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Everything posted by Kashir2000

  1. Left a review—really great project. Since version 1.1, I’ve been trying to convince clients to switch to Thirty Bees. Those who did are really happy with it. Just last month, a client called me and said that a year earlier, I had recommended Thirty Bees to them. They gave it a try and now say they’re never going back to PrestaShop. The main reason? It just works. PrestaShop requires constant maintenance—someone always has to keep an eye on it. While it may have a few more features, Thirty Bees is simply more efficient. It supports newer technologies (like PHP, often a year ahead of PrestaShop) and isn’t packed with unnecessary bloat. If someone just wants to focus on selling and running a business without headaches, Thirty Bees is the way to go.
  2. As of today it seems: Still thirty bees https://www.kabuk.co.il https://www.rigtigkaffe.dk https://www.ting-shop.dk https://snoir.dk https://sokkeposten.dk https://www.berez.co.il https://ecykelhjelm.dk https://www.quebec-amerique.com https://www.add-one.fr https://www.safetyrestore.com https://store.mindnutrition.com https://www.chesspoint.ch https://www.lens.co.il https://www.x-pens.com https://americanqualityhealthproducts.com https://www.babycompany.be https://www.bountyhuntertoys.com/store https://www.prospeed.dk https://www.led24.ee https://optlasers.com https://twighockeycompany.com https://nani.com.pl https://www.spielezar.ch https://veganline.com https://southerncottagegifts.com Returned to Prestashop https://milmanltd.co.il https://ecowarehouse.nz https://www.minikneet.com Not tb anymore https://www.susenso.nl https://www.123crea.eu https://www.belfas.com https://www.onlinetoys.com.au https://mettepshop.dk https://shop.hhof.com https://rvpartshop.com https://paradisearcadeshop.com https://4kidspoint.pl https://www.levysjewelry.co.il
  3. Tekstylia Nani.com.pl https://nani.com.pl/
  4. It's rather complicated for first time. I spent some time writing a module for GA4, Analytics and Google ADs tracking, as well as Consent gathering module. So if you consider ConsentMode v2, proper sending of events, proper event description and order (this includes edit of php/templates to add variables etc.). Also, don't forget Offline measurement protocol (server-server reporting) to track data with utmost accuracy. Then you have lots of work. Few days of analyzing how it works and get to know how to set it up properly - because without proper CMv2 it will not track your data. Don't think anyone will be able to explain it in short. > I can not use the Analytics module at all neither can we use the gapi module either. Why you can't use module?
  5. Have you set conversions label in Google Ads?
  6. Wrong forum. But... it may be that: https://extension.usu.edu/beekeeping/learn/behavior/splitting
  7. I never acually used all these adapter classes, implented way back. But Core_Business_Payment_PaymentOption seems rather interesting. Acually it's quite simmilar if what I had in mind that should be done. Why? That would actually made any payment module compatible with any theme and any OPC-like module. Enlighten me if not. And I cannot find if it's used at all either in Prestashop nor thirtybees. Found this by accident looking at this template code: https://github.com/andresams/prestapay/blob/master/prestapay.php Wondering why it's not used at all. Either in old PS nor TB. PS 1.7 actually uses `PrestaShop\PrestaShop\Core\Payment\PaymentOption` in 2 modules and with free delivery in checkout. Is there anything like this planned for TB?
  8. Hello, Think its quite easy one. Then apply if 4 in cart and select by manufacturer (you probably have 1 manufacturer if you sell your products, but you can select ALL). Apply (for example) 10% discount.
  9. Why it should not? You access translator, which scans all files on server that are supposed to be translatable. coreupdater is no exception. First check if you have permissions. But doubt because its windows. Then check, if if these files acually exist. Most probably paths miss `.php` extension for some reason.
  10. So.... how is it going? Repository seems to be not updated since 1.2.0. Anything going on in background?
  11. Ok. So to debug this, please follow instructions: Download your shop onto hardDrive (direcotries: modules, classes, controllers, overrides mainly). Do not download pictures. Perform a test search for message "Approval failed" and locate which file is emitting this error. Come back, and report. Just a guess, but this may be some 3rd party module or modification integrated as override etc. Maybe some kind of CAPTCHA? Some modules can modify core controllers and classes by preg replaces.
  12. @Alex Hansen Tried to disable 3rd party modules? There is an option in Performance preferences, to disable them. Then check if works. If it works, then one one third party modules is doing something wrong.
  13. Keeping thumbs up all the time 🙂
  14. Ups... did I do something wrong? 😇
  15. It's done only by one person. @datakick. Is he part of new crew? I thought he was volunteer. There was also his goodbye post, but he didn't go? Was he hired?
  16. @Messenger Bee is there any date you estimate for this transaction to end? Will it be month, 6 months or few years? I think it should be possible to determine when we might expect anything to move?
  17. @lovelygifts I see you enabled debugging. I see message " error in template "/home/lovelygi/public_html/themes/community-theme-default/header.tpl" on line 99 "function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);}" - Unexpected ".", expected one of: "}"" That means, that in header.tpl you added gtag code. Put it between {literal} tags. {literal}Yout google code here.{/literal}
  18. I opened your site. This 500 Error has a long text there. Encrypted. You can decrypt it in Backoffice > Advanced Parameters > Logs
  19. Your .htaccess seems to be fine. Robots.txt on the other way, does not cause 500 errors. Go to your Admin Panel Performance options and Enable debug mode. Then see what 500 hides from you.
  20. @Fernando In custom CSS I would go with: body.category-{id_category} .category-info { display: none;} .category-info will hide h1 and description .page-heading.product-listing would hide only h1
  21. If you're at fixing stuff, then one thing. Just one small thing I can't watch at... or 2 rather... Pretty please... it hurts me 😞
  22. Can't quite agree here (maybe a personal matter). I think it's a company that should post such messages. Not its members. Not every member should be allowed to post official statements, so only selected ones should have access to this account. Still, this account privileges should be elevated to @Messenger Bee a minimum of credibility.
  23. There are mainly personal accounts here. So basically this account was created to post "Official" statements. Quite logical I would say (Unless there is other official account) Still, anyone could've created "Member" account. @Messenger Bee Maybe upgrade this account to Moderator/Admin etc? As long as it's a "Member" It's safe to assume it may be a troll account! On the other hand. It's interesting who wants to take this project over 🙂 @datakick already stated that he does not want. @Traumflug hmm... interesting 🙂 Praying for well being of a project 🙂
  24. Kashir2000


    @Traumflug There is also another thing. There are not many people wanting for TB to rise for one simple reason: Having to maintain compatibility for 2 shops. A lot of devs dream of 1.6 being put to rest (yes, they also hate Prestashop 1.6), as 1.7 takes over. Maintaining backward compatibility with 1.6 (and/or TB) is additional work. So basically it's not personally aimed at TB or you guys, it's aimed at lowering costs and maximizing income. Because of state of 1.7 I'm seriously thinking about changing my business model. I don't want to be held responsible by my clients for bugs in 1.7. Still, my clients I migrated to TB expect FROM ME modules for prestashop to work or fix them. Their mentality is like: "If I had Prestashop, it would surely work". So either I go on war with them or comply with their insane requests. It's a shame, but this brings a lot of regret to devs like you and me. PS: Also, when I recommend thirtybees and explain all differences, I'm being held responsible for recommending it to clients. Some people are insane, and blaming their decisions on others. And saying "Prestashop would be better". That's where "brand" part comes in.
  25. Kashir2000


    And for them you probably won't buy a anything for it ;(
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