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Posts posted by colorful-ant

  1. ich habe jetzt eine lösung gefunden.

    im aeuc modul habe ich 2 dateien geändert

    datei 1
    modules / advancedeucompliance / views / templates / hook / hookOverrideTOSDisplay.tpl


            {if $has_virtual_product}
                <div class="tnc_box">
                    <p class="checkbox">
                        <input type="checkbox" name="revocation_vp_terms_agreed" id="revocation_vp_terms_agreed" value="1"/>
                        <label for="revocation_vp_terms_agreed">{l s='I agree that the digital products in my cart can not be returned or refunded due to the nature of such products.' mod='advancedeucompliance'}</label>


            {if $has_virtual_product}
                <div class="tnc_box">
                    <p class="checkbox">
                        <label for="revocation_vp_terms_agreed">
                        <input type="checkbox" name="revocation_vp_terms_agreed" id="revocation_vp_terms_agreed" value="1"/>
                        {l s='I agree that the digital products in my cart can not be returned or refunded due to the nature of such products.' mod='advancedeucompliance'}</label>


    datei 2 - hauptproblem bei mir mit 5 step-check-out - @Traumflug (evtl bitte prüfen)
    modules / advancedeucompliance / views / js / fo_aeuc_tnc.js


      $('button[name="processCarrier"]').click(function (event) {
        /* Avoid any further action */


      $('button[name="processPayment"]').click(function (event) {
        /* Avoid any further action */

    hier nur die änderung "processCarrier" zu "processPayment" - die ursprüngliche programmierung soll nur für den opc geeigent sein, mit der änderung zur "processPayment" ist es auch für den 5-step-checkout geeignet



    Revocation of virtual products-alt.png

    Revocation of virtual products-neu.png

  2. On 8/9/2019 at 11:41 PM, colorful-ant said:

    I have now tested tb 1.1.0 with the new template niara.
    I have problems with all the checkboxes for the modules AEUC (by TB) and GDPR (by Arte e Informatica).
    for GDPR, the checkboxes are not displayed and in the AEUC module also not, such. for the terms and conditions.

    Maybe someone has an idea what this may be or a helpful tip?

    Thank you very much


    The last piece for the terms and conditions with the TB module AEUC I have now done and everything works with the template Niara.

    modules / advancedeucompliance / views / templates / hook / hookOverrideTOSDisplay.tpl


    my new file:

     * 2007-2016 PrestaShop
     * Thirty Bees is an extension to the PrestaShop e-commerce software developed by PrestaShop SA
     * Copyright (C) 2017-2018 thirty bees
     * This source file is subject to the Academic Free License (AFL 3.0)
     * that is bundled with this package in the file LICENSE.txt.
     * It is also available through the world-wide-web at this URL:
     * http://opensource.org/licenses/afl-3.0.php
     * If you did not receive a copy of the license and are unable to
     * obtain it through the world-wide-web, please send an email
     * to license@thirtybees.com so we can send you a copy immediately.
     * @author    Thirty Bees <modules@thirtybees.com>
     * @author    PrestaShop SA <contact@prestashop.com>
     * @copyright 2017-2018 thirty bees
     * @copyright 2007-2016 PrestaShop SA
     * @license   http://opensource.org/licenses/afl-3.0.php  Academic Free License (AFL 3.0)
     * PrestaShop is an internationally registered trademark & property of PrestaShop SA
    <div class="row">
        <div class="col-xs-12 col-md-12">
            {if $has_tos_override_opt}
                <h2>{l s='Terms and Conditions' mod='advancedeucompliance'}</h2>
                <div class="tnc_box">
                    <p class="checkbox">
                        {if isset($link_conditions) && $link_conditions && isset($link_revocations) && $link_revocations}
                            <label for="cgv">
                        <input type="checkbox" name="cgv" id="cgv" value="1" {if isset($checkedTOS) && $checkedTOS}checked="checked"{/if}/>
                                <span class="label-text">{l s='I agree to the [1]terms of service[/1] and to the [2]terms of revocation[/2] and will adhere to them unconditionally.' tags=['<a href="'|cat:{$link_conditions|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}|cat:'" class="iframe" rel="nofollow">','<a href="'|cat:{$link_revocations|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}|cat:'" class="iframe" rel="nofollow">'] mod='advancedeucompliance'}</span>
                            <label for="cgv">
                        <input type="checkbox" name="cgv" id="cgv" value="1" {if isset($checkedTOS) && $checkedTOS}checked="checked"{/if}/>
                                <span class="label-text">{l s='I agree to the terms of service and to the terms of revocation and will adhere to them unconditionally' mod='advancedeucompliance'}</span>
                <h2>{l s='Terms and Conditions' mod='advancedeucompliance'}</h2>
                <div class="box">
                    <p class="checkbox">
                        {if isset($link_conditions) && $link_conditions}
                        <input type="checkbox" name="cgv" id="cgv" value="1" {if $checkedTOS}checked="checked"{/if} />
                            <label for="cgv">
                                <span class="label-text">{l s='I agree to the terms of service and will adhere to them unconditionally. [1](Read the Terms of Service)[/1].' tags=['<a href="'|cat:{$link_conditions|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}|cat:'" class="iframe" rel="nofollow">'] mod='advancedeucompliance'}</span>
                            <label for="cgv">
                        <input type="checkbox" name="cgv" id="cgv" value="1" {if $checkedTOS}checked="checked"{/if} />
                               <span class="label-text">{l s='I agree to the terms of service and to the terms of revocation and will adhere to them unconditionally' mod='advancedeucompliance'}</span>
            {if $has_virtual_product}
                <div class="tnc_box">
                    <p class="checkbox">
                        <label for="revocation_vp_terms_agreed">
                        <input type="checkbox" name="revocation_vp_terms_agreed" id="revocation_vp_terms_agreed" value="1"/>
    <span class="label-text">{l s='I agree that the digital products in my cart can not be returned or refunded due to the nature of such products.' mod='advancedeucompliance'}</span></label>




