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Everything posted by Acer

  1. Acer

    Any news on Lesley?

    Please dm me what you need. And we can take it from there. Design stuff, UI/UX is more my speciality.
  2. Acer

    Any news on Lesley?

    Perhaps we can help you? What do you need? @30knees @datakick @Smile
  3. You can start so long, as we are ready to update @the.rampage.rado Thank you 👍
  4. Thanks to everyone who have listed their sites. Some nice gems here 💎 Nice work everyone 👌 I assume that you've been keeping track @the.rampage.rado ?
  5. Thanks to everyone who continues to support ThirtyBees, with signing up for new memberships, doing reviews, making donations and spreading the word - from all of us at ThirtyBees, a BIG Thank You!! Your support helps TB survive and thrive, and is noticed and appreciated! To those who want to help - now is the time - your support makes a BIG impact! Thank you! How You Can Help: Leave a Review on TrustPilot: If ThirtyBees has helped your business, we’d love for you to share your experience. Positive reviews on TrustPilot not only help us reach more people but also build trust within the community. Support Us with a Donation or become a Supporter: Your contributions will directly help us bring more developers on board, enhance the platform, and support our growing user base. Every little bit counts, and it all goes back into making ThirtyBees even better. Spread the Word: Tell your friends, colleagues, and fellow entrepreneurs about ThirtyBees. Your endorsement is the most powerful tool we have to grow our community. Continue to Engage with Us and other Users in the Forum: Share your ideas and feedback, continue to help others like you always have. ThirtyBees thrives on the input and energy of our community. We love and appreciate that you are here! You are what makes ThirtyBees great!
  6. Acer

