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Everything posted by movieseals

  1. I am not an expert but I am comfortable with terminal, so no worries there. I always intuitively knew that the server logs were more accurate but they also track ALL traffic, bots, spambots, etc. so it is hard to figure out what is useful and what is not. Thank you for volunteering this. Very interesting and useful.
  2. I would like to take you up on that offer. I despise Google Analytics and I relish the irony and the gall of Google telling us that our site needs to be speedy to get ranking yet their own tools are some of the biggest culprits in slowing down things! They are not alone, of course, but their tools are not optimized and raise flags everywhere for their slowness, including in Google's own speed tools!!! I remove Analytics eons ago but using the server data, which is often confusing, to achieve the same results, I am all for.
  3. OK. Managed to partially fix my button, not the rest, but there is hope. Thank you!
  4. I did. My changes appear for a few seconds then they revert back... Then I found where I could at least change the buttons style in entity-review-list.tpl. I changed it from primary to default, which has the correct stylings. But again, the change appears then flashes away a few seconds later to revert to the old style. Also, no matter what I try, the tab will not match the other tabs of the theme, it is just a weird bland dot with the text reviews. Normally, tabs in my theme should look like this: Normally, there should be a third tab with REVIEWS. But instead, this is what I get: I have tried to copy and apply the stylings, to no avail. It looks like there is a hook for the video, wondering if I do not need to create a hook for reviews too (from product.tpl): And I am trying to turn this (BE THE FIRST TO WRITE A REVIEW LINK): Into a button and I cannot figure out where to do it for the life of me. I am not an expert but usually I can navigate those stylings issues. I really like the module and want to buy the full version but I need to find a way to better integrate it.
  5. Hi! I am trying to modify the css of the module to better fit my theme but it looks like the css is constantly regenerated. Where would I go about changing the button css and the product tab css? I searched and I found some hints but it does not seem to work.
  6. I have been trying to integrate webp to my site for a while now. I finally succeeded for the most part. Server side, I put an httpd conf that serves webp whenever a browser accepts it and jpeg if not. I also set up an inotify on all my images folders so that whenever a new image is uploaded, the jpg or png is also generated as a webp. It works wonderfully, even for images in modules, categories, manufacturers, suppliers, everything works except products images. I suspect it is an htaccess issue, although as far as I can tell, the rewrite rules for products generated by TB does include webp. However, if if I try to force serving webp, even in Chrome, the product images I get are only in jpeg. Thanks to the inotify script, the webp do exists so I am at a loss as to why the webp is not served at all.
  7. movieseals


    I am using Litespeed (moved over from Apache). Significant speed improvements and overall, much more stable and less issues. I agree with Traumflug, do not bother with LSCache though - the module is buggy, it causes more problems that it is worth as it tries to do too many things. Removing it solved more problems than using it. If you have enough memory server side, everything should be a breeze. There are small issues with Apache functionalities sometimes but I am much more happy with Litespeed than I was under Apache. It works really well with the current incarnation of TB.
  8. This module does permit the impression of labels and is well integrated with the USPS API: https://www.presto-changeo.com/prestashop-17-modules/144-usps-shipping-module.html There is a PS 1.6 version of the module and that is the version you should seek out for TB.
  9. I had a similar issue for the same reasons as you: are you using the old database or the new one you need to register for? Things work well with the new one, you need to download it, change its name and put it in the geolocation folder yourself - the automated download is no longer allowed anyhow. With the new DB, it works for me. Did not with the old ones. Oh! And some modules do screw up with it - I had to uninstall at least one.
  10. @datakick Awesome! Thanks so much!!!! Edit: @datakick The hook does exist, as I find it in modules>positions but it does not appear with whatever hooks are pink in FPC settings...
  11. @datakick, regardless of what I do, the link always go back to Dashboard. So how do I fix server side dispatcher issue?
  12. I know about clearing cache. Manually and otherwise - still does not work.
  13. For example, in the order page, if I click on the View Full Details buttons, the link is correctly created: https://librairiezbookstore.com/<secret>/index.php?tab=AdminCustomers&id_customer=5&viewcustomer&token=<secret> But for some reason, it gets me back to the Dashboard instead of the customer page. It happens with a few other links as well. Any ideas why?
  14. Hello all! I keep getting this error: PageCacheEntry: can't serialize parameter catProducts for hook actionProductListOverride in /home/zbookstore/public_html/classes/PageCacheEntry.php on line 191 It sometimes creates 500 errors for customers and can only be fixed by clearing the cache. It appears to be linked to the Block Layered filter. Any help would be appreciated.
  15. I would also strongly recommend you try the free module also - they both complement each other nicely and it will fix other issues you may not even know you had with stupid robots.
  16. movieseals


