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incompatibility with BELVG Sticker module




I do not know whether there is a difference between PS1.6 and TB's image controller but my BELVG Sticker PRO module fails to create my "sticker badges" on product thumb.

Here is code of two admin controller overrides it needs:



class AdminImportController extends AdminImportControllerCore
    public function __construct()

        if (Tools::getValue('entity') == $this->entities[$this->l('Products')]) {
            $this->available_fields['belvg_stickerspro'] =  array('label' => $this->l('Belvg StickersPro'));

    public function productImport()

        $handle = $this->openCsvFile();
        for ($current_line = 0; $line = fgetcsv($handle, MAX_LINE_SIZE, $this->separator); $current_line++)
            if (Tools::getValue('convert')) {
                $line = $this->utf8EncodeArray($line);

            $info = AdminImportController::getMaskedRow($line);

            if (Tools::getValue('forceIDs') && isset($info['id']) && (int)$info['id']) {
                $product = new Product((int)$info['id']);
            } elseif (Tools::getValue('match_ref') && array_key_exists('reference', $info)) {
                $datas = Db::getInstance()->getRow('
                            SELECT p.`id_product`
                            FROM `'._DB_PREFIX_.'product` p
                            '.Shop::addSqlAssociation('product', 'p').'
                            WHERE p.`reference` = "'.pSQL($info['reference']).'"
                if (isset($datas['id_product']) && $datas['id_product']) {
                    $product = new Product((int)$datas['id_product']);
                } else {
                    $product = new Product();
            } elseif (array_key_exists('id', $info) && (int)$info['id'] && Product::existsInDatabase((int)$info['id'], 'product')) {
                $product = new Product((int)$info['id']);
            } else {
                //$product = new Product();

            //Belvg StickersPro logic
            $belvg_stickerspro_module = Module::getInstanceByName('belvg_stickerspro');
            if (is_object($belvg_stickerspro_module) && $belvg_stickerspro_module->id) {
                $stickers = explode($this->multiple_value_separator, $info['belvg_stickerspro']);
                if (count($stickers)) {
                    $ids_stickers = array();
                    foreach ($stickers as $sticker) {
                        if ($sticker) {
                            $ids_stickers[$sticker] = 1;

                    if (count($ids_stickers)) {
                        $sticker_flag = TRUE;
                        $sticker_flag &= BelvgStickersProProduct::deleteDataForProduct((int)$product->id, $ids_stickers, Context::getContext()->shop->id);
                        $sticker_flag &= BelvgStickersProProduct::setDataForProduct((int)$product->id, $ids_stickers, Context::getContext()->shop->id);
                        if ($sticker_flag) {
                            $sticker_flag &= $belvg_stickerspro_module->applyStickersToImage($product->id, $ids_stickers);
                            if ($sticker_flag) {
                                $sticker_flag &= BelvgStickersProIndexer::deleteItemsByProductId((int)$product->id);


class AdminImagesController extends AdminImagesControllerCore

     * AdminImagesController::__construct()
     * @return void
    public function __construct()
        require_once (_PS_MODULE_DIR_ .

        $this->fields_list['stickers'] = array(
            'title' => $this->l('Stickers'),
            'width' => 50,
            'align' => 'center',
            'type' => 'bool',
            'callback' => 'printEntityActiveIcon',
            'orderby' => FALSE); //Belvg StickersPro

        $this->_select .= 'belvg_sit.stickers';
        $this->_join .= ('LEFT JOIN `' . _DB_PREFIX_ .
            'belvg_stickerspro_image_type` belvg_sit ON (a.`id_image_type` = belvg_sit.`id_image_type`)');

        $this->fields_form['input'][] = array(
            'type' => 'switch',
            'label' => $this->l('Stickers'),
            'name' => 'stickers',
            'required' => FALSE,
            'class' => 't',
            'is_bool' => TRUE,
            'hint' => $this->l('This type will be used for stickers feature.'),
            'values' => array(
                    'id' => 'stickers_on',
                    'value' => 1,
                    'label' => $this->l('Enabled')),
                    'id' => 'stickers_off',
                    'value' => 0,
                    'label' => $this->l('Disabled')),
                )); //Belvg StickersPro

     * AdminImagesController::renderForm()
     * @return
    public function renderForm()
        if (is_object($this->object)) {
            $stickerspro_values = BelvgStickersProModel::getImageTypesData($this->object->
            if (!empty($stickerspro_values)) {
                $this->fields_value['stickers'] = $stickerspro_values['stickers'];
                //$this->fields_value['sticker_height'] = $stickerspro_values['sticker_height'];
                //$this->fields_value['sticker_width'] = $stickerspro_values['sticker_width'];

        return parent::renderForm();

     * AdminImagesController::postProcess()
     * @return
    public function postProcess()
        $return = parent::postProcess();

        //$id_image_type = Tools::getValue('id_image_type');
        $stickers = Tools::getValue('stickers');
        $products = Tools::getValue('products');
        if (empty($this->errors)) {
            $is_add = Tools::getValue('submitAddimage_type');
            if ($is_add) {
                //$is_exists = BelvgStickersProModel::checkExistsByImageTypeId($id_image_type);
                //if (!$is_exists) {
                $object = $this->loadObject();

                if (!$products) {
                    $stickers = 0;

                BelvgStickersProModel::addTypeByImageTypeId($object->id, $stickers['stickers']);


        return $return;

     * AdminImagesController::processDelete()
     * @return bool
    public function processDelete()
        $return = parent::processDelete();

        $id_image_type = Tools::getValue('id_image_type');

        return $return;

    public function renderList()
        $html = parent::renderList();
            'belvg_stickerspro_submit' => $this->context->link->getAdminLink('AdminStickersPro'),
            'belvg_stickerspro_list' => BelvgStickersProIndexer::getItems(0, 0),
            'belvg_stickerspro_last_records' => BelvgStickersProIndexer::getItems(0, 5),
        $html .= $this->context->smarty->fetch(_PS_MODULE_DIR_ . '/belvg_stickerspro/views/templates/admin/indexer.tpl');

        return $html;


Can someone see on the run if there is a conflict or might provide a solution?

Edited by Pedalman
corrected content of 2nd override
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I could get it working again after totally deleting module's folder and also! /img/belvg_stickerspro. Eventually I could install it as new module and stickers appeared again. I want to add that resetting and normal deinstall did not work. So, all is fine at the moment.

Thank you

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You'll also find they don't fully un-install either ..Check your database they will still be there.

I have completely removed mine and the images are still on the products ...There also seems to be a whole admin page missing

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