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No Captcha reCAPTCHA Module version 1.1.0

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Recently a paying customer asked me to fix reCAPTCHA in his shop. After entering keys, the captcha on the configuration page would simply disappear.

Looking into the source code I found many fixes, but no releases. So I catched up on this and made

nocaptcharecaptcha v1.1.0

It should also appear as upgradable in your back office.

In my developer installation this module works now fine. Except for a small graphics glitch (missing icons) in these message bubbles leading through the installation process. That's already fixed and will go into the next release.

Looking at various issue reports in this forum I'd love to hear how well this module works for you!

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The updates are not pushed to the admins. This was the same with the new updater and now with this update.

Some files have to be fixed manually on your side in order to be pushed to our BOs?

EDIT: After I updated the contact form still can be send w/o confirming the captcha as in 1.0.2. So spamming is still very possible.

Theme WH latest - TB - 1.0.3

I can send you the URL on PM.

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Some files have to be fixed manually on your side in order to be pushed to our BOs?

You can test this manually. Direct your browser to http://api.thirtybees.com/updates/modules/all.json . This downloads the JSON which a Check for update on the module page downloads as well. Search for 'nocaptcha', a couple of lines later all known versions appear.

If it works now and didn't before, it might be a glitch caused by the server move. The new server got the new version a couple of hours later.

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After I updated the contact form still can be send w/o confirming the captcha as in 1.0.2.

Is actually an email sent or does the form simply re-appear?

Buttons being clickable without solving the Captcha is expected, but no email should get sent. Instead, the page should re-appear, together with an error message:

0_1536441258299_Bildschirmfoto von 2018-09-08 23-07-23-or8.png

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Testing Captchas should, like any security measure, be theme independent. Malicious users can change their theme (HTML, CSS, JS) arbitrarily, after all. Nevertheless I asked, because the theme might just ignore the error message, giving the impression of an email being sent without it actually happening.

As Captchas work in a default installation, but not in your particular installation, other modules are the prime candidate for finding the issue. Like disabling these other modules and testing again.

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Had same issue last week with 1.0.3 on Panda customer placing order, could not get beyond recaptcha error. Now on 1.0.6 with Panda same problem.

Deleted recaptcha module reinstalled cleared cache even set up new domain which apparently you can't delete from google???

Side question --->> Any hints on how to delete duplicate recaptcha domain from google?

Get this error before saving module with keys had same before adding domain again:

0_1536590048268_Screen Shot 2018-09-10 at 10.27.19 AM.png

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