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Everything posted by wakabayashi

  1. Now I focus on backoffice. We do all our work with PS respectively TB in future. We don't have any erp system or so. That means a fast system is important. Imagine you need to change every single product. It take ages to load and save... I know you improved already a lot. But I thought there is maybe a best pratice you can recommend.
  2. No you don't. You just have to wait now. Be patient... Anyway I am here to get a better ecommerce system, not upvotes ;)
  3. Your Profile says differently: JOINED ABOUT 6 HOURS AGO This is a sparate forum. It has nothing to do with feature request I believe. When you click on my profil, you will see that I am longer here. But don't worry you can upvote soon.
  4. Ah I think, that you are not long enough registered... It has probably nothing to do with the birth :D
  5. Probably you dont... Click on reply! Then second last icon... Test:
  6. Probably not directly to the post. But you surely could integrate a Link ;) I haven't set any birth... That's why I am confused...
  7. What are you talking about? I can vote without problems...
  8. Hm I dont know why this happened. Now it's working properly. What about the speed in general? I know you are speed-god :D I would appreciate a blog later from you, where you explain to normal merchants, how they can optimize best. It doesnt hurry, but I never liked how prestashop handled this kind of things. In their blog, they talk a lot "bla bla" but no real tipps for merchants.
  9. Edit: Yes it seems to work. At least I could answer now without any restriction. But to be honest. I didn't see any warning before. Maybe I never posted in the 2 minutes cycle two times...
  10. Dont worry, I have same reputation and more posts. Maybe we just have to wait some days...
  11. One of the major reasons why we want to migrate to TB is the speed in the front- and backoffice. Are there any tipps how to configure a VPS? Is it normal that "Performance Setting" redirects to module section?
  12. Would you recommend just to wait for this migration module? Will this come soon? Cause I am setting up ThirtyBees now. But I want only to test with our real data...
  13. Yes I have done now ;) It's anyway not so important.
  14. @vincendenkspel said in Crowd funding section: Once the project is finished the module will be released to the public as an open source module (and NOT only to the people who funded the project) I like your idea, but won't this be make it hard to find enough supporters?
  15. I can upload my profile picture, but after refresh it disappears. When clicking on "Change Picture" it shows up as "Uploaded Picture" but when I choose it, it doesn't change. It always selects Gravatar!
  16. @musicmaster said in Product and combination types missing in Prestashop: Some attributes are in fact separate products. They might be considered as accessories but you want to sell them on the same page. The car radio is a good example. This kind of attributes comes in two varieties: some are also sold as standalone products while others are only sold as a part. I agree with you, that combination system is causing a lot of problem. We have a very similair case to the radio case. We sell chess sets. One Set includes: 1 chessboard 1 pieces 1 box (combination: mahagoni, walnut, mahagoni) This products are all stored as single products as well. Problem: The customer can choose between multiple boxes (mahagoni, walnut, mahagoni). You can imagine, that the stock value for the set is just rubbish. What we need is a "Stock Rule Option". For all combinations I would like to set what happens with the stock. For example: Customer orders chess set with mahagoni box. Stock: -1 chessboard -1 pieces -1 mahagoni box Another possibility is the improve the bundle feature. This would also work in the radio case, I believe.The bundle feature doesn't allow any combinations on the bundle itself...
  17. Lesley wrote: The stable version is actually going to be released today. Will you join?
  18. wakabayashi

    TB 1.0.0

    @mickaelandrieu said in TB 1.0.0: Hello Anima, Thirty Bees and PrestaShop 1.7 are totally unrelated products: ThirtyBees is a fork of the latest PrestaShop 1.6. I'm happy you'd love the new installer, I've helped a little bit to do it :) ++ I am surprised to see you here. Have you ever installed TB? You should! Tell me afterwards why it's so much faster than 1.6...
  19. Yes they work! You can follow for example the github: https://github.com/thirtybees/ThirtyBees It's better to wait a bit longer and to get a real stable version. Just seeing the speed is amazing :thumbsup:
  20. Yes I agree with nickon! But I have to say, this forum module is much better than the old! I like the unread box! Can't wait for news from the queen bee :D
  21. wakabayashi

    New Forum?

    Is thist just a new forum? Can you import the old posts? I think this would be good. Othwerwise it seems nothing is happening here, but that's not true as we all know.
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