template file (tpl). I dont think Niara theme will be update with the core update module. if you have future concerns just make a copy of the modified file and keep it aside
  11. It looks like DHL has switched to a new API and maybe dropped support for older WSDL if you look in there main wsdl page you will see: <wsdl:documentation> NOTICE: This WSDL is valid for implementations that are in production prior to 14th March 2021. Please note that there is a new WSDL as part of the latest MyDHL API Developer guide. Please contact your local DHL IT Contact. </wsdl:documentation> i am not using dhl so I can't tell much. Good luck
  12. The reason that your migration fail was not related to thirtybees or prestashop, it was because you add an override with code that not supported by PHP 7.2+. I am not familiar with the migration process but I recommend doing it without your overrides (for start), and also after migrate you should continue updating to latest thirtybees version. regarding this error, I think you have something like: "private function getLangLink(.....)" when should have: "public function getLangLink(.....)"
  13. @jollyfrog I prefer not to be involved in a decision about the approved theme design. and leave the decision to the members of the community and you.
  14. @jollyfrog can you provide a finish design (accepted by community members) that covers most important pages: home, category, product, checkout, cart?
  15. @led24ee It is necessary because you might get a javascript error. document.querySelector('.unit-price').innerHTML -> "innerHTML" is a property of an object, and if the object does not exists then the property cannot be called.
  16. @led24ee in case you don't have this in every product page you should protect the code a bit. you should wrap it inside a condition. like: window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', (event) => { if (document.querySelector('.unit-price')) { .... rest of code ... } });
  17. @led24ee My mistake... yes you are right, you only need to pick a new selector.
  18. if you only need it in product page, so you can try adding this code to the bottom of "themes/niara/js/product.js" window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', (event) => { const lang = document.documentElement.getAttribute('lang'); if (lang === 'en-us') { document.querySelector('.unit-price').innerHTML = document.querySelector('.unit-price').innerHTML.replace('per meeter', 'for meter'); } else if (lang === 'tk') { document.querySelector('.unit-price').innerHTML = document.querySelector('.unit-price').innerHTML.replace('per meeter', 'for meter in tk'); } });
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