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Everything posted by movieseals

  1. What about modules? If we upload images from a module that did not necessarily support webp, will TB generate both anyways? I used to be on TB 1.3, just now discovering the features of 1.5. Never used watermark. Trying to diminish my use and reliance on non-native modules as much as possible.
  2. Thank you for the information! The jpg and webp have about a 50% difference in size, in favour of the webp, so no problem so far on that side.
  3. We no longer need to use Imagemagick? First time I hear of this. Any reason why? I just want to understand the logic behind dropping it. I was currently using it to automatically generate webp since my theme did not create them at upload.
  4. With the cache module and all the other caches in TB 1.5, it is quite faster. The only one I am not sure if we can use or not is Full page cache in TB. It does not seem like a typical full page cache, but technically, according to the documentation for the Litespeed cache, it should be off as it may conflict. Other than that, nothing to say except the separate view for mobile in the LS Cache does not seem to work very well. And different views for groups or views for logged or non logged individuals crashes some PS modules. I also noted that vanilla Litespeed was still considerably faster than Apache and even Nginx as Proxy, which is what I had before. And our store was significantly smaller back then. So Litespeed is definitely an improvement for us. I also like Cyberpanel, which is like a cpanel for Litespeed and Openlitespeed. It has its growing pains but now works mostly very well for most usages. It loads quickly and it is pretty versatile and simpler to understand than cpanel.
  5. It was quite a hurdle but I managed to upgrade to TB 1.5 from 1.3. There are still hiccups, mostly with PS modules, but we are mostly there. Now, because I have been doing a tremendous amount of testing, I needed to clear the cache a lot. And being both a blessing and a curse, it does not appear to work like I used to expect it. The new smarty cache menu says it can use the system cache. Which one does it use? APCu? Memcache(d)? Redis? Does it still work if you do not select one of them in the menu below? If so, what cache does it use? If not, why does it not tell you that it will not use the server cache if you do not select anything below? If system cache is used, why are there files generated in the cache folder? Why, even if I delete them (like I used to do when I made changes that would not appear), why are there changes that do not appear yet others do. Stuck in the system cache? But even clearing the cache does not fix them. They eventually clear up much later. I thought it was due to browser cache, but that does not always work either. Anyways, just trying to understand the logic and what it now uses so that I can flush them better when I try new things.
  6. Thank you!!!! That was tremendously helpful!
  7. When I look at the source for my front page, I see a download for this: https://unpkg.com/sweetalert/dist/sweetalert.min.js unpkg is a CDN, and apparently things changed, so this link instead redirects: FROM: https://unpkg.com/sweetalert/dist/sweetalert.min.js TO: 302 And then it loads the new script from the new location, which is: /[email protected]/dist/sweetalert.min.js... Which takes a lot of time for nothing. Not sure if this comes from the theme or TB, but I need to find where this information is sent to the header of the theme, as in the header, all I can see is: {if isset($js_defer) && !$js_defer && isset($js_files) && isset($js_def)} {$js_def} {foreach from=$js_files item=js_uri} <script type="text/javascript" src="{$js_uri|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" defer></script> {/foreach} {/if} My question is: How do I find which files sends the JS information to the header so that I can correct the link with the proper new destination OR remove it altogether if it is no longer useful? Any help is appreciated. C.
  8. I would absolutely love to as it is a good idea and appears to work very well, but my version of TB is incompatible with Collect PHP logs as I am using 1.3. The reason I am still on 1.3? Several modules that we need to function do not work with TB 1.4 and definitely not on 1.5 for that matter, despite working with PHP 7.4 under 1.3. We also had lots of customizations that are essential to our business - we are slowly moving them to modules, whenever we can, some with our limited knowledge, some we paid fo the modulisrtion but there is a lot to do on that front. We try very hard to minimize the use of overrides and changes to the pages other than the theme itself but it is not always possible. Some modules just straight up stopped working - they are not causing any troubles - they just stopped working altogether. I managed to create an installation of TB 1.5 and I am testing and migrating as much of our current functionalities as I can. It is during that process that I encountered this new issue. Sadly, more stuff will eventually break by the time we have to lockin with PHP 8 and higher.
  9. That is what I am doing. I just wish there was a simpler way to disable all modules at once or to reactivate them all at once, or selectively. The Bulk function right now is only to install or desinstall. It would be great to be able to enable or disable in bulk too for troubleshooting. I currently disable modules categories by categories and refresh the pages between each...
  10. I increase phpmemory in php ini. I replaced class_index.php, I fixed permissions on the public_html folder, emptied all caches and disabled them all to see, seem to have all the required extensions... Even teh cart is broken... So I am at a loss. I restarted Litespeed. restarted my cpanel. Restarted my server. Nothing. UPDATE: It appears to be caused by a module. If I disable all the non TB modules, the problem goes away...Now I disable all the newer modules, which brought me from 149 to 133. But the problem remains. It appears more and more like a javascript conflict but how to tell which one? Everything was working fine until a couple of days ago.
