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I can't put anything in the left column....


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I have another message on here about the newsletter block displaying correctly (see below).

Well, now I tried to move the "Facebook Block" to the left column.  It screws up too (see below).

Close to giving up and throwing Thirty Bees on the scrap heap with OpenCart...maybe it's me, maybe this is why Shopify exists...but.....

Newsletter subscription does not work, theme color customization does not work, can't move anything to the left column without weird stuff happening, and so on.

Do I have a screwed up installation?

What now? 

Weird newsletter and Facebook issues in left column:


Newsletter Post:



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Its not screwed up instalation.

You cant move something that has its width value set as 25% of current space (center) to another space (column) and expect that it will automaticly be 100%.

So those are not weird issues, as block are displayed in the width which is selected for them. 25%.

You need to have some coding knowledge if you want to reposition the stuff into places where it's not intended.

And opening new topic for everything (related to same problem) won't help that issue either.

Not knowing how to move/code/style the things does not mean that they don't work out of the box in thirtybees instalation.

So best start is to learn how templates work in thirtybees/prestashop and some (much) learning on css styling and some (much) learning on template coding.

If that's too hard, than i would suggest to look into some commercial templates and buying the one that suits your needs.




Edited by toplakd
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Yes,  toplakd said it all.  tb works great - also out of the box, but if you have (and most merchants have too)  special demands to the theme/grafix  the best way is to look for a nice and functional theme and then buy it.

There are good themes for less than $100,  so what  :)     Concentrate your energy to the selling, not to the coding or sketching.  PS and tb are free and some skills in php and css are needed,  but i think this is also with other shopsystems.


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You can change/reposition almost anything if you are willing to learn how things are working.

But without that strong will, it will be hard.

Templates are easy to read, and once you know it, you will read a code like childs story book.

Short video of my thirty bees, with modded default community theme. (iphone 375*667 size)

I'm not a coder or programmer, but I did spent a lot of hours figuring how things work, reading a lot about css styling, etc...




Edited by toplakd
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On 3/22/2019 at 10:42 AM, toplakd said:

I'm not a coder or programmer, but I did spent a lot of hours figuring how things work, reading a lot about css styling, etc...

Great! Often thats the start of everything 🙂 Was the same with me...

Then you slowly dig into js manipulation or change small stuff in php and so on... IMO its just reading, learning and practicing. It's not magic, but the start is often a bit difficult.

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I see that you want to customize the default template for your shop.

have you possibly considered other options?
for example to buy a separate theme such as that of Johnny.
The Panda theme is superb for thirty bees, it includes several preset designs and is compatible (tb 1.0.3. - 1.0.8)

It offers additional functions and possibilities to customize your own shop. maybe you can save yourself a lot of work / time with the changes in the code etc.

you will find it here with demo versions of the different themes:

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