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Different Resource Served with and Without www in url [SOLVED]



For Better Understanding Checkout Below Eg:-

Case 1

https://abc.com/img/abc.png        Gives me the proper Latest Image

Case 2

https://www.abc.com/img/abc.png      Gives me the Old Image or image not found

Above also applies for css ,js etc.

In Case 2 i am able to get the latest image after some time interval.

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@lesley Already Provided an example . The resources like css , js, images are latest when they are fetched without www ie https://example.com/css/example.css https://example.com/js/example.js https://example.com/image/example.jpeg

And when Fetched with www older version of the file is fetched ie https://www.example.com/css/example.css https://www.example.com/js/example.js https://www.example.com/image/example.jpeg

I guess something wrong with apache server configuration.

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