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Everything posted by dosbiner

  1. I vote for solid and bugs free multistore, warehouse, and ASM.
  2. Hi, I've switch my secondary site to thirtybees. Next I will switch my primary site to thirtybees. The problem is my primary site have a lot of customization and I need to keep develop features to improve my site. So I want to hire backend programmer, what would you suggest for the requirements? Regards Dos Biner
  3. What about css grid to replace bootstrap? I read some article that css grid is better than bootstrap, available natively in the browser, cleaner html, more flexibility, and it will be the future of web layouting. Source: https://hackernoon.com/how-css-grid-beats-bootstrap-85d5881cf163
  4. @toplakd I'm using this workaround for same issue, don't know why but it works
  5. I've test several times with fresh install 1.0.4, the problem still there, the second customer get "On backorder (not paid)" on the order status. as you can see I've disable backorder. can this be a bug? I can confirm PS have this problem too.
  6. hi, sorry for bump old post, do you found the solution? I'm having this problem too. 2 order in same time, the second customer get error message "order not valid", but the order still go through
  7. Yes that's quite hard to do. It's called O2O (online-to-offline). Each physical store must have integrated POS, so it is possible to keep stock real between online to offline. Maybe there are some delay and can get conflict orders between offline customers and online customers. Sorry I'm not programmer so, I can't help you. this is just my thought
  8. oh one more, I think integrated POS is a must to create order for customers who buy on physical store. Correct me if I'm wrong
  9. from my understanding he want to display stock from all physical store in product page. first: multi warehouse can achieve this concept, each warehouse represent physical store. and then make it display on product page. second: pickup in store is linked to warehouse, so when customer buy product it will display store that have the stock something like this:
  10. Do you use one page checkout module? I think its related to that module, you can contact the developer
  11. In my case I will check cpu and ram usage, and then check nginx access logs
  12. I'm sorry I can't help, I'm not programmer. I think its better if you post it in job offer category, or contact moderator to move this thread to job offer category.
  13. Maybe your internet service provider use dynamic IP instead static IP? In my case, I can't use whitelist IP to access my site with maintenance mode, because my ISP use dynamic IP
  14. try this https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/268556-solved-currency-not-supported-in-paypal-358/
  15. too complicated for me when you have to edit the products one by one, I prefer use this way to automaticaly set visibility to none if stock quantity = 0 https://forum.thirtybees.com/topic/997/show-on-stock-products-only-by-default/12
  16. Or just set visibility to none, we still can access the products using direct url, but hidden from catalog and search
  17. what version are you using? if I'm not mistaken, tb 1.0.4 will include all stats and dependencies in one module (source: https://github.com/thirtybees/statsmodule/blob/master/Roadmap.md)
  18. @jamesblond008 try new all in one stats module from here https://store.thirtybees.com/statistics
  19. @foolab great alternative ?? I use telegram for daily basis
  20. give it try using this plugin forked from pushbullet plugin https://github.com/CCob/nodebb-plugin-onesignal
  21. I think no need build native apps, you can try add to home screen feature from your android or ios chrome. after that we just need push notification to make it like native apps.
  22. oh I see, you have 2 attributes combination in one product, thats why its more dificult for customer to choose which combination is ready stock. I've problem with this too, for simple and fast solution is separate the product. in my case I sell fashion with the size and color combination, and then I just separate each color into one products.
  23. can you share your url store? (pm me if you mind share in public). my store auto select the second combination if the default one out of stock. about the message, I just hide the message on the product list and product page, so my customer don't get confused.
  24. @chandra I think no need for that, try MySQL trigger method from my post above, your shop will hide out of stock products from catalog and search (not disable the produtcs), so someone still can access the products using direct url including traffic from google seo or social media share link.
  25. it can be done with MySQL trigger, I've using this method and works great. Open your phpMyAdmin > click your database > go to triggers (between events & designer tab) > and add trigger Trigger name: changevisibilityafterupdate Table: psstock_available Time: After Event: UPDATE Defitnion: BEGIN UPDATE ps_product_shop SET visibility="none" WHERE id_product IN (SELECT id_product FROM ps_stock_available WHERE quantity=0); UPDATE ps_product_shop SET visibility="both" WHERE id_product IN (SELECT id_product FROM ps_stock_available WHERE quantity>0); END Definer: just leave it blank the result will looks like this source: vekia
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