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We have 2 shops on a vps server. Its not multishop. its 2 separated shops.
The second one is a clone of the first, the only thing that differs is that we split the content by taking away differenrt categories and products in both of them to get it more easy for the customers
yesterday I found out that I dont get any new order mails because the mail alert module was not installed. 

I installed it on shop 1, the original one, without any problem.

When I try to install it on the clone I get a 500 Server error. Nothing in any logs

Any clues?

Anders Yuran

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This is filesystem permissions issue. Smarty cache directory is not writeable -- it is either owned by different user, or is read only. The easiest way to fix this is to delete content of cache/smarty/compile and cache/smarty/cache directories, and ensure that these directories are writeable and owned by user that is used by your web server

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2 hours ago, Havouza said:

The second one is a clone of the first

Let me guess: you cloned this shop not by installing both, but by copying the shop directory on the command line. Doing it this way makes all copied files owned by the command line user. Which is usually a different one than the web server user.

To make sure, look at the details of some files in either installation. That's 'ls -l' on the command line.

To fix this, one can either fix ownership using 'sudo chown -R <server user> <shop directory>' or install the shop both times properly.

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Well to install it properly washardly an option. The shop containes 3000+ products and 15000+images. To sort that out would be an impossible task. Both shops has identical owner/group.I used a clone tool to see to it. I will try datakicks suggestion, but I have a suspicion that last time I tested that I ended up rolling back a snapshot.

Thanks anyway

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2 hours ago, Havouza said:


Class 'ZipArchive' not found

in file classes/Tools.php at line 3680

I have checked 

php7.2-zip is already the newest version (7.2.34-10+ubuntu18.04.1+deb.sury.org+1).

Installed does not always mean enabled. Check your php settings, ideally using phpinfo() 

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Well, it's a mystery. Everything seems to be setup correctly, exception 'Class 'ZipArchive' not found' should never be thrown. Since it is throws, welll... that suggests some bug in php itself, or in some of its modules. 

Good news is that it's not a thirtybees issue 🙂I know that does not help you much

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Have you tried restarting the server? I read on the prestashop forum a similar issue with that error code. Perhaps a server restart will sort it. It uninstall the zip module from apache. Restart. The reinstall the module and restart again

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