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Everything posted by AndyC

  1. Hi ...Have done so, but is still going to authentication for me
  2. Hi ... I've seem to have lost my 5 stars on the email, any way to get this back Also why does it send you to authentication page every time you click on the link in the email, very frustrating as guests can't leave reviews, even though it is ticked they can
  3. yes it has been sold .. There is a post somewhere about it all
  4. I thought you had mentioned you had disabled them a while back, but wasn't sure
  5. But when I use my processors website (not prestashop or TB) they don't have a drop down list and I use PayPal and other processors with no issue
  6. While placing a order, I've just had another thought that I wish could be changed.. Can we do away with State drop down list and have the customer add their own State. I know we still need country but would be much nicer.. Or even having the auto fill address but I understand that would be rather difficult as this is a subscription module
  7. Hi I've tried to figure this out and get it working correctly, what ever I do doesn't seem to change anything .. It is with Panda , so I wonder if this is just mine or with everyone
  8. Yes it is "Module Delete User own Account v1.0 - by Metacreo"
  9. My customers can.. Here is my account for example .. Is this what you are talking about below.. I've never actually deleted my account so not sure exactly what happens after this and when you press erase you get this message
  10. Correct .. I had a customer enquire as to why his tracking code was not found.. So have had to remove.. I used to add a message, but that doesn't get seen by guests, I don't think
  11. Such a great feature. But someone with multiple shippers isn't so great..Pity there can't be a drop down with different shippers
  12. that's what I mean you don't need captcha then.
  13. I've completely done away with create account/log in... Don't know if it's a bad thing ?? but I just have social logging in
  14. Can only agree.. Some themes I've looked at look very old and outdated
  15. Zencart did it... and it worked well. as you say you could put messages in.. I used it mostly for tracking and apologies if order was running late , or thanking them for the phone call etc
  16. Yikes , have also noticed all my reviews have been deleted...Can you get them back from a SQL database backup
  17. Something I have left but need to try and sort out At the moment I don't have a H1 tag on my home page as it always leaves a huge gap where ever it is, as image below shows If I remove the H1, this is how it looks How can I go about adding a H1 tag to my home page without such a huge gap, or is this normal
  18. While I think about it a way to add a note to the order Status would be great , rather than the message as guests don't seem to be able to see that Also if you use multiple delivery companies you can choose which goes with the tracking number
  19. I would also change the database names to be more complex But yes go to your host site and create a new database name and setup new names and passwords
  20. yeah Automation
  21. Thanks ,have changed to your suggestion
  22. Thank you... Working OK and just showing text
  23. Rather a old post of mine.. I tried this with Panda and it didn't work at all But I am trying again to remove the image block from categories . I have tried a few ideas from Prestashop but none work. So in the example below , once you open a category from either your side or top , you normally get all the other subcategories showing at the top All I want is the wording as the images take up too much space Or if there is a way to change the size of the image , but then remove the text
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