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Everything posted by the.rampage.rado

  1. Are we merging the needed fixes from the latest version after the fork?
  2. This is what I have in my error_log, I can't access the server one.
  3. [04-May-2017 13:51:26 UTC] PHP Warning: require(/home//publichtml/om/thirtybees/config/config.inc.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home//publichtml/com/thirtybees/index.php on line 32 [04-May-2017 13:51:26 UTC] PHP Fatal error: require(): Failed opening required '/home//publichtml/kcom/thirtybees/config/config.inc.php' (includepath='.:/opt/alt/php70/usr/share/pear') in /home//publichtml/com/thirtybees/index.php on line 32 [04-May-2017 13:57:48 UTC] PHP Warning: require(/home//publichtml/.com/thirtybees/config/config.inc.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home//publichtml/.com/thirtybees/index.php on line 32 [04-May-2017 13:57:48 UTC] PHP Fatal error: require(): Failed opening required '/home//publichtml/.com/thirtybees/config/config.inc.php' (includepath='.:/opt/alt/php70/usr/share/pear') in /home//publichtml/.com/thirtybees/index.php on line 32
  4. Askimet flagged my message and I can't put the log here.
  5. Had to turn on mode_dev and then the setup started OK. Very strange.
  6. Help guys, I'm considering TB for new project and wanted to make few import tests but I even can't install the CMS. It gives me error 500 and that's all.
  7. Might be related to the change of functions in apc>v5.... Can you switch off your apc before you migrate your store. Also you can disable all cache during this period to see if this (or any other) cache error will come up.
  8. One country can be in only one zone so you can have the following: You will have to pick out those exceptions and place them in separate zones and then apply proper costs from the carrier menu. It's the same when you have different countries in one zone but some of them are in EU and the rest are outside. The ones in EU must have VAT included and the rest should have not VAT on their service. Let's say they are in Zone 5 - just make "Zone 5 EU" (which include VAT) and then make "Zone 5 rest" (which does not show 'incl. VAT' label)
  9. @mickaelandrieu I don't believe they paid you to come here and spam... Or did they?
  10. Have you tried manually making new nginx redirects? https://winginx.com/en/htaccess
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