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Everything posted by Mediacom87

  1. It is correct
  2. Hi, it's a question I've been asking myself for several months to try to understand why my messages never get an answer and especially how we withdraw our earnings from the sale of our modules on the store, knowing that I haven't found any link or explanation procedure.
  3. @piet said in Where is the module to migrate Prestashop to TB?: @daokakao Thanks, but this is not the one I was talking about. But when answering your comment I found it :) Hi, In the principle of using a forum, you tell us about your success in solving your problem but without explaining how. So please make the effort to communicate the complete solution. In your case by giving the location of this module since this is your starting question.
  4. Hi, What code are you trying to integrate to perform this tracking?
  5. This module will motivate your customers to finalize their purchases on your site by displaying a banner directly on the purchase with the economy achieved. Features * Display of savings on the shopping cart * Display total saved on all orders made in the customer order history * Savings displayed on each order detail placed by the customer Personalization The display can be fully customized for each banner display, whether on the shopping cart, order history or order detail. * Customizing the color * Customizing the message for each language * Customizing the icon accompanying the text, and its location Benefits for the trader With this module you will motivate your customers to order by showing them all the savings they can make by buying on your site. They will have no more excuses not to finalize their purchases. Benefits for customers By discovering the savings they are releasing on your site, they will be happy to reorder quickly and will be more motivated to talk about your site to their friends. Download it on my own shop or Download it on thirtybees store
  6. Hello, This module will add a calculation to solve on your contact form to secure against unwanted spam. This solution is the simplest and most effective because it does not use external means and does not require significant resources to validate the form, so the user experience is respected. Downlod module
  7. Hi, you can test if your ip or domain are blacklist https://mxtoolbox.com/blacklists.aspx
  8. Few years ago, after that they kill all olarks module on addons.
  9. i understand it's difficult with this company on this point.
  10. 1.5.0 - 17/04/2018 Reordering the code to fix a Chrome bug Fixed display on PrestaShop 1.5
  11. 1.1.0 - 16/04/2018 Reordering the code to fix a Chrome bug
  12. Hi, my olark free module is now compatible with thirtybees. You can download it directly on Prestatoolbox
  13. Hello, A new free module to offer Google's machine translation service in more than 100 languages on your PrestaShop store. Just install the module and automatically when a customer visits your site by speaking another language than the one selected on the site, a banner will display the choice of the translation. This system will never replace a real human translation with a site in several languages, but this may allow some visitors to have a better understanding of your products if the official translation of the site does not exist in their language. Direct download: https://link.prestatoolbox.fr/medgtranslate Module presentation: https://www.prestatoolbox.com/free-prestashop-modules/422-automatically-translate-your-site-with-google.html
  14. Thank you for this article, it reassures me personally because I felt that I was a slowness for all of my module updates or to lay an article. The marketing part is very time-consuming, which explains why at PS there are 5 times more people marketing than developing the solution. I believe, but it's only my responsibility, that you should work only on the solution engine and leave the module management to the community. I understand that each payment solution wishing to be delivered basic with PS have to pay a package of money which I think normal since you showcase their solution to the detriment of competitors. So, either these brands pay to be present or they develop their own module and offer it on the shop. You have made the choice to put the priority on community and sharing, something that has been absent from PS for years, which is to your credit. But we must not forget you during the genesis of the project by supporting the criticism of some users who do not understand the ins and outs of such a big project. I would have loved to participate more in the development of this solution but having lost a lot of time on the development of my coworking space to make it a third place in the next years, I had a very very big drop in income (only one module developed last year instead of the usual decade). Knowing that each new development or update "you oblige me" to an additional test on TB :-) Do not let go, believe in yourself because we believe in you and in this project. Stabilize the solution, improve performance, and then add additional features.
  15. Tho, if you can not joke, I knew that the second degree had difficulty to write, but in addition to another language that mine is worse.
  16. @zimmer-media Really, in crisis ????? With the same moderation I can say that after the weekend, I will come to save the planet TB :-)
  17. @mockob As I said, with 10 years spent supporting the PS community, I have less time to come and help traders with the same discourse, not understanding what the open source world is and imposing homework to the contributor because they must live from the developed site for free with the solution. So the criticism makes me laugh, because yes, I do not participate as you like, but my presence being the first European contributor to clearly display the compatibility of my modules on my site, like deposit my paid modules in the marketplace , retwitter the wholesale article communicating and talking about TB brings, I hope, my little stone to the building. Personally, I do not put any free module available because I hate Github, which also explains that I never intervene in the structure of the solution. I have not yet switched my site on TB because it is not that simple and that I said, if it works, why change. Certainly that I would be better able to help the day when I myself would be confronted with the use of the tool.
