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Everything posted by spidawebs

  1. When I first installed it, I had to copy the /tools/pclzip folder from Prestashop and then it worked. But that was way back on v1.0.1 so that problem may have been sorted by now. I'm now on 1.0.3 and it works fine
  2. Well Store Commander works fine for me. What problem are you having with it?
  3. Would Store Commander do what you are looking for?
  4. @dosbiner So you have both http://www.domain.com/ and http://domain.com/ and it still doesn't work?
  5. Oh I don't have that enabled on my store. I've just looked at the demo and see what you mean - when you search by name no results appear? I'd report it as a bug
  6. @dosbiner Go to Advanced Parameters > Multistore, select your domain on the left and add a new url without the www.
  7. Yes, the @Common-Services module is the best one. I have been using it on my prestashop store for years. I'm still trying to migrate my main store to thirty bees but so far all the testing I have done shows it works fine with thirty bees. I haven't run it on a live thirty bees store yet, but on my test site it is working fine. I'll report back once it's up and running on a live site, but I can't see any reason why it won't work just like it does in prestashop.
  8. I can't think where you mean. I've never seen a stock or stock management option on any of the menus. Do you mean catalog > products?
  9. @briljander I have managed to get all of these things setup with three external third parties. For automatically generating purchase orders, seeing purchase suggestions and complete sales history of every SKU we use Inventory Planner https://inventory-planner.com For receiving goods you can either receive them off the purchase order, or do what we do and scan the goods in using the module we use for our POS https://www.pos-tpv.com. This also print barcodes with prices which we stick on the goods - useful for instore and for picking orders so you pick the right code. For picklists and despatch we use Mintsoft https://www.mintsoft.co.uk. They integrate with all the couriers so we print all orders from there, pick, scan the barcode on the order, scan the product barcodes (which checks the correct item has been picked) and it automatically prints the correct shipping label (works out which courier it should go depending on size/weight/cost) and despatches the order. The whole packing process now takes seconds. We've doubled the number of parcels a person can pack in a day. OK, so all this costs a few hundred dollars a month but any business who is at the stage of requiring all these features will surely easily get this back in a day or two through the increased productivity, perfect stock levels and all the reporting. It took a while to find all these solutions and it's a shame some of them aren't part of PS/TB, but now we have them I wouldn't even think about going back. They've revolutionised our business.
  10. Thanks, I'll have a play
  11. Is there a way to stop thirty bees altering the addresses when orders come in from marketplaces? We get quite a lot of people, on Amazon in particular, who put the first line of their address in the name field by mistake. Because you are not allowed numbers in the name field, thirty bees removes these and we end up sending out the parcel without the house number so the delivery company has no idea where to deliver it to. The parcels then end up back with us. Sometimes people also put special characters in the address like a slash or hashtag which also seem to get removed. Basically, is there any way of stopping the addresses being changed at all when orders are imported into thirty bees?
  12. Oh my god - I've been looking for that for years!!
  13. @wakabayashi I use Inventory Planner (think I may have posted about this before) which is absolutely brilliant for creating purchase orders and receiving stock. It works perfectly with TB. [https://inventory-planner.com/](link url) erpnext looks interesting and would be a lot cheaper for smaller businesses so I'll take a look at that and see how it compares.
  14. I second that, been wanting something like that for a while
  15. Hmm, strangely I don't think there's a option on the CSV import to do that. I remember wanting to do that myself before but couldn't find a way to do it - not even on Store Commander.
  16. I don't believe there is. What information are you wanting to update by csv?
  17. Yes, you just need to upload the product ID and the tags
  18. If you login and have a look around you should see the server logs somewhere. Then look for the error log. Refresh the website to give you the 500 error then check the latest entries in the error log
  19. What admin panel do they use? Like cpanel/plesk/directadmin etc. If you login to that it will be much easier for you to find it
  20. I'm using the community theme. On PS the default used to be Grid View but TB seems to be List View which I don't like
  21. I'd check your server error log first to see if it gives you any clues
  22. It was Cloudflare causing the problem :-(
  23. @mdekker Also, my POS module won't work since the update. When I go into it, it won't load and I get the following error in the chrome console: XMLHttpRequest cannot load https://www.domain.co.uk/modules/tpvtienda/actions.php?action=updateCompra&adminDir=admin-tb&idcurrency=1&idcustomer=9&tax=1&idemployee=1&idcart=3413&idlang=1&idshop=1&_=1503054333942. Request header field X-Requested-With is not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Headers in preflight response. Any idea what this means and how to fix it?
  24. Yes, that's done it thanks. I still have yellow lines from the thirty bees themes there though. I'm confused how parts of the thirty bees theme can end up on this theme after an upgrade.
  25. Yes I am. How do I clear that? Does it do it when you press clear cache at the top of the page or do you switch it off and then on again? I've done both but the images are still there.
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