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Everything posted by musicmaster

  1. But what does that "failed"/"forbidden" reaction that I see mean for the functioning of my webshop?
  2. What is the function of the triggercontroller? When I load a product page I see that a call is made to index.php?controller=trigger&ts=1677152722 What is returned is {"status":"failed","error":"Forbidden"} When I look into the source code I see something about a scheduler but that doesn't make things much clearer. The line "ServiceLocator::getInstance()->getScheduler();" gives me nightmares about Symfony style complexity.
  3. Corrected I mentioned the likely problem in my page about updating the Panda theme: The problem is that some themes use parts of the themeconfigurator module even while it is not active. However, inactive modules are not updated during the update process. The solution is to download a recent version of the themeconfigurator module or Thirty Bees and copy the newer version of the module in place of the old one.
  4. I am using Panda. No idea about Bootstrap5
  5. Sounds like you should consider my Copy_shopdata tool. https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/445453-copy-shopdata-script-for-upgrading-and-fixing-buggy-shops-by-copying-business-data-and-images/
  6. musicmaster

    PANDA theme

    I recently posted a list of fixes for Panda so that it can run without problems with the latest PHP and TB versions. It would be nice when there was some kind of contact with SunnyToo so that such changes are absorbed in the version that they sell. I think Smile or Datakick should handle such contacts.
  7. Glad you solved it. .htaccess can indeed cause strange problems.
  8. I have a problem with the Attribute Wizard Pro module: it displays the prices excl. VAT. When I searched for the cause I found that AWP uses a flag with the name "displayPrice" to indicate whether products should be displayed with or without VAT. It appears that Thirty Bees has in js/tools.js a function with the name displayPrice() and that interferes with this variable. This function is only present in Thirty Bees - not in Prestashop. Does anyone have a proven solution to solve this?
  9. Does this also solve the double login phenomena that I see on a stable 1.4? The first time nothing happens and the second time i am in.
  10. Fine. Keep your new keys. But then don't import customer tables from other shops.
  11. The employee and the customer tables use the same encryption. So either you import them both from the old shop and use its Cookie and Rijndael keys or you create them both in the new shop.
  12. That is not a problem
  13. Yes, you can. But it is ridiculous. A typical shop has 200 tables. BTW: yesterday there was an update of Copy_shopdata
  14. Please share the error message that you get. It may enable people on the forum to analyze your problem. You may change irrelevant parts of it that might identify the server.
  15. When you have error 500 you should enable debug mode: https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/224525-how-to-turn-on-error-reporting-for-debug-information-blank-page-500-internal-server-error/
  16. It looks like you are crossing the PS 1.6.0-1.6.1 barrier. In 1.6.0 the default has value 1 and the other value 0. In 1.6.1 (and TB) the NULL value is used instead of 0. That enables the system to make the field a unique key - what makes it imposible to have more than one default. NULLs are excepted from this unique requirement. However, zeroes do trigger duplicate key errors. You are likely to experience similar problems with pictures.
  17. Did you copy the keys in Settings.inc.php?
  18. When in Phpmyadmin I change utf8mb4_general_ci into utf8mb4_unicode_ci for the column I get a unique key error message. When I use Core Updater it doesn't show any reaction to my click on the "apply fix" button. When i look in the browser console I see that the system returned a "success" response. However, the warning is still in its list.
  19. I am moving a shop from PS 1.6 to a new TB installation. When I try to copy the content of the ps_search_word table I get a duplicate key problem. The problem is related to the collation. In the old shop it was utf8_general_ci. In the new one it is utf8mb4_unicode_ci. The problem is to be in the unicode vs general part (copying to utf8mb4_general_ci works ok). As I understand it some data normalization is needed to solve this. But how do I do that?
  20. Note also that the latest version supports generation of webp pictures. For big formats there are still some issues with transparent background - they will be solved soon.
  21. I have in Prestools a function with which you can reduce the server error log so that each error message only is listed once (the most recent version). Maybe such a thing is an idea for Thirty Bees too?
  22. Thank you for the fix. You have made a lot of changes. That makes it hard to understand the side effects and thus hard to copy.
  23. SunnyToo has its own blockviewed_mod. However, when I look at the code it looks like they have the same implementation with as only difference that TB uses hookHeader and ST uses hookDisplayHeader.
  24. This looks strange. The property "nav_last_visited_category" can only be found in the SunnyToo module stproductlinknav. De omschrijving van die module is "This module adds Next and Previous links on the product page." Maar die module heeft versie 1.0 en is in voorgaande jaren nooit een probleem geweest.
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