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Everything posted by nickon

  1. @lesley Making the TB module compatible with PS would help users stay with ps 1.6 or even better switch to TB (I haven't seen their module but 100$ is a bit high)
  2. @ipeary Black top banner is big IMO and link pointing to homepage does not help. If you have a banner that says "offers" I expect to go to an offer page. Logo should be more high def Other than that I see a stock tb store. Is there anything special you are looking feedback on ?
  3. @lesley Amen! :-) Hope this brings some piece of mind to everyone requesting this. Now lets see the bug reports and comments on all of the users who are going to use it
  4. @wakabayashi I think that the core should be as small as possilbe. Eg for deleting orders (and mass edits) it is true that these could be core features. But many ppl don't need them. And a possilbe bug could cause the core to not function right or breake some module that works with PS. So having a seperate module for this would not break all eshop but only those who uses those feautues, or you can push an update to that module if a problem arrises. A good example is android. Google is trying to keep the core as small as possiible even removing the keyboard from the core. and there is nothing more "core" than that :-)
  5. @DRMasterChief The problem isn't really the new version it's mainly what you promise. @lesley & co have given the impression that 1.0.4 is around the corner. I seems it isn't, that with some bad communication (the lack of it) causes the problem. That's why it is my opinion to keep the core as small as posible and use modules for all other things. So the core developers can focus on the core and release bug fixes or core improvments and maybe a community member (or anyone else) can take care of a specific module. @wakabayashi Develpment discussions is not something that fits in the General discussion forum. A shop owner does not care about code or development issues that arrise. @Traumflug many project have died on "great plans" it is best to deliver what you can and when you can. There should be a roadmap of things and surely users can wait a couple of days of weeks but not months.
  6. This a classic it/developer problem: Always trying to perfect things. I myself am an IT guy and find myself many times trying to perfect things and not releasing the final product. A good example these days it to make transformer theme safe upgrade enabled and although it can/should be go live to our eshop I have not done it yet. Last "excuse" is the click on carrier row selection I am trying to add. So I can for sure understand @lesley & co. The main difference here is that this only affects my eshop and my bussiness. TB affects a lot of ppl. I do understand that the devs are trying to maximize the performance of TB. But for me that is no more the main issue anymore. TB is great in performance already, and for ppl comming from PS this will be the first things they note. TB for me should attract more shop owners and developers. Instead of focusing on performance I would add features already approved in the feauture request section. No I don't mean adding them to the core. That would be to risky/time consuming. I mean adding them as modules. A few examples: https://thirtybees.com/suggestions/much-better-reviews-system/ -> Already done by @datakick https://thirtybees.com/suggestions/multiple-features-values/ -> Already done in tips and tricks (can this be added as a module and simply select enable/disable?) https://thirtybees.com/suggestions/deleting-orders/ -> Exists as module for ps. So it can be added in TB as well without breaking anything https://thirtybees.com/suggestions/product-mass-edit/ -> Exists as module for ps. So it can be added in TB as well without breaking anything The list could go on and on. If I was @lesley I would do only bugfixes (and fix the upgrade system:-))and add a goal of adding these features on a specific date eg 1-2 months. depending on the module. This could be done together with the community on a delevopers forum (witch I still don't understand why it does not exist) Then do a montly status update closing features that are done. Just my 2c
  7. An other step to world domination :-) Congrats @Traumflug
  8. Done. Hope I did it OK.
  9. @lesley This is a a nonintrusive change and since @mdekker also likes the idea I don't see why not add the change. I guess only the order-carries.tpl should be effected
  10. Hi, Looking at the tb theme I was wondering if the whole row could be made selectable instead of forcing the user to click on the radio button. This would make even more sence in small screens (eg mobile devices) can this be done or is this just overkill? Kind Regards
  11. +1
  12. @lesley the homepage really needs some improvments. I was Just browsing on my Mobile Phone and clicked on partners to see the partners and I landed on a Page that asked me to become one. Had to open the Menu again, open the submenu to find what I was looking for. Also why dont you make some packages eg TB community, TB install, TB support, TB migrade(on the frontpage I mean) eg TB install could cost 100€ and provide a basic installation . You could also make an option to select the person (agency) that does it with TB itself beeing a bit more expencive and that extra money could go to the project
  13. @Casper_O From what I know. you basicly link the github repo to the store. If someone reports a bug you would help anyway I guess. Just saying... :-) Maybe someone more skilled could help adding it
  14. @Casper_O Would you consider to add it to the store ?
  15. I realy don't get why there is so much hustility. If you don't agree with someone just ignore him and do what you want to do. There is no good or bad person in here. If someone goes way out of line it is the moderator's job to take action. So please everybody keep calm and do what you need to do.
  16. @wakabayashi Hey man! So one user "annoyes" (?) you and you wanna leave the whole community? You can't reject the whole community for this. Please keep your calm.
  17. @lesley don't know about forum post. and mautic has it's quircks but for us it works pretty well we use it in our shops + amazon SES
  18. @lesley @FooLab or mautic (www.mautic.org)
  19. @lesley from previous post you should have getting an idea to where the community sees the "problems" and what needs to be done. I will be waiting for your input
  20. @zimmer-media said in I will say goodbye: Shopware I never heard of that one. I guess you went for the community edition. Because the other pricesl...outch. Would be nice if you reported back in 3 months and tell us about the community over there. ( I don't mean to insult you for this) And please remain polite. You were a good member. Do not through it away for any reason. I don't know if this topic should continue. I think that everything is said. @zimmer-media is gone. @lesley is to post a blog. I think that from now on nothing good can come from this @zimmer-media Hope to see you again in the future and be well.
  21. @traumflug You have to admin though Things where not ideal either. If all was OK then a few ppl would say goodbye @zimmer-media and that would be the end of it
  22. @mockob Nothing in life is free. @zimmer-media did not have to pay. But since he had a problem and nobody could help him in the time he needed, he had to take some actions. Those would be 1. Ask @mdekker, @lesley , or anybody else for a paid solution 2. Buy a module from an other developer 3. Switch platform He chose 3. I would choose 2. because it would be cheaper. But that is his dissision and I will not criticize him for that. Don't get things to personal. We all do what we can do. I don't value someone more because he pays for something or because he is a patrion or not. To me @zimmer-media has giving some great tips that will help me in the future (multiple features). I am sure he will not (must not) leave this community. If he does I hope him the best. But that's about it. I don't realy get the drama. The good thing about all of this is that it has highlighted some problems that exist in TB Mainly on the roadmap and the communication front of things. If @lesley addresses them than I am very glad @zimmer-media did this post. If @lesley choose to ingnore all of this, then he is sticking his head in the ground and TB will not grow as it can. I think that the day is near when @lesley posts his blog. Let's take it from there and see where it goes.
  23. @zimmer-media @zimmer-media said in I will say goodbye: @pmfjoe Changing from TB to another shop system costs my time, not my budget. Please read the complete topic or just my comments. And on what system have you moved to?
  24. @wakabayashi and they are all right. Like @lesley said a pizza is 20% of TB income. Don't judge ppl on what they can't do. I for myself do not feel bad for my contribution to TB since I already have contributed both in the translation and the discusions on this forum considering I don't even use it. If I can help (even with ideas) make it better I will be happy. My goal for TB btw was to use it for some of our customers site they are asking for, but I will wait until things are in place. Until then I will use PS 1.6.
  25. @wakabayashi If I used TB it would be easyer. I haven't tried revws module (Does it work with PS?) I have done quite some translation in Greek but since I can not use it and I can't verify that all is ok I left it for later. But I will go back to it as soon as I find decide to switch to TB
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