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Everything posted by lesley

  1. It could be something with the stripe api, that would explain why it worked the second time. Like a downout or an error on stripes end.
  2. @DavidP I guess I am in a position to address some of your concerns. There is a business plan behind thirty bees, we are working to live off an affiliate channel and the revenues our store generates once it is up and running. Both are pretty straightforward and easy to accomplish, we just need more users to accomplish them and make them viable. We also plan to make free modules for service providers, we have a couple on the burner right now actually. We have also been entertaining investments as well to help jump start use starting a 2.0.0 version with new and different features that we cannot make compatible in the 1.0.x branch. So we do have a plan, its just not moving at breakneck speed, which is just as frustrating for us as it is for you I can imagine. I am sorry that you feel your contribution to the elasticsearch was a waste. The module was a bit more complicated than we anticipated, we were not able to build off of existing code because of the quality of the code. thirty bees is never going to be a paid service, it will always be free and open source. As for @mdekker leaving, I wouldn't consider that. This is a startup company, he has sunk a ton of his own time and money into this company, I don't think there is the option to give up and take a loss on everything. This one is likely to go against the grain with some people, but this is how I feel. I have always tried to handle my business in a manner that was honest and transparent. The developer of Transformer has two products in his shop and requires a ton of content pages. thirty bees, prestashop, magento, open cart, ect are just not the best platform for him. I don't think thirty bees is the best platform for 2 products that require nothing more than uploading zip files. There are better solutions. That is not to say it cannot do it, it just offers too many features that would not be needed. That is why there is choice in the marketplace.
  3. @dynambee One of the big improvements in 1.0.4 is the stats modules. We have deprecate like 23 of them and made a new module that condenses them into one module. This allows for a more stable installation, less repos for us to maintain, and a cleaner module page for merchants.
  4. Its not that I am skeptical, there is a stark difference in my mind in data protection and data deletion. We are very security minded here and try to make it impossible to leak data, so I feel like the protection part is handled. See we are back to it being a German issue again. I would like to get some other input on this, because the requirements you stated, I said how we could meet them.
  5. As an american that is not multilingual you don't know how much I appreciate you posting links in english. Lets go over them though. France and Facebook. This is a cookie consent issue and a privacy policy issue. Italy and that case. They were laundering money using a term we call structuring in the US to avoid detection, but they were using other people's names to do it. Netherlands and France, this is pretty much the same as the first France article talking about privacy policies and informing users what you are doing with data. Netherlands and France #2, this article is about what you need to disclose when your site has a data breach. None of the articles you posted have anything to do with storing data. They all have one thing in common is letting users know what you are doing with it. Two distinctly different things. Re: Os Commerce, so dead e-commerce platforms?
  6. I think I might try a redirect. I have used most platforms under the sun, can you name one that will actually comply with those laws? I know for a fact that Shopify doesnt.
  7. Hey, we have two companies that support thirty bees that have image compression modules, both of them use kraken. Here are links to the modules. https://www.logicalit.com/prestashop-modules/en/24--prestashop-module-krakenio-image-optimization.html and https://www.presteamshop.com/en/modules-prestashop/kraken-image-optimizer.html Kraken is a paid service, but it produces great quality and small images.
  8. There are no real packaging laws here, basically if it fits it ships.
  9. One thing I have noticed, you can even notice it with this thread, is the regulations are only problems for the Germans. These are German changes, not EU changes. 