  3. On 8/9/2019 at 11:41 PM, colorful-ant said:

    I have now tested tb 1.1.0 with the new template niara.
    I have problems with all the checkboxes for the modules AEUC (by TB) and GDPR (by Arte e Informatica).
    for GDPR, the checkboxes are not displayed and in the AEUC module also not, such. for the terms and conditions.

    Maybe someone has an idea what this may be or a helpful tip?

    Thank you very much


    I am now a bit further. For anyone who is interested. Change in the module GDPR (by Arte e Informatica).

    modules / artfreegdpr / views / templates / hook / gdprCheckbox.tpl


    my new file:

    *  2009-2018 Arte e Informatica
    *  For support feel free to contact us on our website at http://www.arteinformatica.eu
    *  @author    Arte e Informatica <admin@arteinformatica.eu>
    *  @copyright 2009-2018 Arte e Informatica
    *  @version   1.1
    *  @license   One Paid Licence By WebSite Using This Module. No Rent. No Sell. No Share.
    <p class="page-subheading">&nbsp;</p>
    {if isset($inOrderProcess) && $inOrderProcess && $PS_GUEST_CHECKOUT_ENABLED && $freegdpr_guest == 1}
    <!-- disable for guest order -->
    {elseif $freegdpr_consent == 1}
        <div class="checkbox">
            <label for="freegdpr-consent">
                <input type="checkbox" name="freegdpr-consent" id="freegdpr-consent" value="1" required>
    		<span class="label-text">{$artlabel|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}
    		<a href="{$freegdpr_link_privacy|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}" target="blank" class="artiubenda-widget-privacy">
    		<sup> *</sup>

    i see now the checkbox and i can activate for registration



  4. I have now tested tb 1.1.0 with the new template niara.
    I have problems with all the checkboxes for the modules AEUC (by TB) and GDPR (by Arte e Informatica).
    for GDPR, the checkboxes are not displayed and in the AEUC module also not, such. for the terms and conditions.

    Maybe someone has an idea what this may be or a helpful tip?

    Thank you very much

  5. Thanks Petr.
    The new version is great. I did not read all the comments.
    - Is the module compatible with other themes such as Panda?
    - An input field in the order process is still missing or I have overlooked it:
                   "If you would like to add a comment about your order, please write it in the field below."



  6. Ich wollte bei mir jetzt ein paar PDF-Dateien zum Verkauf einstellen. Dementsprechend habe ich auch im AEUC-Modul die Option "Widerrufsrecht für virtuelle Artikel" aktiviert.

    Bei mir scheint es hierbei im Bestellvorgang Probleme zu geben. Egal ob ich nur eine PDF kaufen möchte oder zusammen mit einem realen Produkt. Jedes Mal bleibe ich im Bestellvorgang (5 Schritte) beim Versand hängen, da der Hinweis kommt "Bitte erst Widerruf virtuelle (Download-)Artikel akzeptieren". Allerdings kann ich diese Checkbox nirgends sehen.

    TB 1.0.8 und 1.0.7


    Bestellung nur mit einem "virtuellen Produkt"



    Bestellung "virtuelles Produkt" und reales Produkt mit Versand



    Hat jemand ähnliche Erfahrung/Probleme?

  7. hmm, my bad english

    go to "modules and service" -> positions

    select above only the module wishlist

    Look at all active hooks

    delete one or more hooks that are available on the product page

    It may be that another hook (eg for the tab), the other required hook run into the empty



    i have 8 active hooks for this module - or your design have an other hook, to show it under price block



  8. hmmm

    first take a look here


    if you have no hook 


    go to top right and add the hook (transplant ....)


    add and save



    delete hooks from your list - do you dont need it
    dont forget clear shop and browser cache


  9. @AndyC

    I am sorry about any problems.
    I myself adapted the module (from the Prestashop forum) for me to set up meta-data for the products with a click. I had already used the module in my Prestasshop before switching to TB. I personally adapted changes, such as the text length for the meta-description of the products.
    When I changed the php version from 5x to 7x, I changed only the lines for the products and not for the categories. Sorrrrrryyyyyyyyyyy.

    I have never used the option for the categories, as I have always set this manually and will stick to it.

    For the categories you have to change some lines for php 7+ in the file "seoupdater.php".
    It's been a few months since I did that.

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