  18. 1640/5000 The majority of traders want to earn argzent with their trade without any knowledge of the tool they use. A very small minority believes that the skills needed to do things well deserve salary. Many believe that if it's open source it's free. Typical example, I developed free modules for PS, to date, certainly downloaded more than 200 000 times and it brought me max 20 € donations. On the other hand I was insulted when the module did not focus on a modified shop with the feet. Or because I refused to develop an absurd function requiring days of development all this for free. TB is fine, the project is moving at its own pace, success is a long way and it is necessary that the protagonists of this project listen but put in place the strategy that suits them. Personally, I do not understand some improvement choices that I do not consider practical on a daily basis, such as the management of the images produced to modify them, but to do it properly for a perfect user experience would require weeks of development, so I applauded the implementation of this function because it corrects a major PS defect without distorting the use of TB. The constraints of some are that we always want better on 1 point that concerns them, but multiplied by the number of users can quickly feel overwhelmed. And as users (like customers) wake up all the same day, it's very scary, especially if the project undermines more rewarding or rewarding actions.
  19. @MockoB you put exactly the massage why i never give my free time for PS community. I had hoped that the TB community would be different, but it seems like no, so I guess you have the support you deserve. Personally I do not expect anything from the members of the community, just share the pleasure of being part of something as big as this project can become.
  20. @mockob We talk about community in every way, but when we are not satisfied we say that there is a concern for others. Not sure of this analysis. If I'm a developer and I'm giving my time to solve someone else's problem, I volunteer. Basically it is that I am paid my time by ... the thanks (quite rare in this environment). If we do not know how to solve a problem and no volunteer is available, we pay a person to correct the problem and if we have a minimum of education, we send the solution free to others, as a developer would do volunteer, since his time with his knowledge is an expense for him. Personally I am almost no help on the PS forum because the applicants are unbearable, make no effort, do not read, do not seek and do not listen. In this kind of project it is essential to go beyond his little person to bring a more global analysis. TB is not perfect but it's up to all of these members to make the effort to make it better. We must do better than PS, because PS is a very good solution that was misled by marketing and investors. I have been running for almost 20 years and if TB makes the right choices in its development, it may very well become the reference solution in open source. But this can only happen if the community works instead of criticizing only the analysis of its own case.
  21. @generaal a realease is for debugging. An update from 1.0.3 to 1.0.4 it's only to debugging. TB should not make the same mistakes as PS by adding features on micro release. Currently I intervene on the site of a client on PS. And strangely he has worries. But what about a client whose computer pro directly modifies the files of the heart instead of overloading? Personally I will take the time free to watch the changes made and if it's great anything, I will refuse to go further in the delivery, because he has already refused to disable all caches while we know very well that PS handles them very badly. So, before crying wolf, some people should question themselves.
  22. This topic is exactly the same on all community. 1559/5000 Some people are disappointed by the errors appearing on their shop and thus accuse others for these concerns. But, like all other open source sites, TB is the fruit of sharing experiences and solutions. On the other hand, in an ecommerce project, we have to do to users who live by the use of the solution and do not accept the fact of not having a perfect solution for them, whereas this solution must be developed for billion configurations and uses. This does not excuse mistakes but can explain them. Personally, when I encounter a problem, it is that I did my job as shop manager and I did not perform the necessary tests upstream to avoid planting my livelihood. We're talking about millions of lines of code, more than the program that sent a man to the moon, so yes, there may be errors and it may have escaped all possible controls. This is the principle. If you adopt the life of an open source project you must also learn the constraints of which the first is to do your tests before any production is done (I never do, but I have the ability to correct quickly). Here we are talking about payment modules, update, evolution. Currently, I still use PS version and I do not know if I will evolve my version, since I think it works pretty well for me. It's also a learning, if it works, why change? I fully understand the feelings of some users, but often I noticed that it was more related to a lack of competence in the management of an ecommerce project than in the tool itself because if you want to manage his site alone must acquire all the skills, as we all would to open a business in the real world. I try to invest on the project at my level and my capacity, but after giving more than 10 years and dozens of thousands of posts on PS, I do less than many others in the community.
  23. Hello, A new free module to easily insert on all pages of your PrestaShop store the universal conversion tracking tag offered by Bing's online advertising service. Download
  24. Hi, i think your trouble come with your browser configuration and extensions. I made test and i don't see any trouble, but i don't have any extensions to put code on my visiting sites. desable every extension on your browser to make a test.
  25. Hi, sorry, but this request is for PrestaShop 1.7 and this version is very different. If you can reproduce the bug with thirtybees, come back with information about this trouble.
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