  11. Thank you so much!
  12. OK. After a lot of trials and errors, I was able to migrate from 1.3 to 1.5. Really impressed with my tests on 1.5, especially the server cache, which is what finally made me want to make the jump despite the potential upheaval. It took me a while but I figured out a proper way now to migrate relatively easily. My question now is all the warnings about the DB. I had tons. Some are due to modules and I am aware of those. Some are due to our customizations, I am aware of those as well. But some are puzzling, as I always had these functionalities before so I am not sure if they are modules related or just stuff that got dropped along the way. I fixed everything I knew about. Some above are modules related. But some I have no clue if they were there before and no longer useful or remnants of modules we no longer use, etc. I will list below the ones that are still puzzling me: - Extra column id_last_order in table tb_employee. - Extra column id_last_customer_message in table tb_employee. - Extra column id_last_customer in table tb_employee. I believe those are from a module we no longer use but I am not 100% sure. Just want to know if it is safe to fix as I no longer have a module that targets employees. - Extra column order_note in table tb_orders. Always had this functionality as far as I can remember. So not sure about this one. - Extra column updated_var_price in table tb_product and Extra column final_price in table tb_product_shop. I thought that was in the older TB database. Does not seem connected to any modules. And this one: - Extra column hide_host_mode in table tb_tab. I have no idea what this one if for. Any help is appreciated.
  13. I had tons of problems upgrading as well. What I ended up doing, migrating from 1.3, was: Disable all non native modules. Disable all overrides. Flush all the caches. Migrate with the Core updater to 1.4. Flush the cache. Delete TB updater. Flush the cache. Migrate to 1.5. Flush the cache. Enabled overrides and modules. Got a 500 error. Checked the log. Saw which modules where problematic. Disabled them - just add a couple of characters in front of the module name, ex/: _name, and everything worked. I noticed cache needs to be flushed often as some pages would not migrate and I add to run the updater a couple of times to fix the issues. In the end, I have two problematic modules (out of roughly 150), that will need some fixing beyond the scope of my knowledge and I do need them recovered for full functionality, but everything else works like a charm, I preserved all my theme customizations and modifications. It took me three days of trial and error to come up with this method, but when I did, it worked nearly effortlessly, if it can help anyone with heavily modified themes and modules and it barely took me an hour... If I did not disable modules and overrides, I would crash while trying to upgrade to 1.4, for reference. Disabling them made it so that I could proceed to 1.4 then 1.5. Now I need to figure out the differences in the DB. Some are easily fixed, others are more puzzling.
  14. Hello everyone. I get a crazy amount of bots that do not seem to be blocked by the excellent blackhole plugin from Datakick. I also used a free PS plugin, byebyebots which is supposed to block all bots from being registered in connections but it works with user agents. Recently, I have been flooded with 'visitors' which all have similar ip's (see attachment) and it is so ridiculous as to render the stat module quite frankly useless. I do not need an exact numbering but these bots activity is intense. I used to use the Analytics, but it is cumbersome and somewhat affected by bots, though on a lesser extent. Matomo was nice but for some reason is highly untable with my system - I might go back to that with 1.5 when I finish testing but just curious if there is something people do to have the stats module somewhat usable.
  15. Been having an intermittent issue with both Stripe and Paypal. I went into test mode with both. Transactions appear to be successful but the customer is returned to an empty cart. I also get an inordinate amount of canceled payments in Stripe. Sometimes several times for the same user. I tried both on TB 1.4 and 1.3, with PHP 7.4, I have the latest api for both. I tried disabling all caches. I tried with disabling the firewall. Sometimes people managed to pay. I get either a Paypal or a Stripe email but there is no warning that there is an order on the site. From the front end there is nothing in the cart, but if I look at the shopping cart, the items are there... I have to manually go to the cart and create an order. Any help would be appreciated.
  16. Available to test too. I have developped my own workaround for webp but something native to the software would be a huge step forward.
  17. We have been doing this for year. It works very well. We use two modules for that on top of the standard TB pages such as products. Easy Warehouse Manager for quick changes and Stock Editor, both prestashop modules that work really well with TB. And for inventory, we use Wk Inventory Management.
  18. You probably caught it while it was renewing. Just checked and everything is fine: https://www.whynopadlock.com/results/b6467bb6-d31e-4837-9104-5dc0cc4ca4b6 The padlock is working even when there was cart issues.
  19. This is very odd (and annoying!)
  20. OK. So how do I fix that? What might be causing it?
  21. Thank you for your answer. I did some tests, mostly related to modules, but I tried them on a demo site. Once I was sure they worked, I installed them on the live site. I did not touch the JSON files to my knowledge. Where would I find those?
  22. Hello again! For the past three weeks, customers are unable to add anything to the cart. I tried disabling all overrrides and non-TB modules to see where the issue lies but the best I get in Debugmode is this: Impossible to add the product to the cart.<br/>textStatus: 'parsererror'<br/>errorThrown: 'SyntaxError: JSON.parse: unexpected character at line 1 column 1 of the JSON data'<br/>responseText:<br/>
  23. Paypal or Stripe payment no longer close the orders. Customers either get a 404 or Cart cannot be loaded or an order has already been placed using this cart. I checked the database using: SELECT id_cart FROM tb_cart ORDER by id_cart DESC LIMIT 1; SELECT id_cart FROM tb_orders ORDER by id_cart DESC LIMIT 1; Both the cart and the orders match. Very odd. I have to manually close ALL the orders that are made on the website.
  24. Anybody else had that problem? How did you fix it?
  25. Hi! I am running TB 1.3 as I have a module that needs upgrades but is not ready yet (RockPOS). I started noticing issues with payments. Customers sometimes have to try several times for the Stripe payments to go through and in many cases, I get tons of canceled (Correction: not cancelled, incomplete) payments that never went through in the Stripe Dashboard, so it looks it got so hard to pay, customers just gave up. Sometimes it works. Sometimes I get a Stripe notification but the order does not close and I have to do it manually. Same with Paypal. Sometimes it just works. Sometimes, the same as Stripe: I get an email but the order does not close. I suspect it is some form of caching issue but I am not sure. Anybody else encountered such problems?
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