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Problems with CCC and shopping cart after changin webserver



Hello everybody,
I already made a post of this problem in german but now I'll try to describe it in english too, to hopefully get fast help.

I changed my webserver by doing the following stepps:
- packed data to zip on the old webserver and downloaded them
- uploaded zip to the new webserver and unziped them
- deleted .htaccess and smarty cache data
- exported database from old webserver and imported it on the new webserver
- changed access data in config/settings.inc.php (domain didn't change)

befor I was looking into the shopping cart all feeled good. Everything worked and the shop went much faster. After loading the shopping cart I first got the following errors:
JSMin: Unterminated String at byte 3148: "
JSMin: Unterminated String at byte 3164: "
JSMin: Unterminated String at byte 3180: "

After doing a normal login I got this error:

Normaly after loging in and klicking on the checkbox for the terms of service, my PayPal Plus modul was loading. Not this time. I was checking and unchecking the checkbox without any reaction of the site. After reloading the site or getting to other sites and come back the checkbox is still checked. (Not sure if it should be like this)

I put all CCC settings off and these problem disapeard. On my old webserver I had the same CCC settings without problems. Don't know why I have to switch them off now. Now the PayPal Plus modul loading but only the button to make an order. It's not loading the different payment possibilities. I use the PayPal Plus modul from terracode. It's a Prestashop modul but it worked fine until now. So my plan was to activate the TB PayPal modul but the problem was even bigger! When trying to go into the shopping cart I get this error page loaded:

I was looking all the night for a solution but I found none. CCC is not working, PayPal modules are not working, my shop is not usable! It realy makes me crazy! I hope someone has an idea how to solve these problems.

Here is what I already tryed:
- generate new .htaccess
- checking access data for PayPal module
- changed from php 7.2.16 to php 7.1.27 on my new webserver
- made a second transfer of TB from my old webserver to the new webserver
- changed the domain from schmuck-checker.de to www.schmuck-checker.de and back
- put the authorization to 664 for files and 755 for folders
- tryed all type of combinations from performance settings

I realy hope someone has a solution for me.


Best regards, Robin

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Hello musicmaster,

thank you for the suggestion. I've reset the PayPal Plus module and even reinstalled it. No changes.

When I try to reset the TB PayPal module I get this error page:

Very strange!


Best regards, Robin

Edited by schmuck-checker
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The PHP version on my weberver is 7.1.27. This is the lowest version I can set. By default it was PHP 7.2.16 but this caused problems for the whole TB system, so I had to change just after moving the onlineshop on the new server. Could be the PHP version on my webserver too new? Or do you talk about something else?

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By commenting out line 292 of the paypal.php file, I handelt to uninstall the TB PayPal module. But after reinstalling it, I have exactly the same problem / the same error page when trying to make a payment. Don't know if this information is helpfull for you.

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This timeout error is not something that can be fixed in thirtybees core. It means that your server is trying to contact external server, but is unable to do so. In most cases, this is caused by firewall or similar security restrictions applied on your server.

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Hello @lesley, hello @datakick,

thanks for your replys. I've contacted my webhosting provider and they told me that the problem shouldn't be the firewall, because they are a special webhosting provider for onlineshops and the most of them uses PayPal without any problem. So I just want to reask you if the problems couldn't come from something else? What about the CCC problem? Doest it come from the firewall too?

Best regards, Robin

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@schmuck-checker the error message says it clearly:

cURL error 28: connection timed out after 60001 milliseconds

This means that your server is trying to talk to third party server (paypal) using curl library. Your server is trying to open http connection but is not able to connect within 60 seconds.

This really means some infrastructure problem between your server and paypal server. It's definitely not an application issue. Could be anything from DNS or router misconfiguration, to enabled firewall on your webserver.

The firewall, or similar security measure that prevents curl library to communicate with outer world, is the most probable cause. Like in 95% of the cases it's this. 

You should talk to your hosting provider once more, and ask them if there is any firewall installed. The mere fact that others don't have problems with paypal doesn't mean that the problem does not exists on your webserver configuration.

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Something is blocking your access to them. Its either your host is black listed from accessing Paypal, which would be strange, or something is wrong with their cURL implementation, or a firewall iss. Do you have ssh access on the server? 

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