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Everything posted by musicmaster

  1. Sorry for posting the same thing twice. The forum has become a bit strange. Suddenly it sorts the posts by vote. But that means somehow that the latest becomes immediately after the original post. It also means that when you reply and press the "submit reply" button that button after some busy time becomes active again while the text you posted is still in the window. Rather confusing...
  2. Sounds like quite a lot. Could you share some of those solutions so that other people can solve them without having to ask?
  3. Sounds like quite a lot. Could you share some of those solutions so that other people can solve them without having to ask?
  4. Such a big order makes it almost impossible to find a cause. You need an order with one or two products - maybe in high quantities. Only in such a situation makes it sense to do the calculations manually and look where things go wrong. BTW: existing orders will not change due to your change in settings. Only new ones will.
  5. Can you use downloaded versions for upgrade? How?
  6. On the Modules page click on Check for updates. After that you will see the modules that can be upgraded and a button to do so.
  7. If you need to do that kind of things you can better use my tool Copy_shopdata. It handles such problems for you. But in this case it is very likely not needed.
  8. The issue I run most often into is the inability to attach files with the customer service messages. Probably I am biased because I sell software. But I can imagine that other people will find it handy too for sending manuals, product previews, etc.
  9. What is the work queue? And to what extent will it be something programmers need to take into account when they develop something for TB?
  10. The disadvantage is that only you will be capable of determining which revision is older and which is the latest. For almost everyone else it will be just too much effort.
  11. Is this really necessary? I never before heard of a software package refusing installation because an expired certificate - a quite common problem.
  12. Experience learns that even minor revisions can bring errors. So when someone reports an error it is always good to know exactly what version he used. You cannot ask someone to have a look in his database for what _TB_REVISION_ he has.
  13. Isn't it possible to use normal subversions instead of revisions? Like 1.03.01 and 1.03.02?
  14. One little other thing: the modified files. It seems to me extremely unlikely I changed all these files. Maybe one or two, but my impression is that most were changed in some system operation.
  15. Updating indeed allowed it to go further. Thank you. The database software is MariaDB 10.4.8
  16. When you asked for feedback about the Core Updater I reported too that it remained stuck at 42.86%. There was never a report that that was solved. I just checked for the log files from those tests: 4.3 and 8.9 GB. So Slick_303 is right. By doing a new "upgrade" that I broke off almost immediately after it got stuck at 42.86 I managed to get a shorter log file. I have it attached coreupdater-20211019.log
  17. For a database export and import should work ok. Don't forget to cleanup the database before you start.
  18. I am not sure whether AWP supports your second scenario. I doubt it. So you should ask them. You can do that on the Prodcombi page of Prestools.
  19. You can use Prestools for managing the price of large numbers of combinations. It allows you to set prices on attributes. It is free However, the database structure can only handle a few thousand combinations. Otherwise it becomes too slow. The alternative is the module Attribute Wizard Pro but that is far from free.
  20. I had it once again running and got this. I am afraid it is not a good idea to have so many ajax calls (the counter is here at 1684). On Windows computers they attract anti-virus checks and as a consequence they are slow.
  21. It looked like CHECKING YOUR INSTALLATION stayed forever at 42.86%. I did it on a bleeding edge webshop that probably already was up-to-date.
  22. Is it really necessary to declare this kind of stuff as "critical"? It seems to me that that word should be reserved to things that are likely to cause errors in your shop. I also found the buttons at the top right hard to find.
  23. I made something similar here: https://www.topsnoep.nl/relatiegeschenken/2863-notenmand-zelf-samengesteld.html In it you select a basket and one or more products to insert into it. It uses customizations and involves about a hundred lines of code.
  24. Just a little trick: The problem is well known. Searching for more than one word gives all products that contain at least one of the words. It is rather easy to change that. You need to change just a few lines in classes/Search.php On line 232 of Search.php you will find: $eligibleProducts2 = []; foreach ($intersectArray as $query) { foreach ($db->executeS($query, true, false) as $row) { $eligibleProducts2[] = $row['id_product']; } } $eligibleProducts = array_unique(array_intersect($eligibleProducts, array_unique($eligibleProducts2))); if (!count($eligibleProducts)) { return ($ajax ? [] : ['total' => 0, 'result' => []]); } You should change that to $eligibleProducts2 = []; foreach ($intersectArray as $query) { foreach ($db->executeS($query, true, false) as $row) { $eligibleProducts2[] = $row['id_product']; } $eligibleProducts = array_unique(array_intersect($eligibleProducts, array_unique($eligibleProducts2))); $eligibleProducts2 = []; } if (!count($eligibleProducts)) { return ($ajax ? [] : ['total' => 0, 'result' => []]); } This was done in TB 1.02. If you have a different version the line numbers may be slightly different.
  25. What about disabling pretty urls / deleting .htaccess? Without pretty urls you see the real paths of the images. And that means that you can look with FTP on the disk whether they ware there or not.
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