    I see your point. There are no easy solutions, is there? 😞
  17. I had that problem and I fixed it with this module. Not cheap, but the PS 1.6 version works with TB and it stopped the problem dead in its track. It has been years now and I almost never get them anymore. https://mypresta.eu/modules/administration-tools/cart-protection-pro.html It would be nice to include something similar in the vanilla version of TB to fix this issue once and for all. Also, @datakick made a free module for TB called blackhole to trap bad bots - that one works wonders too but does not catch all the bad bots. I use both and I cut down tons of issues with them.
  18. movieseals


    I am not in disagreement. Just trying to find ways to keep things alive in a way that make financial sense for everyone. But to draw in more users, you need a massive, aggressive marketing campaign. And you need funds for that too. Also, there is nothing forcing TB to handle the bugs from developers of other modules - Prestashop does not even do it themselves. And I speak from experience! Getting your module serviced, even after you paid big bucks, is often a challenge! It is often not a very pleasant experience. As long as the platform works, if you can get other addons working - and that could perhaps be another source of revenue, having some TB guys fixing the modules so they work. I know it is not for everyone but it might be an avenue.
  19. movieseals


    Not saying that support will need to drop off tomorrow - but it will have to happen eventually. Just with PHP upgrades and so on, eventually, there will be less and less greatly supported PS 1.6 modules as PS moves further and further down their own path. It is just a matter of time, no matter how nobody wants it to happen.
  20. movieseals


    The recurrence to help finance the constant improvements. But I confess that I did not think about all the possible situations. But the truth is, either platforms charge monthly, or take a cut of your revenues, or they milk you with the modules and the support just to get the basic function going, with no more updates unless you pay and so on. Somehow, someway, we have to pay for the development. But I am open to other methods too.
  21. movieseals


    I agree, but I think for the most part, this is the long term plan anyways, right? At some point, anyhow, we will have to move away from PS as they are more and more developing for 1.7 anyways. I think we could, however, buy out the rights from some modules that are particularly useful or integrates some functionalities into the core over time to palliate those issues. Again, I am no techie, but it seems logical to me.
  22. movieseals


    I agree with that. I was already OK with being a contributor for 5$ just for the awesome support. I stopped today because I do not see the point in paying for something while I do not know where it is going... However, that being said, I think a small fee to keep things going and develop the product further is not too much to ask - a model such as what Adobe does, while not necessarily great, if it is reasonably priced, would make sense. If there is decent support, upgrades and maintenance, I do not see why not. The platform is solid, fast and so on. The potential is definitely there! It needs to be more known, bring more people interested in it. The whole getting a cut from modules approach and the awful, let's milk customers for all they are worth Zen system from PS is not a smooth way to go. I think up to even $20 a month per shop would make sense. It is not a lot of money - honestly, if people cannot afford $10 or $20 a month for a piece of software the actually generates them income, then I don't see why they are doing it - and if it can keep things going, and going further because it was promising, I do not see why not. This project was shaping up to be great. It would be a shame to see it die on the vine. I am not a technician, I am nota pillar of this community, I am just expressing my opinion on the project, for which I care about and that has helped me tremendously, more than any other solutions I tried. I would like to see it live on, because, frankly, the alternatives are not thrilling. There is something here. It needs to be shaped up and pushed forward.
  23. movieseals


    So... Where is the money paid by supporters going? It did not serve to pay any of you guys contributing on github? Why has anybody in charge said anything so far? Is there no one in charge, except Lesley who is ill and has not given sign of life since January? Where does that leave the project? It seems like it is going to die on the vine unless somebody else takes over. It would be a shame, really.
  24. movieseals


    Really, really sorry to hear that. You have always been so helpful. Best of luck with everything.
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