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Everything posted by AndyC

  1. AndyC

    prestashop 8

    I think it is still in the Beta stage and not to be used on live sites
  2. AndyC

    prestashop 8

    Looks like it has been around for a while but I saw it today while searching for a module https://classydevs.com/prestashop-8/ What are the thoughts on this and is it yet another step in the wrong direction. It did peek my interest while at work with nothing to do , but can't find much about it on line
  3. @x97wehner have you tried the 3 page checkout.. It works brilliantly, I'll never go back
  4. OK where in that post do you see me write that. All I said is we need themes. I'll leave it a that
  5. What we need are themes,if sonnytoo doesn't update his themes we wont have any, as it is I can't update as there are to many things wrong.
  6. I am trying to have the same products in 2 different categories ie Glass Tankards, there is a category called glass tankards and there is a category called tankards, if you use those names you get taken to them when you click on a product .. The only way I see that can work is if you name it yet another category.... I've had to add a - to make it different
  7. AndyC


    I've heard bad things about them and trying to get started was a absolute nightmare.. SO haven't bothered getting going
  8. AndyC


    email I got from them Thanks for contacting us, maybe we will update the panda TB to be compatible with PHP 8. If he doesn't update I may be forced to go over to Prestashop and try it
  9. AndyC


    You are right of course... I have just sent a email asking if they are or not.... Can let you know either way
  10. AndyC


    I had no choice really as the emails going out were a major security flaw showing my entire website details Is that this link https://store.thirtybees.com/manual-upgrade-of-thirty-bees
  11. AndyC


    Thank Goodness... I've worked out how to return my website back to a working state... I'll have to work out what went wrong, as so much wasn't working.. Maybe copy it to a mirror database
  12. AndyC


    Thanks for helping Musicmaster, I appreciate your time... I tried a restore but I see that doesn't help ( Yes I saw the message saying this ).. I have no idea how to go back to the older version ..So I am now in dire straights... Can't go back and got a half working site with errors... and have lost orders to boot... Datakick do you have you got time to look please , as will have to pay if need be now.
  13. AndyC


    Nothing that I could see.. There is a mega menu issue , but have disabled for now as don't really use it
  14. AndyC


    I may have found a small error with the basket.. If you try and remove a item it just says unable to delete. But when you refresh error item has gone .
  15. AndyC


    TB version is working, but prefer the pop payment but like the prestashop 1 had. So basically you not leaving the site to pay... Well in reality you are you site is still in the back ground
  16. AndyC


    OK , you are right , all working now... I was using your uploaded files grrrrr lol, once I edited it worked almost right away... Only have 1 issue now which is PayPal I couldn't delete it as Modules list page was white (ie nothing there) .... I changed name in ftp to get access , but it's now gone ..... Don't know if that hurts my site or not .. Just trying the TB version
  17. AndyC


    Yeah been using 8.0 most Just tried again and it's always breadcrumb.tpl This is what my breadcrumb file looks like... I can only bet it is a small change required
  18. AndyC


    Just about given up, just can't get it to work.. May have another go tomorrow but just made a sale so can't do restores till tomorrows website backup
  19. AndyC


    OK I see
  20. AndyC


    OK , will try and see how it goes
  21. AndyC


  22. AndyC


    Thanks... getting these now It is the Prestashop version of payPal
  23. AndyC


    It all goes wrong when I upgrade to php 8.0 or 8.1
  24. AndyC


    Tried upgrading again and failed dismally. Downloaded the panda files disabled PayPal
  25. Just been though editing all the files to be ready, then I saw you had taken the time to upload them, so thank you for doing that I'll see how I get on tomorrow or Sunday
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