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Everything posted by 30knees

  1. In Germany there are specialized organizations that look for legal mistakes and have the right to "fine" (Abmahnung in German). They don't mind going after small merchants.
  2. And just a reminder on this. You still need to explain how you verify, though. So it's not as easy as having the logo.
  3. May 28 is the date this is becoming law. Any plans on this for thirtybees?
  4. Checked but couldn't find, so maybe it really is the module.
  5. In case anyone is also using the Panda theme and hosts fonts locally. Where do I place fonts to host them locally? I followed this post https://www.sunnytoo.com/forums/topic/loading-google-fonts-locally#post-20113 to get fonts locally hosted. Because of the post, I originally placed the fonts in /fonts/ but that didn't work, so I moved them to /themes/panda/fonts and the respective folder (/eot/ /ttf/ etc) but that also didn't work.
  6. Nope, I'm not using the module. Sorry.
  7. Yeah, that's true with the download. 😕 Have you tried contacting them directly? Interesting with WooCommerce. It's supposed to run well for larger shops, too, at least according to their 'success stories'. Lots of larger merchants use WooCommerce. How did it fare independently of performance, ie plugins, management, etc.?
  8. You may want to try this module: https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/47173-module-list-of-customer-out-of-stock-registrations/page/2/?tab=comments#comment-3277907
  9. Working again. Bizarre how DHL doesn't have anybody maintaining / monitoring their systems (I guess) over the weekend. The system was down since Saturday at least.
  10. Their tech support is unaware of any issues and they also said they're not aware that they retired WSDL. Will post back once resolved / if there's more information.
  11. Anscheinend ja: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/error-when-creating-dhl-labels/
  12. Bekomme heute diese Fehlermeldung mit dem DHL-Modul vom Shop. Hat sonst jemand Probleme? SOAP-ERROR: Parsing WSDL: Couldn't load from 'https://cig.dhl.de/cig-wsdls/com/dpdhl/wsdl/geschaeftskundenversand-api/2.2/geschaeftskundenversand-api-2.2.wsdl' : failed to load external entity "https://cig.dhl.de/cig-wsdls/com/dpdhl/wsdl/geschaeftskundenversand-api/2.2/geschaeftskundenversand-api-2.2.wsdl"
  13. Yes, they also told me they stopped supporting tb. I asked about their Amazon module.
  14. Picking up on this old thread. I'd like to redirect from https://www.store.com/de/category/super-product to https://www.store.com/de/category/product I found this tool https://donatstudios.com/RewriteRule_Generator that suggests this: # 301 --- https://www.store.com/de/category/super-product => https://www.store.com/de/category/product RewriteRule ^de/category/super\-product$ /de/category/product? [L,R=301] Perhaps helpful for others!
  15. @datakickSee above for a potential bug fix. @DolfijnThank you! 🙂
  16. Do you have the address in Settings>Shop addresses? I don't remember whether that affects the invoice but it might be.
  17. Look at the modules: Theme Editor and Megamenu.
  18. Ich verwende ein Modul und habe sowohl EN als DE hinterlegt: Basis price (Module) v1.7.22.16 - von Simon Agostini https://addons.prestashop.com/en/sizes-units/5756-basicprice-unit-price.html
  19. Hast Du bei den Übersetzungen geschaut? Müsste eigentlich dort irgendwo sein.
  20. I can't help with the error messages but perhaps you can ask your host whether they did any changes to anything, updates, etc?
  21. Is there a way to only have the trigger only on stock 'increases', i.e. is there some type of 'dynamic' value I could use for that as a condition? I'd love to have a track record of when I added stock.
  22. Hopefully not much or anything but nobody can tell you for sure without looking at the theme.
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