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Everything posted by Troy.Roberts

  1. So i'm trying to set up a multistore instance of my store for wholesale customers. But after creating the multistore group and the second store i get 404 errors. Not sure what i'm doing wrong How do i set up the store in a subfolder?
  2. @datakick Oke doke, will look into it. Any chance for some other hooks to be implemented. I use warehouse and the right column hook isn't the best look for the reviews.
  3. @datakick What mechanism does the module use to send e-mails? Mine doesn't seem to be sending e-mails, i currently use smtp for mailalerts And any way to hook it below the add to cart button?
  4. @datakick I use Warehouse (the shammmeeeee lol) and i would prefer to hook the module to hook it to displayProductButtons instead of displayRightColumnProduct. What's the best way to do that?
  5. @wakabayashi Are you taking any cues from the All in One Rewards module? It's currently the most popular rewards module for prestashop.
  6. @pedalman said in Backoffice order page too slow: Actually, in order to satisfy both types of shop owners - the ones who care about Google connections and those who do not - best would be to have an "on demand" look up Google Map adress button. I think this goes with Thirty Bees concept and should be build in. Thank you alot That seems reasonable imo. I think address validation doesn't even work for my country. No sense having it enabled.
  7. @mdekker Ahh ok so when we did that you didn't use the Omnipay libraries to build it.
  8. @mdekker Would this apply to the FAC integration that we did as well?
  9. @datakick That's perfectly fine, i assumed that was the case that it could be made deterministic. With regards to guest reviews that's not an issue, i don't believe my customers permit guest orders anyways.
  10. @alwayspaws I think you have to create an account with them to see the dropshippers they support. But creating an account is free.
  11. Inventoryshource.com is the company and they do an meta integration with other dropship suppliers. So you don't have to do a custom integration with each supplier to handle the quirks of their inventory feeds. Just use their integration and sign up with the dropshipper that they support and they handle the rest.
  12. @datakick Cool, and that applies on a per user basis and not necessarily per review? So it's permanent to the user? So if a user submits 10 reviews they would all come from Armoured Armadillo or whatever?
  13. @lesley That's cool too, i see they've added a lot more suppliers since i last checked (including Doba)
  14. @lesley Ahhhh, that's a bit different. So it's not gonna be a native opensource module. (that could be forked for my purposes) An integration from their end would be cool too.
  15. @lesley You're doing a native inventorysource module?
  16. @datakick That's great. I know my request was super niche. Have a few customers that have shall we say more adult oriented enterprises and they want to encourage user reviews, but obviously (most) people are reluctant to attach their real names or even initials to a review. The custom javascript option sounds like the ticket. Thanks much
  17. Very Niche feature request. Semi anonymized reviews. So assign a customer a random public name different from username or real name. E.g. pick random words from three lists. e.g. Mauve Hungry Hippo to assign to user to attach to reviews so that customer can freely give reviews without exposing their real names or accounts.
  18. @lesley I think the problem is that the up/downvote buttons aren't large enough so when people upvote it's really difficult to see the color change the default gray and the upvote blue and a little too close together to see the change when you upvote.
  19. Sorry those method's won't work due to the SQL triggers. They're designed to apply the markup once the database itself is updated upon any changes to a row in the database. It's quite handy however now it's biting me in the butt now that i want to add some products that don't use the same markup scheme
  20. Hi i need some help with a sql query. I want to edit the retail price of products in the psproductshop table with an id >9900001 I want retail price to be equal to (wholesale price * 2.86) I can't do it with a CSV import because of some sql triggers that go off that mess up the retail price. So my idea is to just run a sql query to update the table directly. hope someone's SQL fu is better than mine
  21. I am very interested in such a service. Could you contact me please
  22. I have a customer who commissioned a site for selling handbags. The put a "graphic designer" as the person to contact with regards to design. The sheer level of nitpickery that they're engaging in before taking the site live..... "The menu dropdowns have to be 70% opacity" "The mouseover color has be Pantone xxxxx" "The slider needs to be xxx pixels tall" Meanwhile the store is not online and no products are in the catalog and they are dragging their behind on the merchant account (in spite of me telling them that it's going to take a while to set that up) The advice is correct, launch with a basic design (even from a premium theme) work out your catalog issues and order workflow and process and nail the final look later. Design is far less important (for most e-commerce business other than high end apparel) than the overall customer experience.
  23. You can also consider this service for migration. Orders, customers, products etc https://www.shopping-cart-migration.com/
  24. Get the same error on the same forum threat
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