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thirty bees forum

German forum?


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Why is there no German forum? At the moment the German interested parties have to discuss in English forums.

It would be appropriate to show a clear structure from the outset. As we know, German and English translations can distort the results massively. Then one does not understand what the other says. In the end are all sour on each other;)

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Das Problem ist doch aber, dass es sicherlich genug Benutzer gibt, die eben kein Englisch können und vielleicht zwar auf die Seite kommen aber gar nicht wissen was sie hier wo machen sollen.

Nicht zuletzt, weil das Forensystem ja nicht dem regulären Standard folgt sondern für mich eher etwas von Github oder Stack Overflow hat. Ich komme damit gut zurecht aber habe aus Spaß meine Frau mal ans Forum gesetzt und so wirklich begeistert war sie nicht.

Aber gut, ich mag halt gerade Strukturen. Das jeder gleich weiß wo sein Platz ist. Das kann ja jeder etwas anders sehen.

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We honestly do not know how many languages we are going to break the forum into currently. We are dealing with a lot of push back from the German community right now as well. We just hit a set back this morning with the German translation, Eleezar has contacted Crowdin and wants our German translations removed. If any of you would like to help us translation the German that would be a huge help to us right now.

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I actually asked him to delete the thread after he kept talking about me and hiding my posts because they were not in German. I understand the random mention on the PrestaShop forum, that should not be an issue. But a whole long thread on debating a competing product is just disrespectful in my opinion.

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