70% of thirty bees shops are EU companies, the Germans are the only people that seem to be having these issues. We want to be compatible for every localization that it makes sense for us to be compatible with. That being said, we cannot break the software as a whole for a small fraction of our users. Let me be clear on this, if it was the US that wanted to institute some of these policies I would tell them to screw off as well. A great example is taxes. thirty bees cannot and will not be able to handle some of the taxing in the US. Its something we are not going to build into the system, it would be too time consuming. This is what I am seeing you are needing, correct me if I am wrong. Ability to delete orders. This is something we can add, the functionality is actually halfway there and hidden. The ability to remove old carts from a certain date back that do not have an order affiliated with them. This can be made into a module rather easily, it is a text field, a button, and two queries. The ability to leave reviews with aliases and not real names. This is going to be a little bit tougher. We will have to add the functionality to the product comments module. We can't do like wordpress does and use a core alias currently. It would break just about everything doing that. So we would have to limit it to the product comments module for the time being. This module is due for a big rewrite at the start of the year. We can add that in with the other features we want to add. The alias would not be able to be used across the shop though, just for commenting on products. As far as I know, Shopify is currently under investigation in the EU for being a get rich quick scheme. I want thirty bees to be compliant everywhere, but some things we are not going to add into the core and will be done as modules, because of their specific limited use. Internally we have kicked around the idea of actually having a setup after the installation. So it would ask merchants questions about their company and set setting for them, like taxes, EU components, and other things.
  10. I think one thing that people in the EU miss when talking about these laws is they are front facing laws. Disabling an account should bring you in compliance. Data does not have to be deleted. Here is a great scenario. Would it be possible for me to commit a bunch of fraud and before I got caught send my bank a right to be forgotten letter asking them to delete my data? Every crook would do this. Another example is what if I buy a product with a lifetime warranty? Do I give up my warranty when I ask to be deleted? How far do you actually take this information? When I want to be deleted I want to be removed from your old paper records. I want to be removed from your tax filings, I want my name no longer associated with a purchase in your shipping carriers records. I don't want to show the payment in your bank account from 2 years ago. I want you to physically forget you ever talked to me. Deleting the data is not realistic and is actually illegal in the US under a lot of circumstances.
  11. Sure. Deleting orders. This is against the simple premise of ecommerce. When an order is deleted, stock should be returned. Deleting orders will put stock in your shop that is not actually there. Guest customer data is goo historic data. It has no named tied to it, so no one can claim ownership of it. Keeping guest customers should not be an issue. When they are deleted, it will break orders. This is a major rewrite, nothing that can be put into a 1.0.x version. Anonymous / nicknames for reviews do not build trust. That is why most review systems use the name tied to the account, not an alias. This also could be a breaking change, because on some level internally the review is going to be tied to a name, or it will not be a verified review.
  12. What you have listed is over complicating and not possible in some levels in thirty bees, or most other platforms for that matter.
  13. Its a plan to over regulate making it hard for small businesses to compete and pushing everything to big business.
  14. Let me know if you see any changes we need to make. I am sure we can either get them added to the core or the AEUC module.
  15. Hmm that is very strange, I do not know what would cause that. I don't really know what to suggest other than maybe trying to install it again. Local host issues are the toughest to debug since there is no access.
  16. I did a quick skim, do we have to change anything? It looks like most of the requirements are on the merchants for letting people know what they do with the data. As a site note, why does Germany hate e-commerce?
  17. True. Hopefully we can get it going where we don't have to worry about funding.
  18. Oh, you are right. I fixed it now. I am going to add somethings to the next release version, that is a good idea with the useful links. I was thinking about the footer as well, down by the github and everything. Something on the install screen too.
  19. Hmm I have no clue, its difficult to debug local installations because there is no access. That is why I always opt for doing dev sites online most of the time.
  20. It should be a setting you try to see if it fixes the problem. I do not use a mac, so I don''t know the quirks with mamp.
  21. Debug mode should not affect it, this is the setting I am talking about. http://storage2.static.itmages.com/i/17/1129/h15119661733132358_4c585f98e2.png change it to no redirection.
  22. The settings need to be in the htaccess, not the https.conf, thirty bees should make a htaccess by default when you safe on the seo and urls page. I would start debugging by turning off the canonical url redirect on the seo and urls page.
  23. Do they have any kind of debug? Is it showing the status code of when they try to pull them over?
  24. lesley

    1.0.4 soon?

    You can, its just one module. It does not slow your shop down though, most of the stats in the module are generated at the time you push the button, ie it executes a query on data already in your shop and returns the results.
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