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oh bummer - changed files



Dear friends, I have a topic that I need to tackle today.

I had thirtybees installed from the start and was quickly sure that it would one day replace our old shop system. After all, I urgently need something new.

So, over the years, many tests have been carried out and adjustments have been made. And of course all shop updates up to 1.5.1.

Please look at the picture, I have this message in coreupdater. I am aware of this and it is correct. I made these changes over the years of testing. These are adjustments that I know about and that I need. It is nothing major.

Why did I change it in the core? Well, it was a test system and I can do that. I can't put it in a module. Can I implement it myself as an override - well, maybe, but since it was important, quick stuff, it was the easiest way to do it this way.

the test system has now been transformed into a productive, live shop. it was created out of necessity and I wasn't ready yet. the old shop system was terminated by the old hoster due to internal disputes about the PHP version and its data structure. thanks old hoster 🙂

so what can I do? up until now the shop updates have worked just like that.
I wouldn't mind entering these changes manually again if there is an update to a new shop version that cannot handle these changes.
up until now this has apparently never been a problem.

what is the thirtybees support like about this? can they package it as an override? is this work for paid hours?




4 answers to this question

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I can imagine those changes are for one or two functions?

If so - you can use some differencing tool to check your changes (if you've lost track of them) and then implement them in an override. ChatGPT will help you with that - it will create the override for you.

Just don't forget about the overrides when something don't work as expected in future and first check without them! 🙂

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yes there are 2-3 things for the frontend / theme that change the look, also because of the AEUC module.

I know winmerge as a program, nice for comparing code.

what about the support from thirtybees in exchange for some honey 🙂 is there any interest in taking on such things?

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I suggest you extract these as overrides into a custom module. That way you, can easily transfer the same functionality between installations (for example to your test env), and the changes are nicely attributed to your module when listing overrides in 'overridecheck' module.

It should be fairy easy task, my estimate is 1-2hours of work at most. We are happy to help you with this

  1. you can buy adhoc support time
  2. or you can purchase one of the supporter plans that come with 1 or 2 hours of support monthly. You can use this time for anything -- store update, custom dev,...


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