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Everything posted by the.rampage.rado

  1. In PS it's the same. When the product has combos this field is located there.
  2. Currently I have only one language installed for TB - Bulgarian. The module I think is picking some of the stats but when I checked the catalog evaluation page the product description was always 0. As you can imagine this is not the case. This is strange because the images and stock are populated correctly.
  3. Probably the auto format is doing something. What does this option do anyway?
  4. I've fixed the problem. Had to update bulgarian lev to another format and then revert to the correct one in order to pick up the correct formatting. Before that the currency symbol was displayed in the wrong place.
  5. This is the first bug I've notices - all prices are zero. Where should I check to see if they are kept or I need to fix them somehow? EDIT - just checked the prices are kept in the db but shown as 0. EDIT2 - they are displayed as 0 only when I use Bulgarian language. English is OK
  6. @traumflug said in PS Addons equivalents: If your previous shop is a PS 1.6 shop, the solution is simple: use these PS modules. They should continue to work with thirty bees. If it's a PS 1.7 shop, search not only for thirty bees modules, but also for PS 1.6 modules. And don't forget this: https://thirtybees.com/migrate-from-prestashop/, there's even a module making a migration from PS a pretty simple task. Speaking of using PS 1.6 modules - will their normal Paypal module also work? Are there any differences in the modules section which we have to keep in mind?
  7. Yes, me too, I've seen them but the current new revisions are not shown. It would be nice if this can be automated somehow otherwise it's lot of work... :)
  8. Currently with the new progres on standartazing the modules I can't see any updates in my BO so I can't update them.
  9. Great news! Looking forward to the new updater module so I can migrate all my PS shops to TB! :)
  10. Which controllers do you enable and which does not work well with full page cache? I've noticed that product is not working well when there is customisation option which is a must for my current project. Do you enable those too: stores sitemap pagenotfound
  11. The modded version of the module from Warehouse theme... The only mod is the new hook above the category items. I installed TB 1.0.3 and I'm waiting for the updater because I don't want to update it manually with so many changes.
  12. Hello, I'm working on a side project for my daily job and we are building webshop on 30beez and Warehouse. The Layered navigation mod module is not working. I want to fix it above the category so I have to use the modded version. When I try to edit the default filter template the server gives me 500 error and when I want to create new one it's not displayed in the table but the green notification above says ''it's saved''. Can somebody help me out? The installation is pure TB 1.0.3 and WH 3.6.latest.
  13. The fix with editing the DB worked for me. I had free space to the right in categories but in tbthememeta uder id=2 which is warehouse I have left columns active despite all checkboxes were removed from theme settings. When I removed them the view is OK.
  14. Yes, it's good. I've been running my PS on such setup. But for now I think the best setup is litespeed+http2+php7
  15. and 13. I think the fork was from v. There are couple of good fixes in those two versions which have to go in TB if they are relevant to the current code.
  16. Yes, everything went fine after I enabled mode_dev. Page refresh and the installer was OK but before I enabled it I tried 5 times (delete old files, upload new files (including the github dev version) with no success. The installer was 100% OK, no errors, just normal install. The shop is now running and I'm doing my import tests.
  17. Yes, the shortings are from me - so I can hide my username and domain where I test it. I was just too lazy to make them the same.
  18. Are we merging the needed fixes from the latest version after the fork?
  19. This is what I have in my error_log, I can't access the server one.
  20. [04-May-2017 13:51:26 UTC] PHP Warning: require(/home//publichtml/om/thirtybees/config/config.inc.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home//publichtml/com/thirtybees/index.php on line 32 [04-May-2017 13:51:26 UTC] PHP Fatal error: require(): Failed opening required '/home//publichtml/kcom/thirtybees/config/config.inc.php' (includepath='.:/opt/alt/php70/usr/share/pear') in /home//publichtml/com/thirtybees/index.php on line 32 [04-May-2017 13:57:48 UTC] PHP Warning: require(/home//publichtml/.com/thirtybees/config/config.inc.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home//publichtml/.com/thirtybees/index.php on line 32 [04-May-2017 13:57:48 UTC] PHP Fatal error: require(): Failed opening required '/home//publichtml/.com/thirtybees/config/config.inc.php' (includepath='.:/opt/alt/php70/usr/share/pear') in /home//publichtml/.com/thirtybees/index.php on line 32
  21. Askimet flagged my message and I can't put the log here.
  22. Had to turn on mode_dev and then the setup started OK. Very strange.
  23. Help guys, I'm considering TB for new project and wanted to make few import tests but I even can't install the CMS. It gives me error 500 and that's all.
  24. Might be related to the change of functions in apc>v5.... Can you switch off your apc before you migrate your store. Also you can disable all cache during this period to see if this (or any other) cache error will come up.
  25. One country can be in only one zone so you can have the following: You will have to pick out those exceptions and place them in separate zones and then apply proper costs from the carrier menu. It's the same when you have different countries in one zone but some of them are in EU and the rest are outside. The ones in EU must have VAT included and the rest should have not VAT on their service. Let's say they are in Zone 5 - just make "Zone 5 EU" (which include VAT) and then make "Zone 5 rest" (which does not show 'incl. VAT' label)
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