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Everything posted by AndyC

  1. AndyC

    Add New Carrier

    Hi All I can't seem to add a new carrier to my store.. I have 4 already and need to duplicate 1 with a delay in dispatch .... I copied everything over manually as there is no copy option, but I just cannot finish.. There are no errors the finish button just doesn't let me finish. I've also tried every option available to to try and get it to accept.... Is there a way of copying thanks
  2. AndyC


    mmmmmm... Just started working again, haven't done anything out of the ordinary
  3. AndyC


    Since I couldn't get matomo to work I've tried a few alternatives. Each of the have had the same issue, installed and no visit recorded on any of them even the trusty statcounter. What could cause something like this to happen,as is surely pointing the either the Theme, TB or Database
  4. AndyC


    Well it was only to go back to an old version so am not really that worried It's just frustrating a I can't see my analytics anymore and am loathed to use google. I even tried Statcounter again and that doesn't work either , which is really leading me to think it is something on my Theme or site in general
  5. AndyC


    Just got a blank white page, so I assumed it was a like a page error and just updated again
  6. AndyC


    I don't know if it's them or not . It all happened when I upgraded to the new version of TB.. I can't go back to Bleeding edge as the site just crashes. So not exactly sure what is going on as it works fine on my other site and they both on the same hosting and PHP
  7. AndyC


    I've removed it from my footer , but cannot get the module to accept my settings
  8. AndyC


    No.. I've even started a trial on matomo thinking it was my setup , but it still didn't work.. Strange thing is is that it works fine on my 2nd site. Matomo did say there might be a 2nd code on my website causing a block of sorts, but I have searched and searched file and cannot find another or duplicate
  9. AndyC


    hi .. No not using this module.. Have tried but just can't seem to get it to connect, just keeps failing. Although have never used it in the past either.. I've always had the code in the footer with literal wraps Still not working either
  10. AndyC


    Anyone with any idea.. I've tried it on another website and it world OK.. I've even installed Matomo trial and still nothing seems to work
  11. AndyC


    Hi Can I ask if anyone else has had problems with Matomo since upgrading to the latest version. I've tried multiple versions and just cannot get any registered visitors , even my own to show up. Have also had orders come though so I know there are visitors. Only thing I can think of is that maybe the place I put my code has changed somehow .. I normally have it in the footer just before /body> </html>
  12. AndyC


    Are you getting the same errors as I was . I didn't have any Tax rules setup , which was my issue in the end, seems to need it even though it is disabled
  13. AndyC


    SH!T I thought it was a PM removed.... thanks Renamed both now
  14. AndyC


    removed post as posted website details
  15. AndyC


    Hi Ever since I have upgraded I have been unable to edit any product in presstools.. I can use categories ,but not product. Am using the latest version of TB and the latest version of Panda I thought I would try and reinstall today by completely uploading a new folder.. It now works to a degree , but I have to scroll past about a 150 error lines before my products start It shows my entire address so leaving it out as it shows my website name - public html - my admin name - prestools name and then quoted below but ends in
  16. Thanks , Will try and take a look on my work PC tomorrow... I've just bought a new Laptop as well, but doubt it has anything to do with it... I also tried another browser with same result I do get this error with browser console
  17. I've upgraded my site and have Panda theme.. Can I ask has anyone used Prestools after upgrading.. I only ask as I was trying to use it tonight and cannot edit any products anymore. If I tick the box to edit nothing happens .. Works OK on categories though
  18. No idea tbh .. I do get messages , but no seen any missing yet
  19. Just extra tick boxes for GDPR ... I've disabled mine and coped the text over to the normal and where it is suppose to be on the Terms and Conditions under shipping , otherwise customers have to tick twice
  20. Can you not just remove them from your database.. I've seen a few old modules showing in mine ,but haven't deleted them incase something goes wrong
  21. AndyC

    Check out module

    If that fails see 3 step checkout it is very good as well
  22. Thank you for the long awaited update, all seems to work OK with my sites and my my an_products module is still working which I am happy about
  23. Hi Datakick have sent you a PM with log in details and links
  24. OK .. Will clear all cache and try again
  25. Hi ..Have logged out of my account and acting as guest, clicking on customers email review I get that is sent to my email . I sent 1 though early for testing and it goes to authentication after I had done the alteration you advised
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