    Advanced Menu on TB

  7. Thanks everyone - some good looking sites on this list - glad to see TB still has some gems and that they're doing well!💎 If you guys don't mind to post something here as well please (yes, we need your help). Thank you in advance! 👍
  8. @Rhapsody if you'd like to help: To continue growing, we need your help. We’re looking to expand our team, improve our platform, and spread the word about ThirtyBees to new users and developers. But we can’t do it alone. This is where our community comes in. How You Can Help: Leave a Review on TrustPilot: If ThirtyBees has helped your business, we’d love for you to share your experience. Positive reviews on TrustPilot not only help us reach more people but also build trust within the community. Support Us with a Donation or become a Supporter: Your contributions will directly help us bring more developers on board, enhance the platform, and support our growing user base. Every little bit counts, and it all goes back into making ThirtyBees even better. Spread the Word: Tell your friends, colleagues, and fellow entrepreneurs about ThirtyBees. Your endorsement is the most powerful tool we have to grow our community. Continue to Engage with Us and other Users in the Forum: Share your ideas and feedback, continue to help others like you always have. ThirtyBees thrives on the input and energy of our community. We love and appreciate that you are here! You are what makes ThirtyBees great! We believe in the potential of ThirtyBees and the strength of the community behind it. Together, we can continue to build something amazing—an eCommerce platform that truly serves its users and grows with them. Thank you for being a part of our journey. Your support means the world to us. Let’s make ThirtyBees the best it can be - together.
  9. Hi @Rhapsody You can close the boxes and they will go away for a long period - just select the option to dismiss them for a time. The boxes are just there to encourage support. Another way to make the boxes disappear for good is to become a backer. These boxes will then not be shown (except for a Thank you message). Your backer level will be shown under the logo (silver member, etc). We understand the resistance to change, but it could've been worse. TB needs money / support to survive and thrive and to continue providing an amazing e-commerce platform that is making it's merchants money - for free. We'd like to not go the full subscription route, but we need to do something.... Or there is literally no more ThirtyBees as we know it. Hope you understand 😉
  10. To those that have started leaving reviews and taking the effort to help support ThirtyBees, from all of us here at ThirtyBees, a sincere and BIG thank you! You guys rock! 🥳
  11. Dear ThirtyBees Community, We hope this message finds you well! This is a heartfelt outreach to you, our valuable community and users. As many of you know, ThirtyBees was born out of a passion for creating a reliable, feature-rich, and accessible eCommerce platform that empowers businesses of all sizes. From the smallest startups to large enterprises, our goal has always been to provide a tool that helps your business thrive. Today, we’re reaching out to our incredible community—people like you who believe in the power of open-source, who have supported us, and who continue to shape the future of ThirtyBees. We’ve come a long way together, but there’s still so much more we can achieve. To continue growing, we need your help. We’re looking to expand our team, improve our platform, and spread the word about ThirtyBees to new users and developers. But we can’t do it alone. This is where our community comes in. How You Can Help: Leave a Review on TrustPilot: If ThirtyBees has helped your business, we’d love for you to share your experience. Positive reviews on TrustPilot not only help us reach more people but also build trust within the community. Support Us with a Donation or become a Supporter: Your contributions will directly help us bring more developers on board, enhance the platform, and support our growing user base. Every little bit counts, and it all goes back into making ThirtyBees even better. Spread the Word: Tell your friends, colleagues, and fellow entrepreneurs about ThirtyBees. Your endorsement is the most powerful tool we have to grow our community. Continue to Engage with Us and other Users in the Forum: Share your ideas and feedback, continue to help others like you always have. ThirtyBees thrives on the input and energy of our community. We love and appreciate that you are here! You are what makes ThirtyBees great! We believe in the potential of ThirtyBees and the strength of the community behind it. Together, we can continue to build something amazing—an eCommerce platform that truly serves its users and grows with them. Thank you for being a part of our journey. Your support means the world to us. Let’s make ThirtyBees the best it can be - together. Warm regards, The ThirtyBees Team If you like to join the conversation, you can follow the main thread here
  12. Dear ThirtyBees Community, We hope this message finds you well. This is a heartfelt outreach to you, our valuable community and users. As many of you know, ThirtyBees was born out of a passion for creating a reliable, feature-rich, and accessible eCommerce platform that empowers businesses of all sizes. From the smallest startups to large enterprises, our goal has always been to provide a tool that helps your business thrive. Today, we’re reaching out to our incredible community—people like you who believe in the power of open-source, who have supported us, and who continue to shape the future of ThirtyBees. We’ve come a long way together, but there’s still so much more we can achieve. To continue growing, we need your help. We’re looking to expand our team, improve our platform, and spread the word about ThirtyBees to new users and developers. But we can’t do it alone. This is where our community comes in. How You Can Help: Leave a Review on TrustPilot: If ThirtyBees has helped your business, we’d love for you to share your experience. Positive reviews on TrustPilot not only help us reach more people but also build trust within the community. Support Us with a Donation or become a Supporter: Your contributions will directly help us bring more developers on board, enhance the platform, and support our growing user base. Every little bit counts, and it all goes back into making ThirtyBees even better. Spread the Word: Tell your friends, colleagues, and fellow entrepreneurs about ThirtyBees. Your endorsement is the most powerful tool we have to grow our community. Continue to Engage with Us and other Users in the Forum: Share your ideas and feedback, continue to help others like you always have. ThirtyBees thrives on the input and energy of our community. We love and appreciate that you are here! You are what makes ThirtyBees great! We believe in the potential of ThirtyBees and the strength of the community behind it. Together, we can continue to build something amazing—an eCommerce platform that truly serves its users and grows with them. Thank you for being a part of our journey. Your support means the world to us. Let’s make ThirtyBees the best it can be - together. Warm regards, The ThirtyBees Team
  13. Hi I use Panda for ThirtyBees and I can confirm that the product hover effect works in ThirtyBees. Whether it's now a default thirtybees feature is another story. However, seeing that you're already using Panda, it will probably not be too much of a mission to migrate your site to ThirtyBees. Also, Panda has been patched several times for ThirtyBees, so grabbing the latest version of Panda, plus applying the patch in the directory is advised.
  14. Hi So did you try the module from Myprestamodules? And how is it for you?
  15. Hi I'm looking for an excellent Product Import module, that does the following Import from either CSV/XML, Upload, Google Sheets or XML/CSV live URL from Warehouse/Supplier Imports full product attributes, like: Combinations, Features, Manufacturer, Shipping weight/dimensions, everything Hopefully imports all the above in one import, without having to feed different CSV files for attributes, etc Cronjob compatible Is reliable, proven and stable Can be PS 1.6 but TB compatible module Is not StoreManager (too expensive) Is not DataKick Import (sadly no CSV support 😞 ) Has a reasonable price I've been looking but haven't found anything suitable so far. If you guys have any suggestions, that'd be seriously helpful. Thanks
  16. Hi and welcome to ThirtyBees! You can reach out to @Smile
  17. All you need is GoogleShopping Flux and it's free, TB compatible and very good https://github.com/dim00z/gshoppingflux
  18. What I'm suggesting is the mechanism should maybe monitor the 500 errors / log files and fix automatically instead of having to scan the whole module directory. All this is in the context of these errors being fixed automatically.
  19. Or what about a mechanism that monitors the 500 errors? And fixes it as it comes up, file by file, error by error. It can display a message that it's performing a compatibility upgrade and that it may be a step by step process. That way it's less intensive and it's more targeted with less risk of time out. @datakick
  20. Maybe even more insane but can you intercept the module and run it on some sort of compatibility layer at all?
  21. Thank you @datakick Your work on TB is big time appreciated
  22. Though I agree it's caused by PHP 8, this is actually a TB 1.4 problem and they appear know it. Or at least they're aware of the seriousness of this in terms of module support. To the point of @datakickmentioning that they're working on a mechanism to 'fix' it on 3rd party modules automatically. Even though that task would be complex and hard. The point is that there are very few module developers and theme developers still supporting TB and that number is dropping daily. If this was Presta, with devs supporting it, then different story, sure. But with hardly any 3rd party module devs willing to support TB, stuff like this could lead to a demise of TB or at best push it into even more of a niche system, that becomes less and less attractive for new users to adopt and existing users to keep it around. Leading inevitably, and unfortunately, to its eventual end 😞
  23. Hi there I've seen with a Google shopping feed export (using gflux) , the shop description is "powered by ThirtyBees". Where do I change the shop description in TB? Although I know where to change the shop name, address etc. I haven't found where to change the description...
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