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Everything posted by 30knees

  1. Is there a way to track conversions from Google / Microsoft / Facebook / etc. ads without embedding code from Google / Microsoft / etc? We don't want to use standard coversion tracking code for privacy reasons.
  2. Haha, ja, die lieben Spammer. Heute hat mich Mr. Warren Buffet, Billionaire Investor angeschrieben. 5 Mio USD darf ich bald in Empfang nehmen. Private IP: Anscheinend ergibt eine Private IP nur Sinn, wenn man regelmäßig wirklich hohe Mengen (tausende pro Tag) an Emails schickt. Ansonsten kann man keine Reputation aufbauen.
  3. Noch ein Nachtrag: T-Online hatte dem Email-Provider wie folgt geantwortet:
  4. Zumindest hat mein Email-Provider das ähnlich erklärt wie in dem Text, d.h. Der Email-Provider war auch mit T-online in Kontakt und meinte, dass es keine Lösung gäbe. SPF Records sind alle korrekt bei mir. p.s. Schön, dich wieder zu sehen! p.p.s. Dürfte das klappen? Ich schreibe meinen Email-Provider an und frage nach. :)
  5. I think a link is a nice solution. Might a solution be for "modifying" addresses and old orders that this simply creates a new address and moves the old address to a "hidden"/archived view from the customer?
  6. Hi @datakick, A customer made us aware that one can't edit an address (not change to a different address) in Chex. Also, the phone number associated to an address is not visible. Can Chex "edit" addresses or at least have a link so that customers can edit an address? And could Chex show the phone number associated to an address? Background: A customer chose Klarna as a payment method and a saved address with an old/incorrect phone number. Klarna checks the phone number and she couldn't pay. Thanks
  7. Vielleicht für den ein oder anderen hilfreich: https://sendgrid.com/blog/how-to-meet-the-new-t-online-de-email-delivery-requirements/ T-Online akzeptiert keine Emails, wenn man Emails über eine Shared IP verschickt. Kunden mit T-Online-Adressen schreiben wir jetzt von einem anderen Email-Anbieter als sonst üblich an.
  8. Depending what you need, features of it can be found in @musicmaster's Prestools, @datakick's Datakick tool, and Baselinker.
  9. Yep, that's how we use the loyalty points module. But the module was accidentally uninstalled and all points customers collected were wiped.
  10. Is there a way to retroactively award points for a certain status and time period?
  11. True, but I prefer to offer guest orders because I don't like forcing people to create an account and keeping a password, etc.
  12. No, no, these are all completed orders. But it would be nice to be able to see how many "guests" are recurring customers and how many are truly new customers. I had understood the column "new client" to indicate this but apparently it's only for accounts and not for guests.
  13. Both were guest orders. 🤷
  14. I noticed that the "new client" column often is incorrect in saying that client is new. I have a customer with two orders, same email address. Supposedly this second order is from a "new" client according to the overview. Do others have this, too?
  15. Hi, Principally a nice idea but what's the added benefit to the forum? The nice thing about the forum is that knowledge stays here and is easily searchable in the future, even though search engines.
  16. Thanks for the update. Maybe it is interesting! Let's see what its features all are when it's ready. :)
  17. Has this developed further? I'm interested in experiences of using Odoo with thirtybees.
  18. Yes, I checked the logs generated by "Collect PHP Logs". Unfortunately, I don't see anything related to the order. Moreover, if I filter by the date when the order status was set, I don't get any errors at all. :/
  19. Thanks. Then I believe it is related to payment information being sent from the third-party service to the store together with the status change.
  20. A customer accidentally entered their address with Germany as the country. I want to edit the address so the country is now Spain. Upon clicking save, I get the error: "The identification number is incorrect or has already been used." However, I can edit the address if I keep Germany as the country. UPDATE: I just wanted to create a totally new address for the customer but got the same error. So I added a . to the DNI field and I could suddenly change the country in the original, saved address. So this has something to do with the DNI (which was left empty)?
  21. Any ideas what could be wrong with an order status that is set via API from a third-party service that shows on the order detail page but on the order overview page just as "--"? See screenshot. Thanks
  22. An idea: There could be the option to give a different number of points (including zero) for regular discounts and for volume discounts, respectively.
  23. I'm writing about the module Customer loyalty and rewards v3.1.0. I have "No" set for the option "Give points on discounted products". However, now orders for products are apparently also denied points (the product page says "No reward points for this product because there's already a discount") if the product has a volume discount even when the customer does not order enough to qualify for the volume discount. Shouldn't this not be the case? The customer isn't getting a discount when they don't qualify for the volume discount.
  24. I don't know for sure but did you check category.tpl?
  25. If the module stops working one day you might want to look at https://baselinker.com/en-GB/integrations/ebay/
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